I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 466 She is sometimes a little bad

In the dark of the room, the trembling and frightened voices were intermittent.

"Not yet, not yet, I don't know why, I can't find out any information——"

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The heavy ashtray drew a straight line in the air and smashed it hard.


The figure shook, fell forward softly, and in the center of the forehead that fell in the light, there was a dent caused by the sharp angle.

"A bunch of trash."

Jing Wenbin turned his head coldly, "Drag him down and send him to the transformation laboratory."


The person who fell into a coma was gradually pulled back to the darkness, and his eyeballs moved disorderly under his thin eyelids.

Perhaps when he opened his eyes again, he would be surprised to find himself lying under the shadowless lamp, or perhaps, he would never wake up again.

"Let the auctioneer continue to explain, and send a high-level supernatural person to control the situation."


The auctioneer's voice was suddenly raised several times, and the sound system was booming, and a harsh sizzling sound was emitted from time to time.

The people in the audience were forced to cover their ears.

"The auction is not over yet, everyone please go back to your seats." The auctioneer still had the same smile, even the upward arc had not changed.

Someone replied to her: "You talk, we are listening."

"Turn down the volume, it hurts my eardrums!"

The auctioneer repeated: "Please go back to your seats."

Everyone looked at each other, and figured out the clues - it should be that Mr. Bin was unhappy.

At this time, a group of superpowers with the word "security" on their chests came in and "helped" everyone to sit down.

The hands on the shoulders were strong and powerful, showing their status as high-level superpowers without reservation.

The bidders sat down obediently.

Soon, several of them walked up to Xia Yan and the others and said stiffly: "Go upstairs."

Xia Yan and the other two exchanged glances.

"No, it's too late, we have to go back and rest."

After that, the three of them left leisurely without caring about their frustration of having no place to use their strength.

Things were done too smoothly, but it was weird.

The team leader frowned: "Follow them and see where they are going."

Xia Yan was sharp-eyed and turned back to joke: "Follow? Then I won't leave."

The team leader's face was stiff, and after a while he said: "...Goodbye, Boss Xia."

Outside the door, when they were about to separate, Xia Yan threw a stack of flyers into the arms of the two.

"Thank you for your hard work."

The two took it, made an OK gesture, and took advantage of the dark night to stuff GG into the crack of the door.

Xia Yan yawned.

It was too late at night, not suitable for fighting, just do it secretly.

Last night, she was busy with work and slept too late, so Xia Yan got up late today.

When she returned to the yacht room again, she was stunned.

The sun was high in the sky, and the sunlight shone in brightly. The room was full of traces of violent damage-

The bed sheet was cut into strips by a knife, and the place where people should sleep was full of shocking holes, the pillow was torn, and feathers were flying everywhere.

On the wall, someone maliciously wrote abusive and unsightly words in red liquid.

The door of the bathroom creaked, and Xia Yan looked back, and a naked corpse was hung miserably under a thin rope.

His eyes almost popped out of their sockets due to the severe pain, and his dilated pupils were still filled with pain and fear. His mouth was torn almost to his ears, and the stitches were roughly forced to rise.

On his white chest, there was a deep knife scar with the words "I like you" cut into it, as if he wanted to use this method to evoke her fear and remind her what a terrible and crazy organization she had provoked.


Xia Yan didn't buy it.

"Handsome guy, since I have your crystal core, I will naturally help you get revenge."

After she finished muttering, she took out a pair of scissors from the system grid.


The thin rope broke, and the corpse fell down. The hideous sutured mouth was like a long centipede, which seemed to be laughing and crying, falling towards Xia Yan.

Sadness flashed in her eyes, and she put him into the system grid. When she returned, she would make him into a small cube and exchange it for a crystal core.

She stood in the cramped bathroom, and there were still a few traces of struggle on the walls on both sides.

The horror of the time was revealed silently and extremely tragically.

"Knock, knock."

The door suddenly knocked.

Xia Yan put away his emotions, and his eyes were as sharp as an arrow.


There was a pause outside the door, and a young woman's voice came: "Room attendant, come to help you clean the room."

Xia Yan walked over and opened the door. A woman in light blue work clothes was standing outside, and a cleaning car was parked behind her. The basket on the top floor was filled with dirty sheets changed from other rooms.

She half lowered her head, and the three words "cleaner" on the brim of her hat were very clear.

"I'll clean up." She repeated again.

Xia Yan made way, walked to the side of the boat, leaned against the railing and watched silently.

She pulled the cleaning cart toward the door. The smooth wheels suddenly made a few clicks and she was forced to stop. The net flower wrapped around her hair under her hat moved left and right. She hesitated for a few seconds, as if she didn't know where to start.

Soon, she made a decision and turned around to take the broom from the cart.

"Hey, isn't this Boss Xia?"

Xia Yan looked and saw someone she didn't recognize standing at the corner of the stairs on the left.

Maybe it was a customer who bought something from her yesterday, or maybe it was someone who saw the flyer? She didn't remember, but it didn't stop her from smiling commercially.

The man looked very happy, and walked down the stairs with ease. "This morning I saw a flyer at the entrance, and I almost missed it. Can you provide all the things on the flyer?"

Xia Yan: "Of course, I never make false advertisements."

"That's great. If possible, we'd better--" He glanced casually, and his foot stopped in the air when he was going down the stairs. He fell down a second later, and when he stepped on the flat ground, his feet did not stop. "--I will bring the order form after I finish my meal. I heard that the restaurant has added a new dish today, and I can't miss it."

The bathroom door was wide open, and the marks on the wall were fresh and obvious.

Well, the customer was scared away.

Xia Yan put her hands on the railing, and the hair blown by the wind scratched her face a little.

There was a faint click from the door of the next room. Xia Yan looked keenly, but the door was silent, as if it was just her hallucination.

She thought about it and realized that the noise in her room last night must have been quite loud. Even if the soundproofing was good, there would always be one or two sounds that could be heard. It was really scary to hear screams in the middle of the night.

After waiting for a while, the door slowly opened a small gap. An eyeball carefully stuck to the door handle and looked out.

"...Are you looking for me?"

The next second, a pair of eyeballs approached vertically.


"Bang!" The door slammed shut.

Xia Yan laughed so hard outside that her stomach hurt.

It was really easy to fool.

The door was pushed open again with a bang, and the handsome man stood behind with his hands on his waist, his face pale and his eyes full of anger.

"How can you be so mean! You really went too far!"

"Besides, didn't you die last night?"

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