The auctioneer carefully placed the container on the table, took out the dispenser he had prepared in advance, and divided out dozens of samples.

"This is the latest gasoline sample collected. The quantity is small and distributed randomly. Please bidders who get it can help bear witness."

The staff came to the stage and went straight to the second floor with the packages.

Xia Yan also got a small cup, and the unique pungent smell of gasoline immediately lingered on the tip of his nose.

She put it on the coffee table.

Maybe Chu Wanfu would be interested, they are in urgent need.

After a while, testimonials such as "it's true" and "it's not adulterated" came one after another from the second floor.

"Thank you very much." The auctioneer picked up the remaining gasoline in his hand, "Then, this time the bidding item is an unlimited supply of petroleum. The buying and selling price is ten secondary crystal cores per liter. The starting bid is one ton. It can be exchanged with other resources. All Everyone can participate.”

From one ton? !

The whole place was in an uproar.

One ton is estimated to be 1,100 liters. If you buy one ton, you will need to prepare 11,000 secondary crystal nuclei!

If converted according to the points standard, it means that it would cost 5.5 million points to buy a ton of gasoline! 5,000 points per liter!

Sky-high price!

Xia Yan shook his head after hearing this.

When it comes to profiteers, it’s the local aborigines who are not soft-hearted at all when it comes to gathering wool.

The auctioneer's expression did not change, and he even proposed a second option: "This auction supports win-win cooperation among bidders, as long as the starting bidding amount is reached in the end."

It means that it doesn't matter if you can't afford it, they agree that just a few people can share the order.

At this time, everyone felt something strange and whispered at the scene.

"The auction has started?"

The box door behind Xia Yan opened, and Chu Wanfu and Jing Yimai came back together.

She nodded and moved aside to make room.

Chu Wanfu picked up the cup on the counter, waved his hand to fan the tip of his nose, sniffed lightly and frowned: "Gasoline?"

"Yes." Xia Yan simply repeated the auctioneer's words, "Do you want to auction some? You can fight with others."

"I shoot two tons." The voice came from an unknown box on the second floor, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

Xia Yan also stuck his head out to take a look. He wanted to know who the super boss was with strong capital. Maybe he could get acquainted with her and buy things from her.

Unfortunately, each box was equipped with privacy curtains, so she couldn't find the source of the sound at all.

There was a big boss charging ahead and spending a lot of money, like knocking down the first domino. The orders were placed one after another, and now she couldn't find anyone even more.

Chu Wanfu's head appeared beside him.

"These people are quite capable."

Inexplicably, Xia Yan felt that he had ulterior motives.

"You don't want to take pictures?"

Chu Wanfu didn't even look back, and simply said: "Lack of crystal core, don't run out of stock, I'll make do with it first."

Xia Yan:...

She forgot that when the products were refreshed near 12 o'clock every night, the people squatting in front of the shelves in advance would buy all the gasoline immediately.

But fortunately, they only guarded this wave and never reached out when the second wave was refreshed at 8 o'clock in the morning.

It is not that Chu Wanfu has not thought about restarting the oil collection base, but the extraction of oil, collecting it on the ground, and refining it are very complex processes, and each position requires a large number of professional and technical personnel.

He could not guarantee the continuous supply of the most important water, electricity, and high temperature environment.

Chu Wanfu put down the cup of gasoline and looked at the auctioneer below without speaking.

Next, the auctioneer displayed high-yielding crops one by one. This time the bidding did not start based on weight, but on land. It is unknown how much yield this land can ultimately harvest.

"The crops in the field are not yet fully mature, but they are growing well. 80% of the branches have already headed and bear fruit. We have prepared some photos for everyone to take a look at."

The auctioneer clapped his hands, all ten light beams were darkened, a curtain fell from the sky, and then a photo was projected on it.

For example, in order to ensure the privacy of the planting site, there is no panoramic photo in the photo, or the panoramic photo is taken from top to bottom, or the fruit-bearing branches are taken very close.

"There are more than ten kinds of plants in this auction, and the land area is all five. According to the estimated yield, they are divided into three grades: high quality, medium, and inferior. The bidding starts with the high quality land. The starting price is 700 five-grade land. Crystal cores, the price increases by one hundred pieces each time.”

The more Xia Yan listened, the more outrageous he felt.

It turned out that supplies in places she couldn't see were so ridiculously expensive. No wonder many survivors said that the secondary crystal cores could only be purchased with saliva, and no wonder there were cannibalism in some places.

Complete monopoly of resources will indeed drive people to death.

Jing Wenbin is making a fortune out of disaster.

She stood up.

Jing Yimai asked, "Why are you going?"

She didn't even look back: "Go down and distribute leaflets to customers."

Do you want to compete with Jing Wenbin for customers? !

Jing Yimai became more energetic, "As an employee, I can't let this go."

Chu Wanfu also followed, "I won't be jealous of you for this crystal core."

Downstairs, in full view of everyone, Xia Yan took out an ordering machine on the spot.

"Dear customers and friends, the shopping machine in the resort hotel supermarket supports on-site shopping. You can place an order immediately and pick up the goods immediately. It is authentic and effective, and you can be honest."

"Xiao Jing, Xiao Chu, give our customers our selection list and help them choose the goods."

Xia Yan lowered his voice and said to the two of them: "I didn't write the price on the order. You just have to decide. I'll give you a commission on the part higher than the selling price!"

Everyone who can come to the auction is quite wealthy, so she would be a fool not to earn more.

And with the high price at the auction in front of it, no matter how high her price is, it still looks cheap.

Ever since——

"How to sell flour?"

"A secondary crystal core."

"One pound? Or five pounds?"

"Fifty pounds."

! !

"Tell me if there is any purchase limit!"

"No, just fill in whatever you want, as long as you can afford the crystal core in the end."


"Should I write down the appropriate quantity of instant noodles? Is it more than a hundred?"

"To be honest, it's a bit less. I suggest you just write five thousand."

"...Wha, what?"

"If you write five thousand, I will apply to the boss to give you an extra box of Rouduoduo ham."


The curtain of a private room upstairs was lifted, revealing a face twisted in anger.

His eyes seemed to be quenched with poison, staring intently at Xia Yan, who was surrounded by people downstairs and laughing extremely hatefully.

And the group of people who were invited to the auction had already thrown the exhibits into the distance, and they were circling around her like pugs with shy faces. If they had a tail on their buttocks, they would be able to curl it up for a while. The tornado took off in place.

"Time and time again, she made trouble and caused trouble for me. I thought she would be more low-key and sensible, but I didn't expect that she got more and more aggressive, and now she actually dares to steal customers from under my nose!"

Jing Wenbin clenched the number plate bitterly, grinding his back teeth.

"Hasn't her true identity been discovered yet?!"

He turned back suddenly, his expression fierce as a wolf ready to attack.

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