Don't think too much, it just shook for a moment.

Xia Yan swore that she saw disbelief on the feathered bird's face.

She narrowed her eyes dangerously.


"Why, can't it fly?" She said sinisterly.

There are only three reasons why it can't fly. One, they didn't eat, two, they didn't have the strength, and three, there are two adult strong men here.

Xia Yan said that the word "strong" is very appropriate to describe it.

The bird people didn't dare to lower their heads, holding the thin tube tightly with both hands, and the wings behind them flapped at a high frequency and large amplitude. The boat swayed again and gradually left the ground.

Xia Yan looked down, and the grass in the wilderness became smaller and smaller in her sight, and the green waves came one after another.

"It's flying~"

Turning her sight, she saw the high walls of the base, the small roads that connected the fields, the houses of different heights, and her luxurious hotel in the most central location.

Then, she saw the eagerly awaited bear, who smiled and waved his hands high.

What a silly bear, Xia Yan couldn't help thinking.

The bird people started to drive at high speed, the boat was firmly held in their hands, and they could not feel any bumps sitting inside, but there was a little wind, which made their faces hurt.

After more than half an hour, they finally saw a vast ocean, and a super yacht of more than 100 meters was rising and falling in the center of the ocean.

The boat was too big and too far away, and the people on the deck were almost invisible.

"Tsk, it took a lot of manpower and material resources, right?"

Some people live too comfortably, this is not the end of the world, this is clearly a cave of ecstasy.

Jing Yimai sneered.

Chu Wanfu had a blank expression on his face.

The sea was not calm, and the black waves were fraught with danger, just like the yacht they were about to board.

As they approached, the scene of toasts on the top deck came into view.

The waiters in uniform walked up the wooden stairs, carrying trays among the crowd, distributing cocktails and small cakes according to demand from time to time.

In the most crowded place, a young man in a white suit was surrounded by stars.

The man looked similar to Jing Yimai.

The edge of the deck was full of superpower bodyguards, who looked here vigilantly the moment they approached.

The bodyguard squeezed into the crowd, whispered in Jing Wenbin's ear, and pointed his finger at them from a distance.

Jing Wenbin raised his head, glanced at the faces of Xia Yan and the other two, and suddenly laughed.

"Look at how happy your brother is, it's so hateful." Xia Yan turned his head and said to Jing Yimai.

Jing Yimai's face was grim, "It's really hateful."

Xia Yan looked at Chu Wanfu again, "What do you think?"

Chu Wanfu's face was uglier than Jing Yimai's, and his eyes were fixed on the middle-aged man standing behind Jing Wenbin.

"Why is he here too?"

"Who?" Xia Yan was curious and scanned the faces of the group of people around Jing Wenbin.

Did Chu Wanfu also meet someone he knew?

This trip was really interesting.

While she was observing the other side, the other side was also observing them.

Because the holiday hotel promotional video was too high-profile, many people who had been to Lidai Island instantly recognized Xia Yan.

"Boss Xia is also on the invitation list?"

"But she and President Bin... aren't..."

Wasn't President Bin punished in public... to wash dishes? He could tolerate this?

The insider who knew the inside story of the grudge between the two couldn't help but exchange glances with strange expressions.

Did President Bin mature overnight?

While thinking, Jing Wenbin had already walked to the deck and greeted him in person with a big smile.

"Welcome, welcome! This day has finally come, we finally meet again, Boss Xia, is everything okay?"

He said two "finally" in a row, not hiding his inner eagerness.

Xia Yan stepped out of the boat, smiling: "As you think."

Jing Wenbin was stunned for a moment, but soon returned to normal, and said to Chu Wanfu with a smile: "General Chu, you can't miss the auction tonight, you will be interested in the things inside."

He quickly looked back and put his hand to his mouth, "Many people need things, and I happen to have them. Haha."

Chu Wanfu thought he was talking nonsense and only asked: "When did you meet Yang Zizheng?"

After Yang Zizheng had a conflict with him, he found an excuse to take people out of the Yinshanling base, and he never heard from him again. I didn't expect to meet him here.

Chu Wanfu remained calm, his thoughts flying.

Jing Wenbin frowned and rolled the three words "Yang Zizheng" on his tongue, as if he couldn't remember who this person was.

Suddenly he realized.

"You mean Old Yang?" He smiled, turned around and waved to the crowd, "Old Yang, come here, I found a friend of yours."

"Hey, here I come."

A middle-aged man with a serious bald head and purple eyes walked out of the crowd.

Xia Yan noticed that Chu Wanfu's breathing was disordered. She looked at the man who was gradually approaching, trying to find the memory of meeting him before on his face.

But he was fat, a little old, and his expression was listless, as if his energy was drained. Xia Yan really couldn't remember his original appearance. She could only guess that she should have seen him at the Yinshanling Base.

"Chu Wanfu, why are you still so cowardly?" Yang Zizheng stood beside Jing Wenbin and said a king bomb when he opened his mouth.

He looked up and down without hesitation, and made a disgusted sound.

"You look like a dog, why haven't you married yet? Is it not okay?"

Frog fun, Xia Yan's eyes widened.

So exciting!

She loves to watch!

Chu Wanfu raised his eyes and said coldly: "Where did you come from, you toad spirit? Also, lick the vegetable leaves off your teeth before talking to me."

Xia Yan: !!!

General Chu is awesome!

Yang Zizheng's face changed drastically, like an overturned palette, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple changing back and forth.


Chu Wanfu looked at his teeth mockingly.

Yang Zizheng suddenly closed his mouth, rolled his tongue, scraped his teeth, looking for naughty vegetable leaves, but his face froze immediately.

Seeing that he reacted, Chu Wanfu sneered mercilessly, "Fortunately it's not at night, otherwise I would have thought there was a pig standing in front of me."

Yang Zizheng clenched his fists tightly, his eyes could spit fire, and squeezed out a few words from his teeth: "Chu! Wan! Fu!"

Chu Wanfu looked at him with disdain, waved his hand gently at the tip of his nose, and said word by word: "It's still a fragrant pig."

Yang Zizheng's face changed again.

"Haha, I didn't expect the two of them to have such a good relationship," Jing Wenbin stretched out his hand and pulled him behind him, laughing, "Old Yang was a groom again yesterday, he smelled fragrant, and the sea breeze didn't blow him away, he's still as good as ever, I'm really envious."

He patted Yang Zizheng's arm, signaled, and turned back to see Jing Yimai's face was different, and immediately alarm bells went off in his mind.

Sure enough--

"You envy an old man? Could it be that you can't even be a groom now?"

Jing Yimai's eyes went down all the way, the white suit pants were thin and close-fitting, and fell smoothly, which was very consistent with Jing Wenbin's flirty and chubby personality. When he saw a small bulge somewhere, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"I have an acquaintance in the hospital, can I make an appointment for you?"


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