The handsome man took action.

"You actually dare to do that?!"

His eyes were red, his thin lips were trembling slightly, his hands were trembling in the air before he could take them back, and there was a pitiful feeling of brokenness all over his body.

The strong men at the door of the kitchen could not help but whistle softly, showing off their well-developed biceps and trapezius muscles.

The man's face turned dark, he grabbed his shoulders and turned him to face him, his tone was quite impatient.

"What's going on recently? You don't have an aunt, so why are you so angry all the time? I didn't bring you here as you asked, and I didn't bring anyone else."

The handsome man burst into tears, "Can't I be my uncle? If you find it annoying, just leave me alone. Anyway, you already have a new love, so why do you care about me?!"

The man had a headache: "I've said it countless times, he is just a passerby, my heart is still with you."

The handsome man was desperate: "You finally told the truth. You have been intimate, right...I, I have mysophobia."

The man gritted his teeth: "Compared to those with you, he is not even qualified to carry your shoes."

The handsome man was stunned, then showed shyness on his face, and lightly punched his chest with his delicate fist, "Bad~"

The man held his head with one hand and pressed it into his arms. His eyes fell on the red palm prints on the side of the waiter's face. His eyes gradually became interested, as if he had seen something interesting, and he said:

"Find me."

It was so irritating to the eyes. Xia Yan raised his head and took a big sip of boiled water. He couldn't help but feel sorry for himself.

The handsome man straightened up, held his hand possessively, and used his fingers to click on the menu, coquettishly asking for this and that.

The waiter had a half-red face and silently memorized the names of the dishes without saying a word.

After a while, the handsome man said in a condescending tone: "Put the menu on the table, I'm tired of standing."

The waiter did as he was told, and his arms couldn't help but tremble after he put down the menu.

The man sat down casually, and the beautiful man sat on his lap in a posture that showed off his curves. As if he didn't like his hair being in the way, he brushed it to one side, revealing his slender and fair neck curve. With his clear jawline, he actually had a few hairs. Pretty good looking.

He lowered his head to choose his favorite dish, while the men behind him looked at the waiters unscrupulously, and the strong men also had naked eyes.

The restaurant became quiet again. Apart from the sounds of chewing and clinking of bowls and chopsticks, the only sounds were the rising and falling voices of the handsome man.

It was at this time that Jing Yimai and Chu Wanfu appeared.

"So you are here."

The two of them sat opposite her one after another, looked at the dinner plate on the table and asked, "Have you already eaten?"

Xia Yan nodded and silently moved his position so that the three people opposite him appeared in sight again.

Chu Wanfu was keenly aware of her movements and looked back. From this angle, most people were eating quietly, and it seemed like there was nothing special about it.

He frowned almost unnoticeably, ignoring a certain poplar flower that raised a smile.

"Who are you smiling at?"

"You are wrong. It's my mouth that's cramping."

Xia Yan couldn't help laughing.

The handsome man looked over, focusing on the two handsome guys opposite her, and rolled his eyes at the waiter with resentment: "That's about it. Can you take it away? You can't just eat it here."

Upon hearing this, the man pinched his waist and said in an uncertain tone: "Didn't you say that this place stinks and is full of rotten fish and shrimps? What made you change your mind?"

As he spoke, he looked towards the newcomers.

Chu Wanfu:? ? ?

Jing Yimai:? ? ?

Xia Yan: Hey, if you like watching, please have more.

The handsome man's face was flushed, and his eyes swept over him affectionately. He put his arms around his neck, and his voice was as soft as possible: "You always said that I am squeamish, but this is how I started to change. I even asked the waiter if I could take it away. ..."

He leaned close to the man's ear: "I recently learned a new trick, I'll show you when I go back~"

The man was immediately satisfied and said, "Waiter, bring the food to my room."

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The waiter who had been watching the show for a long time looked back at the strong men, who shook their heads like chickens pecking at rice.

"Sorry, I can't..." The waiter almost cried.

He is just a little waiter, and it is really not suitable for him to do things like delivering messages that can lead to death if he is not careful.

He lowered his head, waiting fearfully for the pain that was about to come from his body. There was still some pain on the right side of his face, and it might be red for a few days. He had to be careful in the past few days while the swelling subsided, so as not to be used as a punching bag...

The next second——

"Okay, let's eat here then. Go and open the windows. Is there any aromatherapy? Some."

Sounds like the sounds of nature came out of the man's mouth.

The waiter seemed to have received an amnesty, "I'll go right away!"

"Come out~" The beautiful man got off his lap and sat on the opposite side, straightening his back, but he didn't dare to look around, after all, he was still staring closely.

"What was your previous job?"

Chu Wanfu's voice suddenly sounded in his ears, and Xia Yan came back to his senses, "Idle people are squatting at home, why do you suddenly ask like this?"

Chu Wanfu looked leisurely and said in a joking tone: "I thought you were an entertainment reporter."

Always stay at the forefront of gossip.

Xia Yan: "Can you guess this?"

Chu Wanfu raised his eyes to look at her. Before he could say anything, he heard Jing Yimai's surprised voice: "Really?"

Xia Yan: "Almost."

She has never done anything, after all, she is a senior migrant worker.

The changes in the space above the table interrupted the conversation of the three people. Xia Yan saw with his own eyes the big bubble for takeout in the resort hotel.

"You, ordered takeout?"

Chu Wanfu said lightly: "No way, I'm afraid of death."

Jing Yimai gritted his teeth: "How could I eat his food?!"

The two of them said nakedly: How dare you eat it?

Xia Yan: "...I'm stubborn."

The sudden abnormality alerted the strong men. After exchanging glances, they split into several groups, and two of them walked here.

"Brother, is there nothing you like on our menu?"

The strong man took a look at the Yangchun noodles in the bowl. The soup was watery and there were only two oil stars. It was true that wild boars could not eat fine bran.

The two strong men stood by the table, wide and tall, like two walls. The muscles of their arms supporting the table were knotted and looked very explosive.

If it were an ordinary person, they might not be able to help comparing themselves with their appearance. Once they realized that they were not as good as the other party, they would be timid.

But these two not only did not do that, but even wanted to do it.

"Any opinions?" Jing Yimai said coldly, his eyes like ten thousand years of ice, whistling and piercing.

He was eager to find trouble.

The strong man's face changed several times, and finally he smiled and said: "How could it be, I just asked."

"You don't look like you're asking, but you're here to accuse me." Jing Yimai sneered, "Get out of here, don't force me to fight with you."

The strong man's face suddenly turned purple, the veins on his neck burst, and his hands on the table were clenched into fists. They suppressed their anger, their tongues pressed hard against their cheeks, and their eyes were fierce.

"Brother, when you go out--"


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