While talking, Gao Shi led everyone into the door in a hurry.

Xia Yan waved his hand: "Find a seat first, we will call people for interviews in the order of resumes. Friends who have not filled out their resumes, please fill them out by yourself and hand them to Teacher Gao."

Fortunately, the conference room is large enough. In addition to the main table, there are hundreds of folding stools.

The elevator at the end of the corridor rang several times in turn. When all the seats in the conference room were filled, Xia Yan set the portal leading to the multi-functional building in the backstage to only allow exit, not entry.

Those who missed the first wave of interviews outside the school gate could only give up, find a cool place to sit down, take out the tattered textbooks they found from nowhere, stare at the portal, learn the words on it, and gesture with their fingers in the air.

"Principal Gao, let's start." Xia Yan said.

During this time, they selected more outstanding candidates from many resumes. Gao Shixu picked up the list and called out a series of names.

"Please ask the first interviewee whose name is called to come to the front for the interview, and the rest to be prepared."

Xia Yan projected the next interview list on the opposite wall, so that everyone could see their order.

This book was first published on 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar→96𝙨𝙝𝙪.𝙣𝙚𝙩, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no disordered chapters

An indescribable tense atmosphere gathered above the conference room. Even though the whole building was cool and refreshing, everyone's nose was sweating.

The first interviewee was a middle-aged woman with no special abilities.

She wore a black dress that was obviously loose and baggy with frayed cuffs. Her hair was dry and yellow, tied behind her head with only a thin strand. The skin on her overly thin face was loose and sagging, and the bookish air she once had disappeared completely.

She tried her best to make herself look more energetic.

"What position are you applying for?" Xia Yan asked.

"Chinese, Chinese teacher."

She didn't speak loudly, and she looked very nervous.

Xia Yan gestured to Gao Shixu to ask some professional questions, and took her resume to take a closer look.

211 graduate degree, a gold medal teacher from a famous university, the high-scoring students she brought out are elites in various fields, not only with the title of senior teacher, but also with various honorary certificates and trophies...

Good guy, really excellent.

I don’t know if it’s because Gao Shixu is old and has a kind face, she always feels that the female teacher seems to be relieved.

Xia Yan was hit hard.

Gao Shixu asked almost all the questions, glanced at her, and nodded slightly at the moment of eye contact, expressing his recognition of the female teacher’s ability.

"Congratulations, Teacher Tang, you passed the interview." Xia Yan made the decision.

The middle-aged woman standing opposite the conference table was obviously stunned, and she didn’t react until Xia Yan and the other two applauded to celebrate.

Her eyes suddenly turned red, her excited hands were entangled together, her dry lips moved silently, and the next second she hurriedly bent down and bowed deeply.

"Thank you, boss, then when will I go to work?"

Her eager mood was beyond words.

Everyone understood, and they did not hide their envy.

Gao Shixu looked at Xia Yan again, and always felt that she would say that she would stay to work now, after all, she had said before that she was short of manpower...

Xia Yan put Teacher Tang's resume aside, raised her eyes and said lightly: "Come here on time at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning to help me."

Teacher Tang was delighted, and the big stone in her heart fell heavily. She knew that she should leave now, but she still had one thing to ask.

Xia Yan saw her hesitation, "Any other questions?"

Teacher Tang gritted her teeth and made up her mind: "I want to ask if I can move to the dormitory today? The environment I live in now is not very good..."

Everyone waiting for the interview in the conference room turned their heads to Xia Yan, and they also cared about this.

Who doesn't know that the main point of Lidai Island is safety?

Without bad weather, zombies and mutant animals can't get in. The scenery on the island is beautiful, and there are supermarkets and restaurants. The sooner you move in, the sooner you can feel at ease!

If it weren't for the school's accommodation, they wouldn't even dare to think about it just based on the expensive rent for renting houses on Lidai Island.

If you don't have enough food and no strength, you can't kill high-level zombies. In the previous base, low-level crystal cores can't be exchanged for much food, and you can't fill your stomach at all...

This is a vicious cycle, like a man-eating swamp, watching yourself go to death.

Xia Yan was silent for a few seconds, nodded, "Okay, you still have to move and buy things today, have a good rest tonight, and cheer up and work hard tomorrow."

It was like cold water splashed into hot oil, and it instantly exploded!

Everyone stood up excitedly, leaned over to look at the list on the projection screen, and counted how many people were ahead of them.

Xia Yan lowered her eyelashes, turning a deaf ear to the bustling environment.

She picked up Teacher Tang's resume and entered it into the school backend according to the score card number on it.

Very good, now there are four teachers.

"Teachers, call the next person quickly!"

Someone in the crowd shouted, with a kind of impatient anxiety.

Gao Shixu picked up the second resume and called out the name loudly.

The man stood up and walked to where Teacher Tang was before.

Xia Yan didn't say anything this time, listening expressionlessly, making it impossible to tell whether she was happy or angry.

After a while, Jing Yimai finished screening the resumes and gently touched her arm, indicating that he was ready.

"The interview with the superpower teacher is about to begin!"

The people sitting below immediately noticed the list of superpower interviewees on the screen and started whispering.

Jing Yimai stood up and called out the name of the first superpower.

Everyone looked around, secretly guessing which big shot it was.

I saw a very inconspicuous old lady in the last row stand up and said in a low trembling voice: "I'll be there soon."

She held a cane in her hand, and when she walked, the bottom touched the ground, making a dong, dong sound. Her back was like a turtle shell, and her face was almost parallel to the cane.

If you only look at her appearance, you will only think that she is an old person who has suffered a lot. To be able to live to this day, her children must have paid a lot of hardships.

Xia Yan was curious and took a look at the resume. The ability option was filled in as camouflage, level six, just above the standard line.

But if it was just this point, it would not be put in the first place.

She looked at Jing Yimai and asked with her eyes.

Jing Yimai glanced at the old man walking alone, and after approaching, he whispered: "The age filled in on the resume is 28."

Xia Yan: !!!

She didn't notice it at all.

Looking at the old man opposite who was old and had difficulty walking, she couldn't believe that the real age of this body was only 28 years old!

Jing Yimai thought for a moment and suggested again: "Boss, maybe we should prepare a secret interview. For some people with unique abilities, it is too risky to show their abilities in public."

For example, the person in front of him, her ability can only save her life, without overbearing attack power, which is a fatal blow when people relax their vigilance. Such a defect is very fatal.

He didn't go into it. Wearing such an appearance can sometimes avoid some cannibalism. After all, she looks too old, dry and fleshless, and will get stuck in her teeth.

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