Fan Shuyi looked up with a slightly stiff expression: "What do you mean?"

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

Xia Yan pulled up the loose strands of hair around her ears, smiled gently and softly, but her words were very domineering.

"Add more trouble to Jing Wenbin."


Gulu - Gulu.

"Stop, take out your work card."

Bodyguards armed with super-powerful electric batons stretched their arms to block the way.

The other four bodyguards were playing cards. Hearing this, they just glanced here and concentrated on counting the remaining cards.

Fan Shuyi stood in front of the cleaning truck, took it out of her pocket, took out her work card and handed it over respectfully.

The bodyguard raised the card to his eyes, compared the photo with the real person, and then threw it on the slightly damp rag of the cleaning truck.

"and yours?"

He unscrupulously looked at the face of the cleaner behind him, and when he saw that she couldn't take it out for a long time, he turned on the switch.


"No card?"

The cleaner leaned back slightly and took out the blue card from his butt pocket, "Yes."

The bodyguard clicked his tongue impatiently, as if he felt a little pity. He took it with one hand and opened it to compare the photo and the face to see if they were of the same person.

"...This is you?"

He pointed the photo on the work card at the cleaner's face, tilted his head back, and frowned.

The cleaner seemed to be frightened by his actions and his face turned pale. He stood stiff and looked at him motionlessly.

Fan Shuyi picked up the wet rag on the cleaning car and revealed the wet dirty sheets underneath. She said in a timid voice: "I didn't see her work clothes on it. The supervisor said that the dirty sheets that were replaced must be soaked in soapy water. I didn't." Look carefully...the water is poured on it..."

The bodyguard showed an expression of disgust and stupidity, and the portrait in the work card was distorted and wrinkled, and only the facial features could be barely seen, and even a few drops of water would fall out if he shook it hard.

He glanced into the basket and saw a few dried pieces of unknown liquid on the crumpled sheets, which decomposed and spread in the bubble-filled water, like moldy bacteria.

"Your supervisor's name is——"

"Grandson, come quickly and give me a few blows."

The bodyguard with the captain's badge on his chest stood up from the table, walked over quickly and put the card in his hand into his arms.

"What are you doing?"

"A signal was sent from above saying that a few blind bastards were causing trouble and asked me to come over and provide support."

"Just go by yourself? Why don't you bring a few more brothers?"

"If you don't make a mistake, it will probably be solved in a while." The bodyguard captain put his arm around his shoulders and whispered, "Play your cards well, I have a good hand! Whether you can win them all depends on you."

"Huh? This, I, who will lose if I lose?!"

But the bodyguard captain had already walked away. He picked up the cards with a curse, his eyes brightening as he sorted them out, "It's really a good set of cards!"

Fan Shuyi took the opportunity to ask: "Then, can we go in and do some cleaning?"

The bodyguard's mind was no longer on them, so he gave them a few harsh words, threw the work card back, and threw out the first card while urging them.

The cleaner put the card back in his pocket, grabbed the handle of the car and walked forward.

The sound of rolling wheels sounded again, and with the sound of "One three, two four, two kings will blow you up to death," they walked in one after another along the metal door.

The door closed smoothly behind him, and the room suddenly became dark, with only a small lamp in the corner for illumination.

Perhaps because there are many places that use electricity on the cruise ship, the cost of generating electricity is extremely high, and Jing Wenbin cannot afford it, so he shuts off power in places where people don't need it.

There is a group of busy cleaners at the booth not far away.

The person who was giving instructions on the work was probably a small leader. When he heard the movement at the door and looked back, his eyebrows were knitted together and his voice was a bit sharp.

"Why are you here so late? What have you been doing?!"

Fan Shuyi took a step forward and whispered: "We were stopped by bodyguards."

The cleaners stopped what they were doing and looked over. Their faces were full of shock and disbelief. She, how dare she talk to the supervisor like this? She didn't know that the supervisor cares about appearance the most...

"You mean, they thought you were good-looking, so they stopped you from leaving, right?"

The woman wearing a hip-hugging skirt stepped on three-centimeter high heels, clicked down the steps, and walked all the way to the front, staring at them with a raised face and raising her voice.

The yellowish lighting couldn't hide the thick foundation on her face, and even clear lines were squeezed out due to the excessive range of expressions and movements.

Fan Shuyi said nothing, her eyebrows drooped in a cowardly manner.

The female supervisor glanced back sharply and stood in front of another cleaner, Xia Yan.

"Is this what you mean? No one wants to laugh at me now that I'm old?!"

Xia Yan followed Fan Shuyi's example and lowered her eyes. The female supervisor stepped closer and raised her head - the two looked at each other awkwardly.

Xia Yan: Well, you brought it here yourself.

"Ahem," the female supervisor retreated in embarrassment, and soon felt deeply shocked. She was wearing high heels and was not as high as them...

"Since you are so confident," she stood against the light and couldn't see her expression clearly, "then I'll leave it to you to clean Mr. Mermaid today."


There was a faint sound of breathing from the booth.

"Mr. Bin specifically ordered that Mr. Mermaid's stabilizer cannot be used until tonight. His current condition... well, it shouldn't be very good," the supervisor chuckled. "But tonight's auction is very important, so we have to do it." Only by being clean can you please the bidders.

Maybe he will keep quiet for a few minutes just because you look good. Go, sisters, bow to our warriors! "

Her saggy arms were waving sideways in the light and shadow, and the cleaners standing on the booth all bent at ninety degrees.

With the super light-absorbing wall coverings as the background and the dim light as the rendering, this scene resembles a mourning hall.

Mudd, a bunch of idiots. Xia Yan couldn't help but curse with black lines in his head.

Fan Shuyi's back was turned to Xia Yan, and she couldn't see her expression, but she could see the supervisor's look of relief, as if his plot had succeeded.


"I didn't expect you to have acting skills."

Walking on the steps downstairs, Xia Yan sighed softly.

With just one word or expression, the supervisor can make life or death problems come to them.

Xia Yan found it a bit incredible to sneak in so easily.

"Have you never seen the TV series I filmed before?" Fan Shuyi asked in surprise.

"Are you an actor?"

Fan Shuyi said a perfunctory "hmm", not wanting to continue the conversation, but after a while, she looked directly at Xia Yan and dropped a word of advice.

"If your store gets bigger and bigger, it's best not to go to the southwest, where people eat. It used to be, but it's even more popular now."

She walked down the last step, and when her heels hit the ground, there was a violent sound at the end of the corridor——

There seemed to be a beast imprisoned there. The chains rattled and slid on the ground during the struggle, and roars and roars swirled out like hurricanes, threatening to tear everything they encountered into pieces. The air was filled with rage and depression.

Fan Shuyi's expression changed drastically and she rushed over eagerly.

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