
The door was locked.

The body facing away from Xia Yan suddenly stiffened.

Xia Yan leaned lazily against the door frame, looked at her and said in a light tone: "Do you mind if I close the door?"

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"...As you like."

The cleaner took a deep breath, grabbed the brush and cleaned the gap vigorously, his movements were several times faster than before.

The room was quiet, and the atmosphere in the cramped bathroom became more tense.

The vague sight on the back seemed to have a scorching temperature, which could almost burn people to carbonization.

The cleaner did not dare to look back, but all his attention was on that person.

What did she mean?

Why did she close the door? Could it be...

Fine beads of sweat oozed from the forehead, nose tip, and philtrum, gathered into lines and flowed down the face, and fell on the knees with a pat.

Under the silent and urgent pressure, time passed very slowly, and every second felt like a year.

When she finished cleaning the last trace, her tense nerves relaxed suddenly, and she felt extremely tired in an instant, as if she had run a full marathon.

She had to leave quickly, she had stayed here for too long...

The cleaner stood up, her eyes went dark and she took two steps back, and then she was supported by a pair of warm hands.

"Be careful."

The voice said.

"Thank you, I, I seem to have low blood sugar." She made up an excuse casually.

It was rare to be able to eat a full stomach in the end times, and everyone had low blood sugar, so it was not wrong for her to say that.

"Yeah." Xia Yan let go of her hand after she stood up, seemingly making way for her casually, but actually blocking the door.

The cleaner noticed that his chest was beating again.

She pretended to pack up her tools as if nothing had happened, and finally stood behind the cleaning cart, holding the handrail and said:

"The cleaning is done, please make way, I have to rush to the next room."

Xia Yan looked at her and smiled: "Since the work is done, we should also talk about personal matters."

The clear eyes under the brim of the hat suddenly blinked: "I'm just a cleaner, I should have never come into contact with you, if there is anything that makes you feel unhappy, I solemnly apologize here."

The tone is sincere, the posture is humble, and she tries to show herself weak.

Xia Yan raised her eyebrows, stretched out a finger and swung it left and right in the air: "No, I mean, it's time to talk about your eavesdropping."


Her body hidden under the clothes trembled violently.

"... Eavesdropping? I didn't..."

"You don't think your disguise is very secretive?" Xia Yan looked down, "Or I can help you take off your gloves now?"

--She knows!

The cleaner half lowered her head, and the rubber gloves were clenched together.

In this case——

"Boss Xia is really extraordinary." She raised her head again, and the timid softness in her eyes disappeared without a trace.

"You have guessed who I am by observing carefully?"

"It's almost certain. You should be the one who sniped the jumper."

Xia Yan admired the beautiful eyes under the brim of the hat.

"Your eyes are very beautiful, like a cat."

"Thank you, but I hate cats the most."

She looked at Xia Yan, reached out to take off the yellow rubber gloves, and overlapped the two of them on the edge of the basket.

Then, she opened her five fingers and turned them back and forth. As Xia Yan expected, the fingertips and the base of the tiger were covered with thick calluses, and the bones were as thick as eagle claws. It didn't look like an ordinary working person at all.

That's why she kept wearing gloves to cover it.

While Xia Yan was looking at her, the other party was also guessing the reason why she suddenly showed her cards.

What was the trigger?

Xia Yan suddenly spoke: "You know my name is Boss Xia, what's your name?"


"Don't want to say it? In that case, Mr. Mermaid..."

"What do you mean?"

Seeing her suddenly break down, Xia Yan knew that he had already firmly grasped the handle in his hand.

"I think you have heard that Mr. Mermaid will definitely be taken by me tonight. Do you have the confidence to snatch him away from me? Don't forget that you can't beat Jing Wenbin."

From her performance last night, to trying every means to run here to be a cleaner today, to hearing that the handsome man was making a deal with her, she eavesdropped on him at close range under the pretext of cleaning the bathroom.

And when she heard Xia Yan agreed, the brush in her hand fell into the water with a snap, and all of this was seen by Xia Yan.

"My name is Fan Shuyi."

Her cat-like eyes were filled with a cold light, and when she stared at a certain place, it would make people feel that she would kill with a single finger press.

But she was tense at the moment, she felt that Xia Yan would ask endless questions, such as: what is their relationship, why did they break up, what does she want to do...

Fan Shuyi has prepared herself mentally, she will be as hard and straight as a sniper rifle.

But when Xia Yan spoke, the mask she had worn on her face for years suddenly cracked-

"Okay, Xiao Fan, do you want to make a deal? Mr. Mermaid will be given to you first."


A thunderbolt!

This is a huge pie flying in her face, which made her dizzy.

"What did you say?"

Xia Yan had to repeat it, "I will give you Mr. Mermaid, and you pay me for the crystal core."

She was stunned like a thunderbolt: "How can you bear to give him up, he is so good!"

Xia Yan wanted to call the police helplessly.

Fan Shuyi felt dizzy and felt that she really had hypoglycemia.

What a happy day today is. After eighteen years of bad luck, the gears of fate are finally turning! She is finally going to get lucky.

"How many crystal cores do you want?" Fan Shuyi tried her best to remain calm, but her trembling fingers directly revealed her extremely excited heart.

"How much do you think he is worth?" Xia Yan asked instead of answering.

Fan Shuyi's face flashed with desolation, and for a moment she looked very old and outdated, which was very inconsistent with her age.

"I'll give you all the crystal cores, I only want him."

"Okay, pay the crystal cores first."

Xia Yan was too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly put forward the purpose. People who are trapped in love have a brain missing a string, and they are eager to use all kinds of ways to express their care and love for the other party.

She loves the other party deeply, but not herself.

Xia Yan has done similar love brain tasks. When the system closed a part of her cognition for the task, she really had that person in her mind, even in the ravines of her brain, and even her favorite food could not be saved.

That task successfully occupied the top of the blacklist, and Xia Yan would never forget it.

When seeing Fan Shuyi coming with all the crystal cores, Xia Yan, who was deeply trapped in the hateful memories, immediately smiled.

"Tsk tsk, there are quite a lot. It seems that he is really important to you. Don't worry, baby. Sister will definitely send him to your bed/oh no, to your side~"

Xia Yan took all the crystal cores into the system grid with her big hands. Seeing that she was empty-handed and pitiful, she was kind enough to take out a few crystal cores and handed them to her.

"How can a woman not have crystal cores in her hands? Keep them in your pocket for emergencies."

Fan Shuyi did not have the boldness she had when they first met. Instead, she shook her head repeatedly, holding her palms with calluses.

"I can't take it. We agreed to exchange all the crystal cores for his safety."

As if she would lose arms and legs if she took him.

Xia Yan:...Okay, respect.

"Wait for you."

"Eh? Don't leave in a hurry. You still have to clean up next, right? Does the exhibition hall belong to you?"

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