Jing Yimai hurried out of the classroom after class.

"Goodbye, teacher" came from behind with a very wide range of voice.

He ignored the reply, put the score card on his wrist close to the identification point, crossed the portal, and went straight to the boss's office in the centralized office building.

Hope she's here.

Knock knock.



Jing Yimai pushed the door open and walked in, only to see Xia Yan staring at the school surveillance screen reflected on the wall with a serious look on his face. He could even clearly see a certain teacher secretly fanning the wind and sniffing his farts.

Jing Yimai:...

"Is something wrong?" Xia Yan rolled his eyes, "Sit down and talk."

The chair opposite the desk was pulled away, and he sat down, looking at her intently.

"Do you remember what day tomorrow is?"

Xia Yan: "What's the date?"

He looked like you really didn't remember it: "Number 23."

Xia Yan: "Oh."

She opened her workbook and found the page with Jing Yimai's course schedule. After confirming it, she looked at him: "You have no class tomorrow."

Do whatever you love.

She doesn't care when it's not working time.

Jing Yi stepped up and spoke a little faster: "Tomorrow is the day for the appointment! Have you really forgotten that Jing Wenbin sent you an invitation letter?"

His eyes were filled with confusion and disbelief.

Xia Yan suddenly realized, "Yes, I really forgot if you didn't remind me. Get ready and call Xiao Chu to set off early tomorrow morning."

She raised her finger to touch it, but found that he hadn't left yet. She frowned and asked, "Do you have anything else? Can you finish it at once?"

It disturbs her from doing her business.

Jing Yimai: "Boss, please check back later to see if the courses arranged for me are too full? If my estimate is correct, it's only one day and I shouldn't be able to come back."

Building a yacht with so much fanfare, spending so much material, and preparing it for so long, only to end it in just one day. No idiot from a landlord would do this.

Xia Yan's eyes fell on his notebook. Every day except tomorrow, he had classes, two hours each time, two periods a day.

She raised her head and concluded with a smile: "Let's talk about it then."

Jing Yimai was surprised and unwilling, "It will be too late to change classes by then."

Xia Yan still smiled: "It doesn't matter, I will open the back door for you, so you can come and go freely at any time."

Jing Yimai:?


After sending Jing Yimai away, Xia Yan put his legs on the table, tapped his fingers, and the sound of SpongeBob's croaking sounded in the room.

She has always treated everyone equally.


At 7 o'clock in the morning on the 23rd, Xia Yan appeared in the hotel lobby on time.

The moment they saw her figure, the two people who had been waiting for a long time stood up suddenly.

It's finally out!

Xia Yan glanced at the two of them, with surprise in his eyes that didn't look fake.

"Come so early?"

She remembered that there seemed to be no time for the appointment on the invitation, and it looked like they had come over long ago to wait.

Chu Wanfu changed into loose casual clothes and explained: "There are people who are more anxious than us and are guarding outside the base in the middle of the night."

So he hasn't slept a wink since he received the notice from his subordinates.

Unlike them, they slept very peacefully.

"Is there someone here?" Xia Yan and Jing Yimai said in unison.

"Well, I said I came to lead the way."

Xia Yan became interested, "Let's go, let's go now!"

Seeing them get up and leave without stopping, Xiong Xiong, who was still waiting for the boss to settle down, looked confused.


Didn't you forget to say something?

Xia Yan turned around, his little mouth slightly open, his face a little too round and hairy, and his eyes showing a kind of stupid wit.

She couldn't help but laugh, and went back to rub it hard.

"Wait until I come back."


After walking out of the safe zone and on the only way to the base gate, Chu Wanfu's men stood in two lines with firm eyes.

They must escort the three of them out.

Chu Wanfu's face didn't look good, and Xia Yan felt that he must have read the sadness of farewell in his subordinates' eyes.

If it were her, she wouldn't look good...

When the soldier watching the door saw them coming, he slowly opened the door, revealing the thick grass outside the base and three birdmen climbing up from the ground.


Chu Wanfu stopped and said without looking back, "Say."

The subordinate gritted his teeth and said, "I am worried about your safety and have applied to go with you."

"No, even if you go, you won't be able to board the ship. Just protect the base."

Xia Yan watched the two people going back and forth, and she really admired Chu Wanfu's courage. She was invincible, and Jing Yimai could teleport back to Lidai Island in an instant - wait, couldn't Chu Wanfu also teleport back to the villa?

She suddenly realized that no wonder he wasn't worried.

This Fan Qi has deceived her, so he has nothing to fear, right? !

The subordinate wanted to say more, but moved his mouth and stopped talking.

Xia Yan couldn't help but said, "You don't have to do this. Maybe you have to report to him at night. Did you forget that he can go back to the villa at any time?"

The subordinates suddenly realized, "Goodbye, leader!"

Chu Wanfu looked at him sideways.

The three birdmen standing independently like golden roosters looked very nervous.

"How to get there?" Xia Yan asked.

The base is still a long way from the seaside. What's the use of Jing Wenbin sending three birdmen here? Is it possible that they can fly on his back?

A scene from a long time ago suddenly appeared in front of Xia Yan's eyes - Lu Jue was carried away by Lan Wu. Could it be...

She looked up and down with her eyes. Compared with Lan Wu, the appearance of these bird people was so different. How could the gap between birds be so big?

With her face covered with feathers, she didn’t want to lie down.

Under her fierce gaze, the birdman really squatted down gradually——

"Stop, Jing Wenbin lets you lead the way in this way?" Xia Yan was impatient, "Get up, I have my own car."

Jing Yimai sneered, his eyes were cold and filled with deep hatred, "Jing Wenbin is looking down on my boss?"

Xia Yan turned his head:?

This sounded a little wrong.

Jing Yimai looked at her, and his body was surrounded by a firm stand of common hatred: "Boss, I will drive, let them fly in the sky."

Chu Wanfu crossed his arms as if watching a big show.

The birdman's timid voice came from his beak: "Boss, you misunderstood, Mr. Bin has prepared a means of transportation."

As they said, they took out a few bloody red rectangles from the roots of their wings and threw them to the ground. The smooth surface suddenly cracked with irregular gaps, bouncing and changing, and attracted each other and merged together. After a few seconds, it formed a silver boat with a horizontal thin tube on the top.

The internal space was just enough to accommodate the three of them.

The birdman took a step back, "Please get on the boat, we can find the location and take you there safely."

Xia Yan and the other two looked at each other and exchanged information.

Jing Yimai: Are you still driving?

Xia Yan: Hiss, it seems a bit fun...

Chu Wanfu: I'm fine.

Xia Yan: Get on!

The three of them stepped into the boat one by one. The touch under their buttocks showed that it was not as smooth as it looked, but had a slight friction.

I don't know what the birdman pressed, and a thin tube similar to the top of the head stretched out from both ends of the boat. The height was just right for grasping, which should be a handrail.

The birdman stood behind them, half-opened his wings and flew up, then held the thin tube with both hands.

The next second, they felt the boat shaking.

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