Jing Yimai didn't say anything and punched the sturdy man in the face.

The man caught off guard and took it, spitting out a long arc of saliva, and fell to the ground with a thud. When he looked up, half of his face was not only crooked, but also black and blue.


His companion on the opposite side shouted: "Making trouble?! BIG guts!"

Jing Yimai picked up the hard French baguette on the table and stuffed it into his wide-open mouth with lightning speed.

"Who is your brother? Because you are so shameless?"

"Beep beep beep!" (silenced)

The sturdy man sitting on the ground turned over and jumped up, picking up the superpower gun with a curse, and holding his index finger on the trigger and shouting: "See if I don't teach him a lesson, get out of here!"

After that, he pressed his finger down-

From the outbreak of the conflict to the black muzzle facing each other, it was just a blink of an eye.

Xia Yan had dodged to the back when Jing Yimai slammed the table and stood up. Almost as soon as he stood firm, many spots of light appeared in front of his retina.

β€”β€”Bang, bang, bang!

The light spots fell, and the super-high-energy energy bombs exploded, the dinner plates shattered, and the soup splashed all around. The white tablecloth was ignited by the high temperature, and a fiery red flame lit up, and began to burn along the grease and wooden boards. In a few blinks, thick black and choking fog gathered in the air.



"You damn sons of bitches, I haven't finished my meal yet, at least wait for me to eat more!"

"Why are you still eating? Escape is more important."

At this time, the muzzle of the gun tilted, and it swept the ground at an inclined angle, leaving a winding trace. Wherever it went, there were charred holes. The splashing sparks ignited the drooping tassels, and the flames climbed up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Now people had no time to complain. They poured the remaining food on the plates into the big plates, held them in front of their chests, bent down and ran out.

The fire formed very quickly, and the thick fog was the culprit for the death.

"Come on, I'll take you out."

Chu Wanfu appeared from nowhere, grabbed her arm, frowned and stared at the two crazy strong men, and tried to stay out of their attack range.

A bunch of lunatics, he thought.

The strong man who was guarding the kitchen door ran out when they went crazy. God knows whether he went to call for help or to find a psychiatrist.

None of Jing Wenbin's men are normal.

Xia Yan originally wanted to send it back to the hotel directly, but now he saw that he had to stay and see how Jing Wenbin was so angry.

This place is not far from the gate, and it takes only a few steps to get there. Maybe it was because the noise in the restaurant was too loud. The deck, the stairs, and the upper railings were full of people, and their heads were sticking out. They wanted to get in and watch the excitement in person, and they were not afraid of being smoked.

Chu Wanfu took her to a "quiet" corner, and she whispered, "Where's he?"

Did he not send the message back?

Chu Wanfu was secretly examining the crowd, but when he heard this, he turned his head and looked at her strangely.

"He said he couldn't take a leave, so he went back to class."

Xia Yan: "Oh?"

The people crowded on the steps heard the movement on the upper deck, and all turned their heads and looked up.

Chu Wanfu's sight followed, and his tone was teasing: "I didn't expect that Boss Xia's employees are so dedicated."

Jing Wenbin's exasperated voice came from above: "You all get out of the way, how can I get down if you are all blocking here!"

"Bang bang bang."

"Damn, there's still a fight inside? This is my new ship!"

The people on the steps were pushed like waves, and the group at the bottom staggered and were driven aside, as if squeezing toothpaste, and Jing Wenbin finally appeared at the corner of the stairs with a dark face.

He glanced at the restaurant with billowing smoke, and was visibly suffocating.

"Quick, why are you still standing there? Go put out the fire!"

"My boat is about to burn down."

"Who is the troublemaker? Bring them all here!"

"I'm not Jing if I don't kill him."

"He must have been a machine gun in his previous life." Xia Yan clicked his tongue, thinking that he hadn't replied to his previous words yet, so he said, "As long as the benefits are in place, how can employees quit."

"Are you pointing at me?" Chu Wanfu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Xia Yan smiled, "Whatever you think."

On the opposite side, the strong man who rushed to inform the crowd swept his eyebrows, aimed at Xia Yan's direction, and pointed his finger over: "They are the ones who took the initiative to cause trouble!"

He pointed to an area. The people who were pointed at knew that it was not them. They were afraid of being angered by the offenders. They wanted to avoid suspicion, but they hesitated and didn't know where to hide.

Xia Yan met Jing Wenbin's angry gaze and said to Chu Wanfu in a relaxed tone: "We won't be blamed, right?"

Chu Wanfu corrected: "It's you, not me. Your employee made trouble during working hours, and as his boss, you have to bear legal responsibility."

Xia Yan looked at him as if he was a fool: "... Serious nonsense, listen to it yourself and see if it's reliable."

Chu Wanfu raised his chin and motioned her to look at the angry bird coming towards her, "He must think it's reliable."

"Boss Xia, you seem to be missing someone here?" Jing Wenbin stood in front of her, and after making sure that he didn't see someone's hateful face, his nostrils opened and closed with anger.

"Are you talking about Jing Yimai?" she asked.

"Well, where is he."

Xia Yan raised her hand and pointed to the restaurant that was doused with water and smoked more fiercely: "He is being beaten inside."

After thinking about it, she added: "Tell your people to be gentle and don't hurt my employee. He has signed a contract to earn crystal cores for me."

Jing Wenbin's eyebrows were so furrowed that they could kill a fat fly, "What did you say? Jing Yimai is your employee?"

Xia Yan asked back: "You don't know?"

Jing Wenbin: How would I know!

She suddenly realized, "Oh~ I forgot, the person you tried to send in last time, because the assassination failed, I broke him into a small cube and sold two secondary crystal cores. Mr. Bin, send some more people next time?"

How did she know? !

Jing Wenbin's face froze, thinking of the female "spy" who went and never came back. He thought she was persuaded and reluctant to come back, but it turned out that she had been reincarnated early.

"Boss Xia is talking, why don't I understand."

"If you don't understand, think about it more, and you will understand one day." Xia Yan smiled lightly.

Jing Wenbin's heart trembled, and he suddenly had a bad premonition. This woman's smile was not good, and he always felt a chill on his back. Besides, he hadn't found her weakness yet...

"Boss Bin, we only found two people!"

The water-based superpower who went in to put out the fire carried out two strong men, and threw them casually. The two men spread out their limbs softly, revealing their big faces blackened by smoke.

The superpower took a step forward and whispered in Jing Wenbin's ear: "When we found them, they were already unconscious. We carefully checked the scene and found only the two of them. We didn't find any troublemakers."

Jing Wenbin's veins were throbbing. No one was alive or dead? Did Jing Yimai disappear out of thin air?

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