“Let’s get the car together.

One of the teachers who came with me mustered up the courage to suggest it.

"We need to buy a lot of things. If we don't have a car when we get out, we have to carry them all the way back."

Everyone said nothing, but put the car together according to his wishes.

The group of people kept a close distance, and when they arrived at the supermarket, the sensor doors automatically slid to both sides, while the mini-speakers above their heads broadcast a welcome message.

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"Welcome to the holiday supermarket. This supermarket is a fully self-service model..."

They walked in. The tiles were clean and bright, clearly reflecting the shadows of their ragged clothes, and also the pitiful appearance of their sallow and thin faces when they lowered their heads.

"These are the teachers who applied."

"Are they here to buy daily necessities?"

"I heard they can live in the school dormitory tonight, which is great."

Someone recognized them and pointed in a low voice with an envious tone.

The teachers gradually raised their heads, with more confidence on their faces. They pulled out the shopping cart and held it on the armrest. A familiar feeling returned to their hearts.

This is how they used to go to the supermarket.

Shopping makes people happy, and it becomes doubly happy when they see the things they need at low prices.

Washbasin, kettle, towels, toilet paper... The shopping cart is gradually filling up.

Listening to the soothing music playing in my ears, my whole body was relaxed. When I turned the corner and met my colleague, I took a quick look and saw that the two of them were similar in the car. I couldn't help but look at each other and smile.

Sure enough, only when the environment is peaceful can everyone be kind and loving.

When I checked out, I saw that the single-digit prices didn't add up to a small amount, and I bought too many things. The front basket, back seat, and pedals of the electric bicycle were all full. When I rode on it, my legs were straight. Beside him, he walked back slowly like a big crab.

The wind blew through the gaps in the basket, the turned-up corners of clothes, the neck, and the eyes, bringing with it the warm scent of sunshine.

The five big characters of New Hope School looked golden and dazzling under the red sunset. The "passer-by" felt anxious for a moment and put his legs on the ground to help.


The car was put back into place, and everyone was carrying heavy things in their hands, but with smiles on their faces.

They began to consciously show humility, letting older people go in first, and then filed in one after another.

They were the only ones staying in the dormitory building for the time being, and everyone was randomly assigned a room. Teacher Tang and a young female teacher were assigned together.

The two of them were not very familiar with each other, so they were both a little embarrassed. After smiling lightly, they started to sort out their belongings.

The room is only 15 square meters in size, with nothing else except a single bed, wardrobe and desk. There is a public water room and toilet in the center of the corridor.

Teacher Tang took out a large flower pillow towel from the bag and folded it on the pillow. Then he looked at the white sheets and the clothes he had never washed before taking off the pillow towel and laying it on the edge of the bed sheets.

She took out the washbasin from the bag and put her toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo and towel in it. At this time, her scalp itched and she couldn't help but scratch it. Looking at the blackness between her fingers, she realized that she hadn't washed it for a long time. Passed over.

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Once one realizes this, one cannot bear it.

She stuffed the bag under the bed and took the basin to the water room to wash up. Before she could get closer, she heard the sound of splashing inside. She was a little excited and quickened her pace. She turned in the door and saw that they were washing their hair in front of the sink. .

Teacher Tang hurriedly found an empty seat, put his things next to him and turned the faucet. He saw a rush of water spraying down, rolling up not only fog but also a heat wave on his face.

There is hot water!

She couldn't hide her excitement, so she poured some cold water into the basin to make the water temperature suitable. She untied her headband. Once her hair, which had been tied tightly for a long time, was loosened, her whole scalp felt painful, and it hurt even when she moved her hair.

Teacher Tang reluctantly buried all his hair in the water. The warm water gradually wrapped the entangled hair and scalp. The pain was relieved, as if every cell was open comfortably.

She washed her hair quickly, and then felt her body was itchy. Looking back, she saw that everyone was scrubbing on the spot without hesitation.

The sense of shyness has long since been erased by the suffering day after day with no end in sight.

The water source has always been extremely scarce. People can't even drink it, let alone waste it for bathing. When the scale on the body becomes unbearable, one has to either venture to the river where there is still water to wash, or wait for a heavy rain (not (acid rain), strip naked and wash in the rain.

Whether you catch a cold or not depends entirely on your physical fitness.

As for being safe and having hot water like it is now, that is simply unthinkable.

Teacher Tang put his dirty clothes back on and wrinkled his nose.

She couldn't feel it before and couldn't change it, but it was different now. She was wondering if she should buy a new set of clothes?

After returning to the dormitory, I sat on the pillow and waited for a while. The young teacher on the other side of the bed came back with a frown on his face and covered with moisture.

Teacher Tang smelled that her clothes were also sour.

It's strange to say that people don't feel it when they are dirty, but once they are clean, the smell seems to have nowhere to hide. It is smelly and sticks to the skin.

Teacher Tang coughed lightly, attracting her attention.

"While it's still early, would you like to go to the resort hotel with me to buy some clothes?"

The young teacher was delighted at first, then lowered her head and said sullenly: "...I don't have much money."

"I don't have many points left," she stood up, "I heard that there is a clothing store near the main store, selling everything from head to toe. I'm thinking of buying a vest and shorts, which should be affordable. If not, I can buy a pair of socks..."

The more she talked, the brighter the young teacher's eyes became.

"Then, let's go and have a look?"

"Let's go!"

A clothing store outside the resort hotel.

"Sister, do you think this looks good on me?"

"Yes! That color suits you, and it makes your skin look white. You are still young and look good in anything."

"Let me see the price. If it's too expensive, I can't afford it."


"Oh! This vest is only 29 points! Sister, you should also get one. There are white and black ones."

"How about trying a short-sleeved shirt? 60 points, it seems that I can afford it if I grit my teeth..."

After dinner, Xia Yan came out for a walk and heard a burst of laughter in the clothing store.

"Business has been really good these days." She said to Xiong Xiong.

Xiong Xiong glanced over there, "Yes, the customers who came last time were all new employees of the hospital. This time, they might be teachers from the school."

The two walked along the safety zone into the base path. The residents who were eating on the doorstep saw them coming, hurriedly shoveled a mouthful of rice into their mouths, stood up and waved.

Xia Yan smiled kindly and nodded, indicating that they should not worry about her while eating.

Not far away, the roof of the house of a family who came back later was emitting curls of smoke. Sizzle, the iron shovel began to stir, and a bright red light came out from the stove mouth, which was the crackling burning of wood.

Xia Yan and Xiong Xiong walked slowly forward, towards the direction of the setting sun.

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