The sound of belated footsteps came from behind.

It's a beautiful scene.

Xia Yan played with the small square up and down and said with a relaxed expression, "She really got something right."

Jing Yimai, who couldn't keep up with the heat after eating anything, had no choice but to pick up the clothes on the ground, "What are you talking about?"

Xia Yan: "She's really not in good health."

She smiled and threw the small cube into his arms, then walked behind the desk.

"Throw away your clothes and crutches."

Jing Yimai reached out to catch it, and with just one glance he understood why she said that——

I said it was more or less, but I happened to buy a few of them. The whole cube was dark red in color, but the red one in front of me was not authentic, even a little green and pink.

"It feels like there are a lot of impurities," he said.

"Maybe it's because he's pretending to have super powers." Xia Yan responded casually. After sitting down, he turned his head to look at the situation at Gao Shixu's side.

Since the fogged wall blocked sight and sound, the people over there had no idea what was going on here, so the interview went on normally.

Gao Shixu felt the fog wall turn from thick to light, as if something had passed through it. He turned around and realized it was her.

He leaned forward and whispered: "What did you do just now? I think this person is good and can be hired."

Xia Yan looked forward and saw that the interviewer was a man wearing glasses, talking eloquently on the topic he raised.

"That's fine if you think it's okay."

Just ordinary people, not a threat.

"Okay." Gao Shixu responded, but did not interrupt on the spot. He waited until the other party took a breather, then stretched out his hand to shout stop.

He stood up and applauded: "Congratulations, you are on the job."

The crowd suddenly sighed with envy.

"Next person..."

Xia Yan returned to the fog wall, and the sounds on the field disappeared instantly.

Jing Yimai was taking a closer look at the cube, shaking it from time to time. The turbid liquid was like a high degree of alcohol, rolling up small whirlpools inside.

At this time, Xia Yan saw a layer of light-colored liquid precipitating on the top, which was like water but thicker than water. In an instant, it was swept down by the vortex and confused with the others.

Jing Yimai shook again, and the layer of liquid briefly appeared for the second time.

"You also saw it, right?" He said, "It's a little pink. I've observed other squares before. There's no need to shake them. They will stratify after letting it sit for a while. The color is clear and slightly yellowish-green."

He paused, looked into her eyes, and said in a cautious tone: "It's too different this time. It feels like something that doesn't belong to her has been injected into the blood."

Hearing what he said, Xia Yan suddenly remembered the injection Jing Wenbin gave her last time.

"you mean?"

Jing Yimai obviously had a definite target of suspicion. A sharp look flashed in his eyes, and he placed the cube in front of her with a gloomy expression.

He must have thought of Jing Wenbin.

Xia Yan raised the cube in front of his eyes and shook it like he did before. The pink color reappeared, but only a thin layer remained, as if part of it had been swallowed.

It can fuse with blood, but I don't know what it does...

But what is certain is that interviewee No. 1 was definitely attracted by the injectables, so he took the risk and tried to kill her.

Having said this, Xia Yan observed Jing Yimai with his peripheral vision.

Being able to directly select an undercover agent among many resumes and being the first to come for an interview, is this too small, or is the other person just too unlucky?

This kind of luck is comparable to carefully picking lottery numbers and then winning.

Jing Yimai, who fantasized about cutting Jing Wenbin into pieces, brushing his soles with shark teeth, and subjected him to ten tortures, suddenly felt a chill running down his spine and turned his head subconsciously.


"The look in your eyes...doesn't mean you are suspicious that I am an accomplice, right?" he said hesitantly.

Xia Yan nodded generously: "You are very suspicious."

Jing Yimai jumped on the spot after hearing this: "No way! Jing Wenbin and I are incompatible. I want to kill him more than anyone else. It's impossible to do anything for him!"

Xia Yan's expression did not change.

Jing Yimai went crazy: "You should have spared her life just now and asked who sent her! Not to mention that I was tricked by him, and now I have to take the blame for him?"

He couldn't bear this kind of grievance, and his aloof persona was immediately thrown to the horizon. He wished that Xia Yan could open the portal on the spot. He geared up and vowed to kill Jing Wenbin.

Xia Yan understood: "It seems that you are more unlucky."

Unlucky enough to pick one right.

Unfortunately, she was also implicated.

Jing Yimai had nothing to say about her conclusion. It was too much of a coincidence, as if it was intentional. He would have thought the same thing.

He said with great regret: "So if you had waited and asked me clearly before taking action, you could have restored my innocence."

His tone was so aggrieved that it was hard to imagine a tall, brown-skinned, muscular man over 1.8 meters tall with a pleasing face saying the words of a delicate little wife.

Xia Yan couldn't help but burst into laughter: "It doesn't matter, I'll put this account on Jing Wenbin, and I'll settle the account with him in a few days."

She picked up the interview list with a smile and was about to call the next person when she suddenly remembered something.

"Just now," she turned her head, "Why didn't I see you coming to help?"

Jing Yimai's whole body stiffened for a moment, as if he didn't want to recall the scene.

What was he doing at the time...

When he saw the disguised interviewer No. 1 suddenly appearing with a knife, Xia Yan quickly blocked and jumped out to fight with each other. His brows jumped heavily and he immediately gathered the strongest electric current.

Can! yes!

The moment he was about to let go, the superpower in his body disappeared in an instant, as if he had never had it!

The strong sense of emptiness that came with all his might, only to disappear out of thin air, made him almost doubt himself!

Jing Yimai looked strange, and he managed to squeeze out a sentence with difficulty, "I can't use my superpowers."

"Oh, yes, I forgot." Xia Yan smiled embarrassedly, "Call the next interviewee."


"Strange, I haven't seen the first interviewee come out."

"It seems so, could she be teleported out directly?"

"No, no matter whether they passed or not, they all left on their own. Is that old lady special?"

"There are people older than her, and they all walked out on their own. Why is she special? There is only one possibility, do you think, could it be..."

"Stop. Call the next person, it's my turn soon, I have to get ready quickly."


That evening, the teleportation door marked with dormitories at the school gate flashed, and dozens of teachers walked out one after another.

They looked at each other. Over the years, they had developed a high level of vigilance against outsiders, which made it impossible for them to express goodwill to their future colleagues.

Fortunately, the sound of talking from nearby broke the embarrassment. It was a group of interviewees who were reluctant to leave.

The teachers rode their electric bikes in silence, and drove to the supermarket in an unskilled way.

When they got closer, their sight easily passed through the glass window, and they saw that the brightly lit supermarket was crowded with people, and there was a long queue at the checkout counter.

If this scene happened in the past, I would only secretly complain about the large number of people and the time wasted queuing, but now I just feel friendly and natural.

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