I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 46 Upgrading the Bear

Inside the private room. Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎

After taking a hot bath, Xia Yan's cheeks were slightly pink. She was wiping her hair and turned on the TV.

"System, how do I upgrade Xiong Xiong?"

The crystal cores recovered from Feng Tianxi cannot be counted as sales in the store, and they went directly into Xia Yan's personal account.

Now she has 3550 points in her account, which is considered a small fortune.

[It takes 200 points to upgrade to level 2, open the language function, and do simple dialogue]

"Okay, upgrade, pay the points from my personal account."

Xia Yan bought a cup of ice jelly from the food city and watched anime.

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[Upgrade Completed]

In the hall, Xiongxiong was standing at the door to watch the door. As a few lights flashed in his eyes, he opened his mouth and made a cute boyish voice, "Watch the door... Protect safety, Xiongxiong watch the door..."

Xia Yan, who was lying on the sofa, knew nothing about this until she felt a little sleepy, turned off the TV and crawled into the soft quilt to sleep.


Feng Bei opened her eyes reluctantly. If her bladder was not about to explode, she would never get out of bed.

The public bathroom was so far away that she had to walk through the entire corridor.

When will there be a bathroom in the single room?

Feng Bei yawned and pushed open the door. A small face with ridiculously large eyes appeared in front of her.


After a scream, she fell to the ground, her fingers trembling, and the urge to urinate that she couldn't hold back disappeared. She closed the door with a bang, and her hand stroked her rapidly rising and falling chest, panting.

She, she remembered that it was the monitor that Boss Xia arranged next to her!

It was terrible.

Feng Bei woke up instantly and sat by the bed to calculate how many points she had in her card, enough to live for a few days.

No, with meals, she can only stay for two days at most.

Although Boss Xia did not directly deduct the points in her card, he certainly would not provide free accommodation, so she could only go out to kill zombies to save crystal cores.

After making mental preparations, she took a deep breath and opened the door. Behind the door was still the face that made her shudder.

"You... get out of the way, I'm going out."

Qing Mingzi took two steps back, waited for Feng Bei to come out, followed her, and kept a distance of one meter.

Feng Bei could only pretend not to see it.


"Xiongxiong, go and clean up the upstairs."

Xia Yan saw Xiongxiong standing at the door motionless, and after opening the door, let it do something else.

"Okay, boss."

? ? ?

Xia Yan was shocked. She really forgot that Xiongxiong could already speak, and it was still a young voice? !

These 200 points are worth it!

At this time, Feng Bei walked down the stairs, followed by Qing Mingzi. When she saw Xia Yan, she flinched and had to bite the bullet to say hello.

"Boss Xia... Good morning..."

Xia Yan hummed lightly and walked past her.

Feng Bei saw Xia Yan went to the restaurant, and she didn't dare to hang around in front of Boss Xia, for fear that she would be unhappy and throw herself into the zombie pile.

She bought two breakfasts from the breakfast machine and another for lunch, and planned not to come back at noon.

Qing Mingzi honestly carried out the orders given by the boss and would never let Feng Bei out of her sight.

Feng Bei still wanted the zombies to get rid of her, but she didn't expect that the zombies could only see herself and ignored Qing Mingzi at all.

Shocked and angry, Feng Bei didn't have any good plan, so he could only put his mind aside for the time being.

Xia Yan sneered after learning about it, and was on guard against this trick of hers!

After breakfast, the number of people in the hotel gradually decreased. The old woman did not come downstairs at all. Lu Jue was frightened by what happened yesterday. She hid in the quilt and urged her brother again and again, wishing she could fly back to her hometown directly.

So Xia Yan was left alone in the living room, watching TV.

As the sun rose higher, the temperature outside rose linearly. The heat waves in the air were visible to the naked eye, and it was even difficult to breathe when it hit her face.

Even Xia Yan, who was sitting in the store, felt the heat uncomfortable.

After asking Xiong Xiong to close the door, she put out the vertical air conditioner and stood it next to it to start cooling. The temperature in the room gradually became suitable.

Xia Yan stood at the door and looked out. In such hot weather, even the zombies lost their vitality and their movements became more and more stiff.

Then she saw the boy quietly come out of the store next to him, wearing a shabby straw hat that he found from nowhere, and touched the back of the zombie and hit it on the fragile back of the head with a hammer.

The zombie fell to the ground. The boy pried open the bones and reached in to explore. After a while, a smile appeared on his face. There was indeed a first-level crystal core in his hand.

Then the boy saw Xia Yan behind the door, and his smile froze. After thinking for a while, he dragged the zombie body to the end of the street and threw it to another place.

After doing this, the boy hid in a shabby shop not far from the hotel again. He put a few heavy tires here. Whenever a zombie came, he would jump in. It couldn't be seen from the outside, and if the zombie level was too high, he could escape directly back to the hotel, which was absolutely safe!

If you don't have enough ability, you can make up for it with your brain.

This is the safest hunting method he can think of.

Originally, he was worried that the boss would not agree. Although the boss saw it just now, he didn't say anything. Does it mean that he acquiesced?

The temperature outside was too high. The boy licked his dry mouth and his throat was smoking with thirst.

After waiting patiently for a long time, no zombies passed by, so the boy decided to go back to drink some water, eat something, and then wait again.

The temperature under the eaves and on the street was completely different. When I stepped on the asphalt road, I felt that the soles of my shoes were about to melt.

At this temperature, an egg can be cooked directly, right?

The boy broke out in a sweat after walking two steps. It was the hottest time of the day, and even breathing a breath felt like a burning pain in the trachea.

The boy endured the discomfort and quickened his pace. He pushed open the door of the hotel, but he didn't expect that the cool air would hit him!

There is actually an air conditioner? !

The boy closed the door and looked at the vertical air conditioner in shock. He felt that the female boss had everything she wanted, and it would be absolutely fine to follow her!

Probably because she watched TV for too long, her eyes were slightly narrowed, and the look she gave her was like that of a lazy noble cat.

Xia Yan actually observed him for a long time, and the boy gave her a sense of déjà vu. He might be another person in a certain world.

"What's your name?"

The boy didn't expect the boss to actually speak to him. He suppressed his surprise and answered carefully, "My name is Ye Qizhen."

"Nice name. How old are you this year?"


"Yeah." Xia Yan looked away and fell on the empty refrigerator. He smiled, "If your mother has nothing to do, you can come down to enjoy the air conditioning and watch TV. No points will be charged."

Ye Qizhen was flattered and thanked him quickly, "I'll go back and talk to my mother. Thank you, boss!"

Air conditioning! Watch TV! Ye Qizhen's eyes flashed with strange light. He went upstairs with his hands and feet, not noticing Xia Yan's cunning smile on the sofa.

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