But the direction of things was still beyond Xia Yan's expectation. Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎

She was shocked when she heard that a customer she had never met left a suggestion saying that he hoped to place a book donation box in the library.

Gao Shixu was calm.

"It's normal. After all, everyone has received education and still values ​​culture very much."

Xia Yan thinks what he said makes sense. For example, school hasn't started yet, but the schedule of parents who come to make reservations is already full.

"School starts tomorrow, have a good rest tonight."


Xia Yan still remembers the last time he got up early.

This book is first published on 𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝖘𝖍𝖚.𝖓𝖊𝖙, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

When I stumbled into the hotel lobby and prepared to have breakfast first, the parents who came out of the elevator and came in through the gate looked anxious with their children, fearing that they would be late for school.

The two sides looked at each other off guard, and Xia Yan felt slightly embarrassed.

Especially the sentence "I can't even bear the sun's rays on my butt", she even... wished she could go back and fall asleep——

She doesn't have to go to work, go to school, or look after the store. She just lies down and eats and drinks, and the points come in a blink of an eye. The winner in life feels very happy.

"Boss Xia got up so early, oh yes, school starts today, right? He is indeed a hard-working person!"

Listen to this sweet talk!

Xia Yan's feet that were about to walk back suddenly changed direction, "That's right, what you said is correct."

Hey, she is such a real person.

school entrance.

Gao Shixu and teacher representatives from each grade stood by the portal, preparing to welcome the new students.

Parents from the base, factory and hotel gathered outside the school gate. When they saw Xia Yan coming, they all backed away to make way for the path.

Xia Yan walked into the school and stood next to Gao Shixu.

Opposite are the expectant eyes of parents. When dozens of pairs of eyes fall on them at the same time, the teachers are inevitably a little nervous and wipe the sweat from the tips of their noses and foreheads from time to time.

"Is it almost time?" Gao Shixu asked.

Xia Yan opened the background and saw that it was a few seconds before eight o'clock, but she didn't speak.

When he silently counted to zero in his mind, a five-meter-wide portal appeared out of thin air one meter away from the school gate, overflowing with brilliant white light and slowly rotating inward in a vortex shape.

"I'm coming."

"Can you send your children to school?"

The parents on the other side suddenly started whispering.

The moment Gao Shixu saw the portal appear, he raised his arms and shouted: "You can enter the school. The children should line up and enter the corresponding portal in order."

Hearing this, the parents let go of their hands, gently pushed their children's backs, and whispered: "Go, go to school, I will pick you up when school is over."

The younger children have forgotten what school is, but when they see their parents smiling with tears in their eyes and their eyes full of relief, they subconsciously feel that this is a good place because they have never seen such a look.

In one step and three turns, with expectations for the future and courage that has not disappeared, I disappeared behind the primary school portal.

Then Xia Yan heard a suppressed sob. This must be the first time they were separated in the context of the apocalypse. It is understandable to be worried.

The parents who had sent their children off were reluctant to leave. They stared at the portal that finally appeared. They saw the vortex above turning faster and faster, and a girl with a wary face walked out first.

Her body was as thin as a matchstick, and her head appeared to be unbalanced, which seemed to be caused by stunted development.

The girl had never been here before. After walking out of the portal, she stood still and looked at them who were dressed in obviously different clothes with guarded eyes.

"Are you here to go to school?" Xia Yan asked as gently as possible.

The girl nodded and suddenly heard the sound of footsteps behind her. She jumped to the side. When she looked back, her little body was already arched, ready to attack at any time.

The one who walked out was a young boy who was a head taller than her.

The little boy gave her a strange look, walked to school, and plunged into the junior high school portal.

Then came the third, fourth... countless people came out of the portal, and there were also children who were as guarded as her, but most of them were children who had been here before, were familiar with the environment, and even interacted with Xia Xia. Say hello and say hello.

"Are you enrolled in elementary school? Or junior high school?" Seeing that she remained motionless for a long time, Xia Yan stepped forward.

"...Elementary school." The girl took a step back calmly. Her mother asked her to come here, although they didn't know if this was a real school.

Mom wants to go out to a far away place to kill zombies, and she also joins forces with other teams.

She was still young and could not walk that far, and it was not safe to stay at the base. After seeing the promotional video in the air again, her mother remained silent and said:

"You go hide inside and come back secretly after school. I remember you once said that the director of the base has a kennel outside his house. You hide in it when it's dark. You are not allowed to answer anyone who calls you. You can live a good life when your mother comes back. It’s been a long time.”

She didn't want her mother to leave, but what could she do.


"Why don't you go in?"

She woke up with a start, looked at the woman in front of her who was prettier than the base elder's wife, pursed her lips, and whispered, "I don't know where to go."

Xia Yan stretched out his hand and pointed back, "For the second door, just walk in. There will be a teacher waiting for you behind."

She felt a gentle push on her back and walked over involuntarily. The white-haired old man next to her smiled so kindly at her and touched her head.

"Go, good kid."

She looked at the portal getting closer and closer, her heart pounding, and she couldn't help wanting to turn back and run home, but the girl next to her who was younger than her went straight in, so she wasn't afraid.

The moment she closed her eyes and walked through the door, her eye sockets were hot, and the thin and small figure of her mother following a group of men when she left home this morning instantly appeared in front of her eyelids.

She knew why her mother didn't take her, but she missed her mother so much...

"Welcome, classmate, you are assigned to Class 3, the third classroom is in front."

She opened her eyes, and the tears that she hadn't absorbed yet rolled in her eyes. She saw that there was indeed a teacher wearing the same clothes next to her, but she didn't dare to look up.

"I'll take you there." The teacher took her hand without any disdain, walked through the bright corridor, passed the open classroom, and finally arrived at the destination, and gently pushed her in.

"Just sit anywhere, we will rearrange the seats according to your height."

She followed his instructions and found a seat against the wall. She lowered her head and could only see the brand new desk, the comfortable and firm stool, and herself who was covered in dirt.

She touched the crystal core hidden in her inner pocket quietly, and felt more at ease.

Mom, it seems different here, a bit like the days you talked about.

Children of the same age kept coming in through the door of the classroom. The empty seats were gradually filled. She sat near the corridor and could hear people walking outside.

The class also changed from three to eleven.

Why are there so many children? Are they also forced to leave their mother like me?

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