When it rains it pours.

Xia Yan's voice pierced in: "Boss Bin, where are my employees? They disappeared in your territory, you can't not give an explanation, right?"

Very good, she took the initiative.

Jing Wenbin's emotions can no longer be described as simply irritable, but must be described with various words such as boredom, doubt, speechlessness, anger, and mania.

He took a deep breath and left this place of trouble before he ran away and lost his mind.

"Is the fire out? How much is the loss?"


The restaurant glass seemed to have reached its limit, and finally broke into countless pieces, falling to the ground with a crash. When the sun shone on it, it reflected dazzling tiny spots of light.

The atmosphere was frozen to the extreme.

The thick smoke from the empty space in the restaurant gradually became thinner, revealing the ruins of the city that was so devastated after the "disaster" that it seemed to be seen every day.

"What a pity."

Someone in the crowd was whispering. Before Jing Wenbin could feel sad, he heard another sentence——

"The dishes I ordered haven't been served yet. Do they have to pay for it? Lao Gong~ I haven't eaten yet. I won't have the strength to twist in a while."

It was still the familiar Lao Gong, the familiar recipe.

The handsome man's eyes were slightly red, with tears in his eyes, and his mouth was pursed. He leaned on the man's chest, but his eyes glanced at Xia Yan and Chu Wanfu beside him.

This red apricot...

Jing Wenbin seemed to be very familiar with his man. He said, "I'll send someone to order food later," and then he went into the ruins restaurant.

"Let's go, let's go back and rest. Don't worry, you won't be hungry." The man seemed to feel that the sun was too hot and he didn't want to stay here like a fool.

As soon as he took a step, he was grabbed by the sleeve by the handsome man.


The handsome man frowned, his eyes moved around the upstairs and the stairs, and he said in a tender voice: "There are so many people, I will be rubbed against, let's wait a while before leaving~"

"Aren't you afraid of getting tanned?"

"It doesn't matter, I put on sunscreen today~"

Seeing that he insisted like this, the man followed his wishes and looked in the crowd, and soon locked on a waiter.

It's better not to leave, look for...

The handsome man's eyes were wandering, looking here and there, which was very similar to his man's behavior.

After all, the same bed can make two different people.

Not long after, Jing Wenbin's furious scolding came from the restaurant, and he appeared at the door, stepping on the creaking broken glass.

He stared at Xia Yan, and said word by word with an ugly face: "Jing Yimai is missing."

Xia Yan made a surprised expression: "Boss Bin has to take responsibility, Jing Yimai must be worth at least 100 or 80 level 5 crystal cores, right? I won't ask you for more, just give it as a token of my appreciation."

There was a gasp at the scene.

That's a level 5 crystal core, it's worth 100 or 80 if it's not worth anything?

Why is this person so expensive?

Jing Wenbin had a hunch that the man was not dead, he must have escaped in a way he didn't know, and then left his boss here to ask for compensation... So the two of them were here to fish for law enforcement?

They treated him as a big enemy?

The restaurant he carefully decorated and built was destroyed, who should be responsible for the huge loss? !

"If Jing Yimai hadn't taken action first, my restaurant wouldn't have been--"

"If your men hadn't fired randomly, this restaurant wouldn't have caught fire."

A familiar voice came from the dark restaurant. Jing Wenbin turned around and gritted his teeth, "Jing Yimai! You finally showed up."

"Well, I was afraid you would be waiting anxiously, so I came."

Jing Yimai stepped out, his clothes were neat and undamaged, and his face was not blackened by smoke. After all, he was sent back to Lidai Island at the moment the other party fired.

Xia Yan regretted: "Why are you back? The compensation hasn't arrived yet."

"Compensation?" Jing Yimai was stunned for a moment, and stepped closer, "I guess the fire is almost over, so I came here quickly to prevent him from putting all the responsibility on you."

What he wanted to say was that if Xia Yan took the blame, he might not live a wonderful life.

"Don't you have classes?"

"I switched with another teacher."

The two of them talked back and forth, and didn't take the angry Jing Wenbin seriously at all.

Jing Yimai looked back and saw him like this, sneered and didn't explain. After all, this kind of people have their own deep-rooted ideas. They will only find words that are beneficial to them from the words, and then hold on to them.

Besides, they already have a grudge, and he did it on purpose. This is just the appetizer.

"Everything has just begun." He said with lip language.

The desire to kill him has become an obsession, and he must collect some interest first to ease his mood.

Jing Wenbin understood, his expression was gloomy, like the night before the storm.

More and more people gathered upstairs, including big men who have rich resources from all over the country. These people's inquiring eyes kept turning around their similar faces, as if they wanted to see through something.

Jing Wenbin suppressed his anger.

It's not the time yet.

He calmly looked at the restaurant for the last time, ordered people to seal it off, and turned upstairs.

An explosive conflict was resolved in this weird peace.

The sturdy man who was lying on the ground and in a deep coma suddenly opened his eyes a little, his eyeballs swirled around, and when he saw that Mr. Bin had left, he jumped up from the ground, and his face, which was covered with charcoal, showed fear and panic.

"You two are quite good at pretending." Xia Yan mocked.

As early as when the superpower person reported the situation close to Jing Wenbin's ear, she found that the finger that was accidentally stepped on tried to pull back, and she knew it was a disguise.

The two sturdy men didn't say anything, as if the conflict with them before was as small as an ant compared to what was about to happen.

Their eyes briefly glanced at the crowd, and when they looked up, they suddenly stiffened, as if they were petrified by the Eyes of Medusa.

"Brother, don't you pretend anymore?"

The voice was light and airy, but full of danger.

Xia Yan looked up and saw a high-powered sniper rifle mounted on the railing upstairs. The dark muzzle was facing the two of them, and the gunman's voice came from behind.

"Give you five seconds to escape."


As soon as the countdown came out, the two strong men ran away, turned over and jumped to the lower level.


The onlookers threw themselves at the railing, and saw the two of them jumping off again. The soles of their shoes hit the deck with a loud thud, and their rapid footsteps sounded like they were stepping on a fierce drum beat, as they jumped into the sea at the fastest speed.


"They really jumped in. Can they still survive in this sea?"

"I can't do it without jumping. I destroyed Mr. Bin's restaurant and died happily. It's all good luck."


The voice upstairs continued to count slowly.

In the dark and turbulent waves, two small heads were rising and falling, being buried by the waves and disappearing from time to time.

"Five. It's time."

The sound from upstairs suddenly stopped, and everyone looked up.

Death is about to swing his scythe.

The muzzle of the gun mounted on the railing disappeared, and when it reappeared in everyone's sight, the man was already in mid-air.



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