"How can it be worthless?"

The handsome man took a step forward with a pale face, "He has a special body. Mr. Bin introduced it so clearly yesterday..."

"You still don't understand what I mean," Xia Yan interrupted him, "The value I'm talking about refers to the emotional aspect.

Even though I haven't seen him in person yet, it's painful for a person who stays in a laboratory all year round and is carried under a shadowless lamp without any privacy. He has forgotten about happiness, so how can he make others happy? "

The handsome man's expression was intriguing, he seemed to be crying and laughing at the same time: "I heard someone said that you opened a hotel..."

"Yes, a law-abiding hotel."

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"You..." The handsome man was in a daze. He hadn't heard that word for a long time. At first glance, it seemed like it was a lifetime ago, but when he thought about it carefully, it turned out that it was only a few years ago.

"Is there no other way?" He was unwilling to give in and was horribly flustered, even more frightening than the first time he met a zombie.

Suddenly his eyes lit up: "I'll give you the crystal core! You go and take pictures!"

Xia Yan:?

"And then I have to kill him for you?"

For no reason, it will affect her luck in the next task.


Xia Yan turned his head to the side and showed his attitude with his clear, smooth and beautiful jawline.

Perhaps because the angle was just right, his eyes naturally fell on the cleaner who was cleaning the wall in the bathroom. She was wearing yellow rubber gloves and holding a rag to wipe away the dried blood stains bit by bit.

It's like an artist who strives for perfection, his shoulders, neck and back are tense when facing his proud work.

The handsome man's voice full of anxiety brought back Xia Yan's consciousness, "When did I say let him die?! You don't want blood - bah, sister, beautiful sister, I have a crystal core, you just shout for me, all expenses are paid Can’t I just go on a trip? I’ll pay you fifty level 5 crystal cores at once, okay?”

"Are you serious?"

Xia Yan was still staring at the same spot, but the words were addressed to the beautiful man.

"True! Absolutely true!"

"The point is, do you have so many crystal cores? Mr. Mermaid is not cheap."

"...You look down on people to a certain extent. I have been hanging around him for so many years. Talking about private money can scare the dead and the living to death."

"Oh, one more thing, if I get the shot, what do you want to do with the person?"

"...Well, how about letting him go?" The handsome man didn't know what he thought of, and lowered his eyelids. "Let him see the outside world. Although it may not be beautiful, it is better than the operating table."

Xia Yan was finally willing to turn his eyes to the handsome man.

After watching for a while, she said with a smile: "I can help you, but you have to bring the crystal core now. I am a very principled person. I will not pay any money that should not be advanced, and you have to give the reward in advance." I."

The handsome man choked: "You don't believe me...?"

Xia Yan smiled: "If you believed me, wouldn't you ask this question?"

Beautiful man:...

It makes sense.

"Wait for me, I'll get it right away."

The beautiful man admitted that he was making a big gamble. Whether he could succeed or not depended on whether the person had the heart to do it. If he really cheated on himself... he could only blame him for this fate...

Xia Yan: Huh? Is there such a good thing? Tell him in advance next time, it will definitely make him suspect that he is the reincarnation of Tang Monk, who will have eighty-one hardships in his life, and will not be able to see the Buddha or get the true scriptures when he dies.

The door was closed and Xia Yan was the only one left in the corridor.

Somehow, people coming out of the room would rather give up the stairs that are close to her and have to go around in a big circle and go up and down the stairs on the other side.

It seems that he is afraid of something.

The deck upstairs was full of people, and the deck downstairs was also full of people. Only her place was a vacuum.

And at this time, no one from Jing Yimai or Chu Wanfu came to look for her. Maybe they were busy with their own affairs and had no time to come, or maybe they were held back by something and couldn't leave.

Xia Yan ordered a cup of coconut milk coffee from the food court to refresh herself.

After a while, the door crack opened, and the handsome man waved from behind, "Come in, just in case there is an eyeliner outside, and don't expose your wealth!"

Xia Yan nodded silently, looked around to make sure no one was there, and then ducked in.


The door is locked.

The handsome man took out the heavy LV suitcase placed behind the door with both hands and said, "They are all here, how about counting them?"

"Of course." Xia Yan asked him to lay it down and open it, and his eyes instantly turned into $-$!

There are three such boxes in total, all of them are filled to the brim, and the handsome man seems to have obsessive-compulsive disorder, actually dividing the crystal nuclei according to color and sealing them in clean bags.

Just like the beautiful man didn't ask her where the iced coffee came from, Xia Yan didn't ask him how he had so many fifth-level crystal nuclei.

"This is all my belongings..." The handsome man suddenly couldn't bear to part with it.

Xia Yan stretched out his hand to protect him and said in horror: "You won't regret it, will you? Don't worry, I will kill Mr. Mermaid in one click. He will be so clean that he will never appear under your nose!"

The handsome man glanced at her and couldn't help but sigh.

Xia Yan suddenly felt bad, "I haven't shown you my strength yet. Next time, when you have a chance to go to my place for dinner, I will give you a discount! VIP discount!"

The handsome man squinted: "What's the discount for VIPs?"

Xia Yan: "Sister, you have to know one thing. Not everyone has the opportunity to get VIP discounts. You are different from ordinary VIPs. You get more discounts than them."

The handsome man sighed, and continued to ask unwillingly: "How much is the discount?"

Xia Yan made a mysterious sign with one hand: "82% off, awesome or not, you are the only one who is awesome, hey~"

Beautiful man:...

Xia Yan: "There are more handsome guys than sand!"

Beautiful man: "It's really awesome."


Xia Yan took the crystal core and sent it directly back to the hotel.

"Get rich, Bear."

She happily opened all the boxes, and the colorful colors dazzled people's eyes, which even stunned the bears.

"Boss, didn't you go have fun? Did you... rob a pirate's den?"

"Emmm, it's pretty close. Come and count it for me. I need to know the exact number. I'll make a quotation tonight."

Then, she first picked out 50 colors she liked and stuffed them into her pocket.

"I have to go there, there are people waiting for me over there."

After saying that, Xia Yan returned to the cruise ship and appeared in the middle of the floor in his room.

There was a splash of water in the bathroom behind him, and then the sound of a brush scrubbing the floor.

Xia Yan walked away.

When the cleaner who was squatting cleaning the corner noticed her appearing at the door of the bathroom, he shuddered suddenly, as if he didn't expect her to suddenly appear at all.

Didn't she go to the next room?

When did you come back?

"The cleaning will be finished soon, please wait patiently." The cleaner lowered his head, listened to the pounding heartbeat in his chest, and sped up his movements.

"Not urgent."

Xia Yan smiled, reached out and closed the door to the room again, twisted it with his fingers, and locked it.

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