Whether or not you can apply for a teacher position, it is best to protect your privacy.

Jing Yimai has been in the world for many years and has seen too many strange and bizarre superpowers. He also knows that the most taboo for self-defense superpowers is that their superpowers are known by everyone, just like a magician's performance, which looks magical and magical, but is actually really good.

The "old lady" opposite walked to the designated position, looked at her with confused eyes, as if she had difficulty walking due to physical weakness, her lips were pale, and her chest was up and down.

This book was first published on 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar → 𝟿𝟼sʜᴜ.ɴᴇᴛ, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

What is she waiting for.

Maybe, as Jing Yimai analyzed, she hopes to have a secret environment.

Xia Yan opened the backstage and started to operate, dividing the conference room into two. Thick fog began to emerge in the middle of the floor, like a water wall, connecting up and down, blocking everyone's sight.

The "old man" lifted his eyelids and looked in the direction of the fog wall, with something strange in his eyes.

"Don't worry, except for the two of us, the rest of the people can't see or hear anything." Xia Yan explained.

In fact, in her perspective, both sides are very clear, and she can watch any interview she is interested in at will.

Maybe this is the advantage of being a boss~

Jing Yimai: "Please show your special ability."

"Okay." Her throat made a real young voice, threw away the crutches, and rested her dry hands like eagle claws on her knees. After taking a deep breath, the bones all over her body made endless cracking sounds.

It was like the bones were resetting.

I saw her back, which was bent into the arc of a tortoise shell, gradually straightened up - Xia Yan realized that when she was hunched over, her body proportions were harmonious, and when she straightened her back, her legs and arms looked too short.

It's like a square eraser with two half-matchsticks, which always looks weird visually.

Before Xia Yan could adapt, the interviewee gasped in pain, and her arms and legs became longer and longer at a speed visible to the naked eye until they were in harmonious proportion again.

At the same time, her skin, which was too loose and wrinkled, was stretched up, with only a few red marks on the surface.

She stretched out her hands, which were fuller than before, and pushed and rubbed her face here and there to fix the unevenness. She was actually a bit heroic when she showed her true face.

"Hello, examiners." She made a knight's salute with elegant movements. "I am the interviewee No. 1. The change process just now is my superpower, disguise."

Xia Yan smiled: "This should not be your real superpower performance."

She looked surprised and nodded: "Yes, only a small part. I don't know why, after entering this island, my superpower can't be used, and I forcibly restore my original appearance."

"Then you are also very powerful. Even I was deceived by your appearance." Xia Yan held her chin with her hand, and her tone was relaxed.

The use of superpowers is prohibited on Lidai Island, but she still changed her appearance, so real that she deceived everyone's eyes, and she is very powerful.

A tall tree attracts the wind, and a real boss is always low-key. Xia Yan unilaterally said that this job fair was very interesting, more interesting than watching variety shows.

Interviewee No. 1 smiled bitterly and shook her head to deny it. She seemed to have a lot of grievances, which she dared not tell others on weekdays. It had been accumulated in her heart for too long. At this moment, regardless of whether it was appropriate or not, she let it out to Xia Yan and the others:

"It's not amazing. Since I got superpowers, my bones have become softer and softer, and the color of my skin can even change with the environment.

But as the level of superpowers rises, I find it more and more difficult to walk, like I have rickets, and I always have the idea of ​​sleeping underground..."

She frowned, and subconsciously crossed her arms when she was thinking deeply, but then Xia Yan and Jing Yimai frowned fiercely--

Her arms were twisted together like a twist, as if there were no bones in the meat, or the bones were made of rubber, twisted in circles.

This is the case even without superpowers, so if you use superpowers...

Xia Yan unlocked the superpower restrictions of this space.

"Use your powers."

No.1 quickly woke up from deep thought, saying yes while shaking off the entangled arms.

A drum washing machine, that's the look.

She looked around, her eyes fell on the fog wall, "I'll show how to blend in with the environment and disguise myself."

No.1 raised her foot to walk over, Xia Yan keenly noticed that the color of her pupils changed, as if she was analyzing and checking the color of the target. As she got closer and closer, suddenly, she disappeared.

The empty clothes fell from the air to the ground and spread into a ball.

Jing Yimai stood up, "Where are the people?"

The whole area was so quiet, with only the two of them and the ball of clothes, plus a cane, the fog wall was flowing quietly, and there was no obvious bulge on the wall.

The person was indeed missing.

Xia Yan put away her mentality of watching the show, No.1 did find a good reference, with the disorderly flowing fog wall inside as the background, it was indeed difficult to find her.

And no one knew when she would use her powers again and disguise herself as something else to get closer?

Xia Yan looked at Jing Yimai. I heard you call this ability a self-defense ability? A little weak?

Weak in what way?

I'm afraid you won't even know how you died.

Jing Yimai looked away silently. His ability wasn't like a blazing eye, so it was normal for him to make mistakes...

At this time, Xia Yan sneered, suddenly stood up and waved her hand. With a clang, she collided with the dagger that was stabbing in front of her, and produced small sparks.

She held the suddenly appeared sword in her palm, and faced the interviewee No. 1 who appeared in front of her, and uttered two words lightly.

"Looking for death."

Seeing that the attack missed, the face of the interviewee No. 1 changed drastically, and he hurriedly retreated to escape.

How could Xia Yan let her go? He immediately flipped over the table, approached with a few flashes, and swung his knife to cut her neck.

Hearing the sharp wind coming from behind her ears, No. 1 was heartbroken and desperately urged to use his superpowers to try to disguise again, but despair rose in the next second-

The superpower disappeared again!

In a hurry, she skillfully dislocated her leg bones, and her body suddenly became shorter, barely avoiding the whistling blade.

Broken hair slid down her forehead with cold sweat, and she escaped!

She immediately rolled on the ground, trying to keep a distance from the person behind her. She was shocked and scared. Her disguise superpowers had never failed, but why did it fail today!

Obviously, he had successfully approached, how could this person quickly draw his knife to resist? What kind of terrible reaction is this!

"If you lose focus, you will die."

A ghostly, calm voice suddenly sounded right behind her ear. She felt the back of her head shrink into a ball, and her hair stood up. A gust of wind came over her, and she raised her hand in panic to block it, but she saw the sharp blade suddenly change its course, piercing in and slashing away at a strange angle.

It's over, I was careless.

This was the last thought that came to her mind.

Xia Yan put the knife into the grid, summoned a cube at the moment when the red sprayed out, and threw the person in.

The cube shrank sharply, and the sound of bones squeezing each other was heard.


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