I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 454 Teaching Building

The wind at eight o'clock in the morning was a little cold.

Xia Yan couldn't help rubbing her arms with goose bumps. The vortex in the portal not far away gradually calmed down, and only a few students walked out of the portal.

Until no one came out, the portal shrank inward and disappeared three seconds later.

"Is it over?" Gao Shixu walked to her side, staring at the crowds on the opposite side and asked.

Xia Yan said yes, otherwise the portal would not disappear.

"Everyone go back to work. Today is the first day of school. The main job is to guide students to get to know each other. There is no need to rush to teach." He said to the teachers and watched them leave.

Xia Yan stretched her waist. She had overdrawn her wakefulness time. Now her head was dizzy and hungry.

"Principal Gao didn't have time to eat, right? Let's go to the cafeteria to have a meal together."

Gao Shixu waved his hand quickly, "I've already eaten."

As long as you are not hungry, there is no need to eat. Eating too much will not bring any benefits. Food is precious, so why waste it.

This book was first published on πŸ”πŸ— Book Bar β†’ 96π“ˆπ’½π“Š.𝓃ℯ𝓉, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

Xia Yan had to give up, "I haven't eaten yet, so, let's go to the cafeteria to buy breakfast first, and then we'll walk around the campus to see if the students are adapting."

Gao Shixu agreed.

The two of them walked into a portal casually, and the sunny teaching building came into view.

The sun was shining, the weather was just right, and the doors and windows were open to welcome the breeze.

The light blue curtains poked out a corner, fluttering softly in the wind, like the clearest waves on the shore.

They heard a small sound coming from the classroom.

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows comfortably, feeling happy from the inside out.

The two did not speak, just like this along the tree-lined path, bypassing the teaching building, crossing the playground, and walking towards the cafeteria that was as tall as the teaching building.

The first floor of the cafeteria is empty, with only portals leading to each grade. These portals are always working, and there is no working time.

"We will leave from here later." Xia Yan said.

On the second floor, the huge hall is filled with long dining tables, with sinks on the left and right sides, and a row of glass windows at the end. There is an ordering interface every two meters, and an arc-shaped food outlet below.

Looking at the menu again, it is exactly the same as the food on the second floor of the main store, and the price is also the same.

She ordered some food casually without spending points.

The two continued to go up and found that the structure of all floors was the same, mainly to accommodate students of all grades to eat at the same time.

Returning to the first floor, Xia Yan threw the packaging bag into the trash can.

"Let's go to the high school department first."

Children in the upper grades should actually be in the rebellious period, not obeying the sky, not obeying the earth, not obeying the teachers and parents, but they are unlucky and coincide with the end of the world, and their bodies and minds are ravaged.

In addition, they were hungry and skinny, and they matured and sensible early, and finally realized how wonderful it was to go to school.

They tried to straighten their chests and make themselves more energetic, but the next second, their empty stomachs twitched and hunched again. There was no food in their intestines, and they sweated when they entangled and rubbed.

These flowers that once symbolized the future were gradually withering due to hunger.

This scene was seen by Xia Yan and Gao Shixu who passed by the back door of the classroom.

There was obvious pain and relief in Gao Shixu's light brown eyes.

Xia Yan looked at him, and her heart rippled but quickly froze. She had seen too many deaths, just like seeing the small fish everywhere struggling with their tails and opening and closing their gills desperately when the tide receded. She couldn't bear to save a group, but the entire coastline was full of them, and there was no end in sight. There were too many fish that could not wait for rescue and suffocated to death.

This kind of powerlessness was very suffocating.

No one gave her psychological counseling. In order to protect herself, she could only block her heart and ignore her emotions.

"Teacher," Xia Yan knocked on the door softly, attracting everyone's attention, "Please come in for a moment."

The students watched their teacher walk down the podium, close the door, and finally fell on the desk weakly, breathing heavily.

"Boss, what's the matter with you?" The teacher nervously kept thinking about whether she had said or done anything wrong today, and couldn't help looking at the principal with her eyes to ask.

Gao Shixu gave her a look that he himself didn't understand.

Xia Yan patted her shoulder, touching the overly bony bones.

"Don't be nervous, I just want to say that you can arrange it freely according to the students' status. The cafeteria is open all day, and you can go to have a full meal first."

Her voice fell softly, like the morning light coming through the window, and like the slightly fishy sea breeze in the air.

Everything makes people comfortable and at ease.

"Okay, okay. I get it." The teacher nodded heavily.

She was indeed nervous. Even if she saw that the students were too hungry to bear it, she didn't dare to let the children go to eat first. She was waiting for the bell to ring.

But the boss said that she could take the students to eat now!

She pushed open the door and saw the students lying on the table struggling to stand up, her eyes were red with heartache.

"Students, let's go, the teacher will take you to eat!"


Their dejected eyes suddenly burst into light, and they pushed away the stools and stood up. They were so hungry that they were staggering, but they still kept up.

Gao Shixu couldn't wait to tell each class, but was stopped by Xia Yan.

"No need to run one by one, I can broadcast."

She opened the school operation background, found the broadcasting room, entered the content to be played, and confirmed.

Then, the soft electronic sound spread to every classroom, every corridor, and every corner of the campus.

Almost at the same moment, all the teachers slapped the table and stood up.

"Children, go eat!"

The students shouted excitedly.

Like a small fish that finally returns to the water to breathe freely, it happily swims with the leader, outlining the arc of life.

Xia Yan calmly looked at the team going downstairs to the canteen.

Gao Shixu was so excited that he didn't know what body language to use to express his excitement. He searched for a less explicit compliment. Just as he was about to speak, he saw that she had already walked away.

"Eh? Boss, where are we going now?"

He called the word "boss" with absolute sincerity, unprecedented sincerity.

Xia Yan didn't even look back, and his voice came softly: "Go to the playground to bask in the sun~"

Gao Shixu: "Wait for me, let's go together."

Sitting on the edge of the playground, Xia Yan looked around. The sky was rising from the distant sea of ​​Lidai Island, and the salty sea breeze was spreading everywhere in the air.

The playground was silent, with no insects or birds chirping, not to mention the sound of plates hitting the table in the cafeteria opposite.

The doors and windows of the teaching building behind him were open, and even the wind blowing from one end to the other was silent.

It was indeed peaceful here, a tranquility that was bluer than the sky. Xia Yan sat quietly, patiently experiencing the weird yet familiar feeling of being designed that filled his heart.

Gao Shixu closed his eyes and was basking in the sun. He was old and desperately needed this peaceful environment.

He suddenly opened his eyes and looked around until he saw the swaying shadows of the trees and students walking out of the cafeteria with a bulging belly in the distance. He stood up and smiled.

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