Two soft sounds of water entering the water.

Everyone turned their heads in unison.

"The person is gone."

The floating head in the waves gradually sank, and dark liquid oozed out, forming a darker water circle.

Suddenly, the corpse pushed up and twisted and turned under the water, constantly "struggling".

"Is it a corpse?"

"No, it seems that there is something in the water."

Xia Yan squinted and looked carefully, and soon found the clues - a few pale faces that were swollen like steamed buns flashed vaguely under the corpse. They lurked and gathered, and took advantage of the waves to bite the still tight muscles of the corpse.

Fresh blood flowed out of the wound and was sent to all directions by the rolling waves, attracting more and more "monsters".

A big wave hit, and the corpse was thrown high in the air, revealing the "fat maggots" hanging in a bunch below, each close together, biting tightly, with dead fish-like eyes gray and protruding, staring at the living people on the boat with inorganic texture.

๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Barโ†’96๐”ฐ๐”ฅ๐”ฒ.๐”ซ๐”ข๐”ฑ

There was a sound of inhalation all around.

"It's actually zombies."

"I didn't expect there would be so many in the sea. Who would dare to go swimming?"

"You must be crazy. Even if there are no zombies, there are many mutated creatures in the sea. Are you sure you dare to go into the water?"

As they spoke, the corpse fell into the water again, with a loud bang and a large splash of water. At this time, they stared at the dense group of zombies gathered under the water in silence.


The feeling of fear climbed up the spine from the soles of the feet, the back of the head twisted into a ball, and the scalp exploded.

There was a sound of cursing and retreating footsteps on the deck.

This feeling is like walking into a dry toilet in the hot summer, and accidentally looking down to find that the dense maggots in the pit have all raised their upper bodies and "stared" at you with headless meat balls...

In one word, disgusting, want to vomit, so MMP.

Xia Yan looked away, not wanting to be abused.

The onlookers near the railing wanted to poke their eyes out, and hurriedly dispersed with heavy steps, and the deck was in chaos.

In the chaos of people coming and going, people bumped into them from time to time. Xia Yan tried to avoid them and found that Chu Wanfu was looking up at something without saying a word.

Xia Yan also looked over, and a figure leaning against the upper railing half lowered his head and wiped the gun body bit by bit.

He seemed to feel something, and his eyes moved slightly. After pausing on Chu Wanfu for a second, he looked at Xia Yan.

โ€”โ€”Those were very beautiful eyes.

It was a girl.

She put away the gun and turned away.

"Your shooting skills are very accurate." Chu Wanfu's voice was full of praise, and then he sighed softly, with mixed emotions.

"Very cool." Xia Yan agreed.

When most of the people nearby had left, Jing Yimai suggested going back to the room to rest. He took out the room card, "Take it as you like."

Xia Yan casually pulled out a card and turned it over. Jing Yimai's name was written on it.

"This room card is yours." She said.

"Name?" Jing Yimai turned the magnetic card in his hand, "I don't have a name on this one."

The two looked at Chu Wanfu, who shook his head.

"I don't have a name on this one either."

Then only the room card in Xia Yan's hand had a name on it, which seemed to be deliberately arranged by Jing Wenbin.

Jing Yimai showed sarcasm in his eyes and exchanged room cards with Xia Yan, "I'm on the third floor, room 15."

Xia Yan and Chu Wanfu's rooms were on the seventh and ninth floors respectively, and the three were separated by a long distance.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter."

They looked relaxed and didn't care. After all, they could be transmitted back to the hotel at any time. Who could do anything to them?

After a brief farewell, Jing Yimai walked down the stairs and disappeared around the corner.

Chu Wanfu stopped when he reached the upper floor and said, "I'm just walking around here. Do you need me to take you back?"

Xia Yan: "No."

She continued to walk up the stairs and looked down when she was about to turn the corner. Chu Wanfu was looking around for someone. He should be the sniper she saw just now.

On the seventh floor, she found the room. When she was swiping the room card, a quarrel suddenly came from next door.

"I knew you had a different purpose this time! Tell me, what good stuff did President Bin bring out again?"

The pretentious voice reminded her of a certain "sister" instantly.

"...You're overthinking. Look at the menu first. These dishes are different. You have to spend crystal cores to buy them."

"All the ones I just mentioned need to be...Don't change the subject! Why did you tell me to go back after attending tonight's auction? Didn't you say there were three auctions in total?

You also said that you would take a picture of the finale and inject it into me, hoping that I could accompany you until old age. Why are you doing that now-"


The door opened, and the high-pitched voice next door suddenly stopped.

Xia Yan stepped in.

"Are you looking for death by making such a loud noise?" The man growled in a suppressed voice.

She closed the door and the voice was cut off.

The room was not too big, with simple furnishings, but it was clean. There was no unpleasant odor in the air. There was a large window opposite, and she tried to open it, but to no avail.

She found the bed sheet from the system grid and spread it, and then took out her pillow and quilt. After putting everything away, she fell on the bed, gradually falling asleep in the slight swaying, and slowly closed her eyes.


"Knock knock."

Xia Yan was awakened by a knock on the door.

She opened her eyes, her expression hazy, "...Who?"

The room was a little red, and the shadow of the bed on the ground stretched out a long line. She turned her head to look at the window. The sky outside was full of red clouds. It was almost sunset. She realized that she had slept for a long time.

I slept from noon to dusk and took a good nap.

Xia Yan sat up, and suddenly felt a needle-like pain in her head, and she felt a little dizzy and nauseous. She took a while to recover.

The sequelae of sleeping too long.

At this time, she heard the machine gun-like complaints outside the door-

"I said you should open the door. Why did you say nothing after one word? Is her voice so scary? Ah? If you have the guts, come out and confront me. I look so beautiful, and you actually said I'm scary-"

The door panel was suddenly opened, and a cold face appeared behind it.

"What are you barking about."

Why is it her? !

The handsome man's expression was stunned, his Adam's apple slid up and down helplessly, and the voice that was about to rush out was forced to swallow. After a long time, he uttered a complete sentence: "Do you live in this room?"

Xia Yan looked at him with a warning, "Get away, if you keep talking nonsense, I will throw you into the sea."

The door panel in front of him closed again, and the handsome man touched his nose in frustration, stared at the number plate on it, and ran back to his room in shame, and never went out again.

Xia Yan sat back on the bed to calm down, and slowly pressed her thumb on her temple. After the pain, she felt comfortable.

At this time, there was another knock on the door.

She put down her hand and asked, "Who is it?"

The person coming couldn't be the little wife next door. Based on her many years of experience in judging people, she knew that even if she didn't accept it, she would play dirty in secret and wouldn't confront her face to face.

"I'm Chu Wanfu."

As expected.

Xia Yan went to open the door.

Chu Wanfu's eyes naturally fell, without any sign of shifting back: "There's a dance party downstairs, do you want to go and watch it?"

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