I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 467 What was discovered

When did she die?

Xia Yan stared at him, frowning gradually.

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I was so busy scaring people that I didn't notice that his eyes were purple, and there was still fear and terror in his pupils, as if he heard something in the middle of the night, and then he was so scared that he couldn't sleep all night.

The handsome man took a small step, turned his head to the next room with the action of coughing, and immediately straightened his back and looked heroic-

"You still say no! What's on the wall of the bathroom? Just tell me if you spit that blood?!"

Xia Yan: "That's not my blood."

The handsome man:...Huh?

"Then, then whose is that? Did you bring a man back? That shouldn't be the case. I've been eavesdropping on your room. I thought you two had a fight because of a disagreement. You shouted so miserably that I was scared and couldn't sleep all night..."

The handsome man patted his chest and sighed, his slender eyebrows tightly knitted, as if he couldn't understand why a person would die because of a disagreement.

Xia Yan cast a death gaze.

"You just said you were eavesdropping?"

The handsome man's expression froze, "Did I say that?"

Is this the point?


"Okay... then I'll tell you the truth - I'm interested in you."

Xia Yan felt that her ears were broken.

She couldn't help but take a step back and folded her arms to protect herself.

The handsome man stamped his feet: "It's literally interested, isn't my life orientation obvious?"

He suddenly rolled his eyes, "How about this, you introduce those two handsome guys to me, and I'll prove it to you."

"Scheming--" Xia Yan swallowed the second half of the sentence, "Go get the contact information yourself."

Jing Yimai and Chu Wanfu will unite to beat her to death if they know.

"Well," the handsome man shyly raised his eyebrows and winked, fingers hooked together, "I'm so embarrassed."

Xia Yan lazily leaned back against the railing and said perfunctorily: "Whatever. Where's your man? Not at home?"

He didn't close the door, and he could see at a glance that there was no one else inside. There were crumpled toilet paper scattered on the floor, and the quilt at the corner of the bed formed a wrinkled triangle, extremely far away from the wall near her room.

The handsome man looked back, and his fear and grievance were brought out again by her casual words.

"Woo, he didn't come back last night. He must have slept somewhere else. Otherwise, how could I know what happened in your room? He was shouting and screaming, like a sand man. I was scared to death."

Xia Yan: "So you heard everything that happened last night?"

"Hear your sand man? Don't worry, I will definitely not tell anyone, but it's okay to tell anyone, who dares to provoke you."

Xia Yan patiently explained again: "I don't have sand man, someone else did it."

"No, not you? But you were in the room-I know, you teleported back?" The handsome man suddenly realized, and then showed an envious look, "If I also have this ability, I can take him home directly. But if it's not you, then who is it?"

The hull suddenly bumped, and the body suddenly lost its center of gravity and fell to one side. The handsome man quickly grabbed the door frame, but the cleaner who was cleaning the room did not react so quickly. He crashed into the cleaning car with a clang, and the water inside splashed out and splashed all over the floor.

"Are you okay?" Xia Yan wanted to go over to help her.

"I'm fine." The cleaner quickly glanced at her and said with his head down, "Sorry, the cleaning may take longer."

"Okay, be careful." Xia Yan smiled, as if she had confirmed something and was in a good mood.

On the other hand, the handsome man seemed to understand something, with a look of shock, fear, disbelief, fear, and a very slight joy.

He looked around and made sure that there was no one in the corridor, then lowered his voice: "I know who it is. Yesterday I heard the man shout something like 总..."

What total?

Xia Yan had no expression on her face.

The handsome man was a little surprised that he didn't see a surprised expression on her face. She seemed to have known it was that person a long time ago.

But isn't she afraid? Zong Bin is more than just one person. The forces behind him are like fish in the deep sea, which cannot see the light, are ugly and huge.

The smelly sea breeze blew between the two of them, huge waves hit the hull and splashed turbid water droplets, footsteps retreated on the deck upstairs, and fragmentary words were faintly heard:


The handsome man stared, he knew what they were talking about.

Mr. Mermaid.

With a bang, his mind seemed to be blown up, and various information and pictures rushed out one after another-the old man did not return all night...He has a very good relationship with Mr. Bin...Extremely lustful...The latest research products...Sometimes I can't find him after searching the entire base, and I always feel that he is seriously injured after returning...

Also, last night, despite his retention, the man got up and left, but in the middle of the night, someone also knocked on his door...

The handsome man's face was pale, he realized that he had overlooked the most important point-during the day, he tried to eavesdrop on the voices next door, and praised his husband that the sound insulation was super good, and he was not afraid of being heard no matter how he tossed.

The old man just smiled and said nothing.

However, when someone knocked on the door at night and he didn't open it, the wall that shared the door with the neighbor suddenly seemed to become thinner. The sounds of cloth tearing, shoe soles rubbing, daggers buried, and the screams of pain suppressed in the throat...all came through the thin wall clearly and entered his ears!

What on earth did he discover...

Based on the relationship between Lao Gong and Mr. Bin - experimental conclusion, user experience - he didn't come back last night, so he went to say goodbye...

"Boss Xia."

Xia Yan looked back at him, "Speak."

The handsome man was in a strange state, his whole face seemed to be pieced together, trembling as if he was rejecting something, and the sound of his teeth knocking against each other could be heard vaguely.

"You still -" Okay?

"Boss Xia, I beg you to buy Mr. Mermaid." He suddenly said, his entangled and squeezed facial features seemed to hate something.

Xia Yan was stunned for a second, and said coldly: "Why."

"Because, because," he closed his eyes painfully, ready to die, "He can't appear next to my old man. As long as he is here, I will be driven away. I, I don't want to die."

Xia Yan: "... You don't have to beg me. There are so many people who want to take pictures of Mr. Mermaid that they are queuing up. Someone will take him away."

The handsome man shouted excitedly: "No! It must be you! It's useless for others to take him away. In the end, he will appear back in his bed! Only you, they dare not mess with you!"

His voice was so loud that the cleaners in the room turned their heads to look at him.

"But I'm not interested in him, and I don't want to waste the crystal core on him. Mr. Mermaid can't provide me with any value."

Xia Yan flicked his fingers on the railing with a faint expression.

The metal pipe was hollow, and the sound of clanging and trembling spread all the way out. The small round water droplets gathered at the bottom of the pipe shook a few times, and with a snap, they fell on the next round pipe.

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