At night.

Dr. Tang was lying upright on the bed. The thin moonlight filtered in through the glass window and outlined long and diagonal shapes on the floor and table.

She stood up and opened the half-blocked curtain completely. The pulley slid smoothly on the track, making a moderate sound.

The young teacher on the other side of the bed looked up, and the clear light that was completely opened enveloped her whole body——

The elderly colleague slowly bent her knees and rested her chin on them. She looked up. Her eyebrows, eyes, and corners of her mouth were full of sadness, which seemed to overflow with substance, sliding down her body, along the edge of the bed, and the floor. It left fleeting traces in the moonlight, eventually climbed onto her bed and struck hard on her heart.

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At that moment, the young teacher had the same look on her face.

She closed her eyes and acquiesced to her actions.

The room was silent.

The floating clouds on the blue sky are as clear as silk, as soft as catkins, and the sky is filled with stars.

The crowds on Lidai Island have dispersed, leaving only plaques and street lights standing quietly to illuminate the world.

Teacher Tang felt lonely as never before.

It’s a night I want to cry.


After three consecutive days, the busy recruitment work came to an end.

Before leaving at the end of the last meeting, Xia Yan stood up.

"Don't leave in a hurry. I have prepared uniform work clothes for everyone. Summer and autumn ones are now available first. Everyone should go to the front to choose according to the order of seats."

She took out the clothes bundled by size from the system grid and placed them in the open space behind her.

Looking at the piles of brand new clothes, the teachers could not hide their excitement.

"Principal Gao, what size do you wear?" Xia Yan asked.

Her eyes met his, as if she was just an ordinary boss who wanted to uniformly dress his employees.

"About 175. I'm older and like to wear looser clothes."

Gao Shixu's folded hands silently touched the damaged and fluffy cuffs.

He had been wearing this piece of clothing for a long time, and the collar had lost its elasticity and had become deformed. The color had become gray and uneven, and there were pilling and fraying in many places.

It’s not that he couldn’t afford clothes, he was too afraid of hunger and displacement. He finally found a peaceful place where he could stop and breathe and live a good life. The points in his card and the crystal core in his pocket were what gave him peace of mind. capital.

Not only him, but many teachers present were still wearing their old clothes. Although they were tattered and patched, they were washed as cleanly as possible.

But if this is the case, it seems to have some impact on the school's image...

"Then this one, do you want to try it on? If it's not the right time, come and change it now." Xia Yan took out a set and put it in front of him, "The room next door will be used as a fitting room. You go back quickly, Gao Shi, what about you? ?”

"180." Gao Shi rubbed his hands together, with a happy blush on his face, "Thank you, boss."

Behind him the male teachers formed one line and the female teachers formed another line.

Xia Yan took the clothes according to their registration numbers.

Gao Shixu came back in fitted autumn work clothes. The words "New Hope School" on the chest were simple and elegant, and the green buds sewn with embroidery thread below symbolized hope and the future.

He seemed to be a different person, full of energy and walking with wind.

This made the people behind who had not yet put on their clothes envious. They were actually given sportswear, which made them who were afraid of wearing tight clothes breathe a sigh of relief. They were used to wearing loose clothes and couldn't stand the restraints for a long time. I feel like I can't stretch my limbs.

"Meeting dismissed."

Gao Shixu sat motionless.

After everyone had left, he said slowly: "Boss, although we have solved the textbook problem, I think it would be more comprehensive if we could build a reading room in the school."

If he said this outside, people would just think he was crazy. Maybe some unscrupulous base commanders would wait until winter when they don't have fire starters and use all the books to light fires.

The base director might say: "Let's light the fire first. People will freeze to death. How can those words come out and build you a golden house?!"

He looked at Xia Yan.

She won't do this.

Xia Yan obviously didn't understand his hidden meaning. After he finished speaking, she thought that there was a wall of books in her study. If she wanted to build a library, it would be too few and not enough.

"Let me think about it."

She stood up and wanted to leave, but Gao Shixu reached out to stop her.

He raised his head half-way, his eyes flashing with joy: "I have them, and there are a lot of them. I am willing to provide them for free."


From today on, the school has another portal - the library.

This door is unique. Everyone can enter and exit at will with a points card, and can borrow two books, which must be returned within one month. The borrowed books are protected against damage.

Xia Yan looked at Gao Shixu, who was placing children's picture books on the bookshelf.

He was happy, and his gray hair shone like silver.

What a weird thing. There are no supplies stored in the space, but it is actually filled with books.

"Why do you have so many books?" Xia Yan couldn't help but ask.

From picture books to children's books, from romantic novels to poems and essays, from documentary literature to cooking guides, and even newspapers and periodicals, they are arranged on three floors. As you look around, the bookshelves are very full.

Xia Yan was speechless when he saw it.

Gao Shixu pushed up his glasses, feeling embarrassed: "When I discovered that I had space powers, I immediately ran to the city library.

It was turned into a temporary shelter, and all the books were piled together. I would go there from time to time and stuff them into the space when no one noticed. After the library was surrounded by zombies, I took advantage of the chaos to collect all the books. "

He found it funny when he thought of that scene. Who would have thought that a principal with spatial abilities would steal books in the chaos!

But he still felt a little sorry, "It's a pity that many books are still used to light fires for heating and cooking. I have collected these books bit by bit over the years for this day."

Gao Shixu showed a loving expression on his face, and his rough fingertips gently touched the spine of the book and moved down along the handwriting, as if he was touching his most beloved child.

After a while, he murmured, "I hope they can take good care of it, don't scribble on it, fold or tear it at will..."

"No, all books are protected and no one can destroy them." Xia Yan gave him a reassurance.

"That's good. "

Xia Yan looked up, her eyes slowly moving from the rows of bookshelves. She saw not only books, but also the responsibilities that Gao Shixu, as the principal, believed he should shoulder. He was afraid that civilization could not continue and that these treasures would disappear.

He seemed to always believe that peace would eventually come. He only needed to do what he should do and leave the rest to time.

Xia Yan thought of that day in the simple hospital, the dark and narrow corridors, the crowded long queues. She was going to walk out with her head down, but she looked up unconsciously and saw him who was out of place in the crowd.

Although his glasses were full of cracks and his hair was gray and sticky, the moment he raised his hand, the temperament of a scholar was overwhelming.

Maybe, she had already decided to let him be the principal at that time.

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