I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 47 Ye Qizhen's Mother

After taking a nap, Ye Qizheng's mother was sitting on the sofa, touching everything in front of her with a restrained look.

Xia Yan smiled in a friendly manner and took the initiative to greet her, "Isn't the guest coming here soon?"

As she spoke, she turned on the air conditioner. As the cool breeze blew out, the temperature in the hall gradually dropped.

The old woman stood up hurriedly, rubbed her hands cautiously, took a few steps back to get out of the way, and said with an apologetic smile: "No, no, I just came down."

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"Have a seat. Is there any TV series you like to watch?" Xia Yan patted the sofa, turned on the TV and slowly changed channels. When he encountered a suitable TV series, he gently asked for her opinion.

The old woman looked flattered. She didn't dare to be picky. Naturally, Xia Yan saw whatever she wanted.

"Okay, let's look at parental love. You can always see it these days, but I just haven't seen it."

"Okay, okay, I'll watch whatever you tell me to watch. I won't be picky."

The old woman wanted to say that she had air conditioning and TV to watch. She had never dared to enjoy such a life in her life. It was too late to be grateful, so how could she dare to be picky!

The two stopped talking and watched a few episodes of TV, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

Taking advantage of the GG period, Xia Yan took two glasses of water from the water dispenser, placed one in front of the old woman, and asked with a smile, "I don't know what to call the guests?"

"My, my surname is Wang, just call me Wang Mei. How dare I drink your water? I'm not thirsty, so I won't waste it." Wang Mei's face turned red with excitement, and she waved her hands to shirk it.

How could she not know how precious water is! In the original base, just a glass of impurity-free water could be sold for a second-level crystal core!

She can't afford to drink. It's not easy to kill zombies!

Xia Yan smiled and pushed the water glass in front of her, not allowing her to refuse, "Drink, you're welcome. There happens to be something I want to ask you about, and I won't be able to ask if you shirk it."

Wang Mei had no choice but to take the water glass, hold it in her hand and sip it, but she was curious in her heart. Is there something that the boss doesn't know about?

"Boss, just ask, I, I will definitely know what to say, without missing a word!"

"Okay. Which base did you come from? Are there many survivors inside?"

"Our base is called Future Base Third Base. It has a small population, a few hundred people, and more than 50 leaders in it. Feng Tianxi is one of them, but he is in charge of the ground health leader—— "

Seeing Wang Mei gradually pulling towards Feng Tianxi, Xia Yan hurriedly interrupted, "How far is the base from here?"

"There are some distances, and some roads are blocked now, and there are many zombies on some roads. If you want to take a detour, it will be further, and you will have to walk for at least half a day." Wang Mei recalled the many hardships on the road, and she was almost overtaken by zombies several times. , it would be impossible for her to return to the base even if she was beaten to death.

"Does your base provide water and food?" This is the question that Xia Yan is more concerned about.

"Food can only be distributed to those who have a job. Water must be distributed at a time specified by the base, but there is no fixed time. Most of them have to find a way to solve it themselves. There are also people who sell water, but the water produced is too little. It’s not enough.”

Unlike here, not only is the price cheap, the water quality is good, but the water in the bathroom has never been cut off. Water can flow out at any time when you turn it on, as if you have returned to peaceful times!

Xia Yan had a general understanding, and his smile became more friendly, "Then what if I advertised in your base and said that food and water are sold here at the same price as now?"

"That's absolutely good! This can save someone's life! You don't know, we have entered the high temperature season, and the weather will only get hotter in the future! Many people die at this time of year! It's not the heat that kills people. I'm just dying of thirst!" Wang Mei took a big sip of water and couldn't hide her excitement.

"If they know that the boss sells water here, they will definitely come here! If they are too busy by then, just ask, boss, and I, Wang Mei, will help!" Wang Mei patted her chest hard and made a promise.

The high temperature season is very difficult to live through. On the one hand, the temperature can kill people, and on the other hand, there is a serious lack of water. Every time this season comes, water power users are in high demand. Even Feng Bei, although his power level is not high, has become a hope of selling water at this time.

It's just that the water she sells is ridiculously expensive. A half-full bottle of water can cost a second-level crystal core! Who can afford it? !

The top management of the base doesn't care at all, they just live and die as ordinary people do. If the female boss can really sell water, she will have to help even if she has to risk it all! Not for fame and fortune, after all, it is not easy for everyone to survive, and as ordinary people, we should help each other!

Wang Mei fidgeted with excitement and glanced at the drinking water dispenser several times, wishing she could fill it with water and sell it to people who were short of water now!

Seeing that the fish had taken the bait, Xia Yan also looked excited and went up to hold her hand. "Sister Wang, you have the same idea as me! You have also seen that I have no shortage of water here. I happen to have a few in the warehouse." There are hundreds of empty bottles, and I still don’t know how to use them! Thanks to Sister Wang for giving me this idea..."

Hearing this, Wang Mei frowned and urged with great worry: "Just what? Boss, just say it, as long as I can do anything, I will do it for you!"

Xia Yan smiled sheepishly, "It's just that there are too many bottles. I have to be busy with the store alone, arrange customers to check in, and arrange meals in the restaurant. I really don't have time to do these chores... "

"Oh, I thought it was something else, it's just a small matter, leave it to me! Where are the bottles? I'll fill them for you now!"

"Wait for me, I'll go get the bottles."

Without further delay, Xia Yan got up and returned to the office, and ordered 200 clean empty bottles from the mall, spending 10 points.

Soon she came out with two large bags full of empty bottles, "Sister Wang, here are 100 empty bottles. Sorry for bothering you!"

"Oh, what's the trouble? I'm just bored. I can not only enjoy the air conditioning downstairs, but also watch TV. I feel comfortable doing something within my ability!"

Wang Mei hurriedly took it, walked to the direct drinking water machine, and skillfully opened the lid to fill it with cold water.

She didn't fill it so full, leaving some space at the top.

Xia Yan walked over to her and prepared to put her full mineral water bottle into the refrigerator. The refrigerator was empty anyway, and the weather was so hot that iced water would sell better. When she knew that there were more people in the hotel, she could buy some drinks and ice cream from the mall to sell.

"Ah! No need for you, little boss, go and do your own thing, leave this to me! Don't worry, there will definitely be enough!" Wang Mei walked around her and stuffed the mineral water into the refrigerator, arranging them neatly.

"I used to be a salesperson in a supermarket, and I always do these jobs! I'm very skilled! Little boss, you are weak, don't do these hard work!"

After she said this, Xia Yan felt a little embarrassed. Originally, she just wanted to use Bai Gong, but she didn't expect the aunt to take it seriously!

Wang Mei felt much more relaxed, and she also had her own little thoughts.

She had to build a good relationship with the little boss. Not to mention how much he cared for them, mother and son, as long as he didn't drive them away in the future.

Wang Mei had a hunch that the more people knew about this hotel, the more people would want to live in it!

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