β€œShow me which door to enter.


Xia Yan muttered softly and plunged into the portal.

"Welcome to the centralized office building, your current location - the lobby."

As a crisp, melodious and gentle female electronic sound sounded, Xia Yan stepped on the solid ground.

As the voice indicated, she was now in the lobby on the first floor, with elevators leading to different floors on both sides.

The first one on the left, with information marked on it, is the primary school teacher's office area, which can lead to floors 1-3, the second left is the middle school teacher's office area, which can lead to floors 4-7, and the third left is the high school teacher's work area, which can lead to floors 8-11.

On the first right, floors 12-15 are the territory of teachers with special abilities. On the second right, floor 16 is the auxiliary work office. On the third right, floor 17 is the highest floor, which is the office of the principal and the boss.

Each elevator performs its own duties, and all users are required to swipe their cards to identify themselves, and are restricted in their authority and are prohibited from wandering around.

The principal and boss are not restricted and can go to each floor as they please.

She walked into the elevator to a random floor. The door opened, and there were independent offices on the left and right sides. The walls were filled with filing cabinets, and desks were neatly placed in the middle.

From now on, this will be the workstation of the teachers.

This place was not suitable for a recruitment site, so Xia Yan turned around and went back.

After hearing the news, more people came outside the gate. Gao Shixu and Gao Shi wandered among them, promoting the enrollment.

She noticed that someone tried to enter a certain portal, but was turned away.

"There are restrictions! I need to authenticate my identity, I can't get in!"

"Try the door next to you."

Encouraged by the people around him, the man hesitated for a moment and touched the portal marked dormitory.

Xia Yan glanced in that direction and ignored it. She aimed at the multi-purpose building and walked in. The moment she was about to disappear behind the door, she heard a warning sound outsideβ€”β€”

"Unauthorized personnel try to force their way through the door. A second warning will be given and an electric shock will be administered next time..."

β€”β€”"Welcome to the multi-purpose building."

An electronic beep sounded overhead.

Xia Yan calmed down, walked out of the elevator, looked around and found that the layout here was similar to that of a centralized office building, but there were only three elevators.

After checking one by one, I found that there are no restrictions. All elevators can go upstairs. However, the first to eighth floors are all large terraced classrooms, which can accommodate five to six hundred people.

Further up there are still various forms of classrooms. The door numbers are not marked with information and their uses are yet to be determined.

After reading it, Xia Yan decided to use the largest conference room on the 12th floor as the recruitment site.

She sat in the first place and opened the Lidai Island operation backend. There were more school options on the page. She clicked to open it and found the settings for the portal at the operation entrance. After checking the multi-function building, all the other portals were hidden. The most important thing It is to temporarily lift restrictions on personnel entry and exit.

After doing this, she waited quietly.


Gao Shixu gasped and wiped the sweat off his forehead. He looked at the sea of ​​people gathered at the school gate.

This scene reminded him of parents who were eagerly awaiting school after school in peacetime.

Just the thought of reappearing this scene in a while made his whole body tremble slightly and his breathing became a little short.

Gao Shixu struggled to squeeze out a few steps and reached out to grab the sleeve of the person in front of him.

"Have you finished writing your resume? Return the pen to me when you are done with it. There are others waiting to use it."

"So anxious?" The man muttered a few words and stuffed his resume and pen back together. "What's next? Should I wait for notification?"

Gao Shixu already had a thick stack in his hand. He stood on tiptoe to look at the position of his nephew Gao Shi. When he saw his iconic double-swiveled back of his head, he shouted:

"Gao Shi, come back quickly, I can't take it anymore!"

Seeing him walking back in response, Gao Shixu answered the man's question, "This is the case for the time being. There are many applicants, so we have to screen them first."

"But couldn't we still have the interview yesterday? Can we give an answer on the spot? If I go back, how will you notify me?"

This is a problem. You can't put up a big-character poster to announce who was selected and who was kicked off, right?

Gao Shixu frowned, "Then don't leave yet, I -"

Suddenly there was a huge force coming from behind, and the people around him suddenly seemed to have seen something surprising, and they pushed forward one by one.

"Look, the portal has disappeared!"

"What's going on? Where is the door? Why is the door missing?"

"No! There is a door left, a multi-functional building? What is that for?"

The door disappeared?

Gao Shixu's scalp exploded and he turned around with difficulty.

A series of portals leading to different locations were seen dissipating from bottom to top. After completely disappearing, the only portal left on the scene moved to the middle.

"Principal Gao Shixu, Teacher Gao Shi, you go in first, and the rest of the interviewers will be ready to line up and enter in an orderly manner."

Xia Yan's voice came from nowhere, and it reached the ears of everyone present very clearly.

The crowd dispersed to both sides, making way for a path.

Gao Shixu and Gao Shi were watched by everyone as they entered the portal, and Xia Yan's voice sounded again.

"The interview is on the 12th floor, please don't go to other floors by mistake."

Everyone looked at each other in shock, and rushed into the portal impatiently the next second.

When Xia Yan put away the surveillance screen, Gao Shixu and Gao Shi appeared at the door.

There was a mixture of surprise and joy in their eyes, as if they didn't expect that this place was actually built so well.

Xia Yan looked away and took out a brand new resume and a gel pen from the system grid.

"Principal Gao, come sit here, Gao Shi, please lead the interviewer."

The elevator at the end of the corridor made a clear ding and the sound of jumbled footsteps. Gao Shi put down his resume and turned around to go out.

As soon as Gao Shixu sat down, he heard her ask: "Have you seen Jing Yimai? That thunder and lightning boss yesterday."

He thought about it, there were so many people, and he was not tall, so he really didn't notice it.

"It's okay, I feel like there's not enough manpower." Xia Yan was sure that she forgot to tell him about going to work today.

At this time, a slightly resentful voice came from the doorβ€”β€”

"Boss, I'm always here."

Xia Yan looked over and saw Jing Yimai walking in with a handsome look, wearing a shirt and trousers he got from nowhere.

Of course, you have to ignore the depression hidden in his eyes.

A total of three employees have been hired now, and he can still be nominated... This job can't be done...

Xia Yan looked away and directly assigned work: "You sit on my left and are responsible for the recruitment of teachers with special abilities. Can you still write the text now?"

I really forgot about it, but she is the boss now. Does she still need to explain to the employees what to do? Just be obedient.

"If it's just common words, no problem." Jing Yimai sat down confidently, thankful that he stayed up late last night and worked hard all night long.

Xia Yan gave him half of the blank resume and briefly stated a few requirements for recruiting teachers with special abilities:

"The power level is level six or above, the mood is stable, you will not be angered by trivial things, you have a correct mind and have at least three correct views. It doesn't matter if you use vernacular when teaching, as long as the students can understand it, you can take care of the rest. ”

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