But she didn't take more than two steps, her momentum suddenly diminished, and she said to Xia Yan without looking back:

"Hurry up and leave. The supervisor said that we must hurry up and clean up Mr. Mermaid. The auction at night must not be compromised!"

The roars were heard layer by layer along the corridor and through the iron bars. The guard sitting behind the first door was cursing and stuffing cotton into his ears.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

Seeing them, a look of excitement that they were about to watch a good show flashed in their eyes.

He put his legs on the railing and shouted back: "The nannies are finally here. Brothers, there are only two people here this time. I will kill them all!"

Immediately afterwards, responses came one after another in the corridor:

"Bitch thief, I haven't seen what he looks like yet, so you're betting nothing."

"Don't forget the rules."

While he was talking, Xia Yan and Fan Shuyi stood in front of the small door that only allowed one person to pass through, waiting for him to open the door.

The guard chuckled, reached out and took off the key hidden close to his body, pointed it at the keyhole and pushed it in. He glanced at Fan Shuyi's trembling body, then at Xia Yan's pale little face, stretched his neck with satisfaction and shouted:

"Who makes me lose every time? This time it's finally my turn to be on duty at the front, no matter what, I have to experience the feeling of winning~"

"makes sense."

"Anyway, for the last time today, I'll let you cheat."

When they came in, the guard locked the iron door again, smiled gloomily and said, "Be brave, don't let me see you again."

Xia Yan and Fan Shuyi exchanged glances without saying a word.

The guard at the second door opened the door without any embarrassment, but when he arrived at the third door, the younger guard with raised eyebrows sneered, then picked up the crystal core on the table and bumped it up and down in his hand.

He stared at them maliciously, his voice was low and full of threats: "Although I only bet on three crystal cores in this game, I feel uncomfortable when I think that I will lose. Otherwise, you will just die." One, the one who survives, how about I reward her with two crystal cores, plus my backer?"

Xia Yan stared at his face for a while and nodded slightly: "I understand."

Fan Shuyi remained silent, but her eyes were extremely shocked.

"Hahaha," the guard with crazy eyebrows raised his head and laughed, "I like people like you who are aware of current affairs. As long as you are the one who survives, I will reward you with an extra crystal core. I will ask your supervisor for someone to send you Transfer to a better position, the premise is that if you live, she must die. "

He extended his finger and pointed at Fan Shuyi, his intention was obvious.

Xia Yan said easily: "No problem."

As soon as the two of them left, the guard Luanmei locked the door, moved tables and chairs, and sat behind the fence to watch from afar with interest.

This is a 20-square-meter confined space with small lights hanging on three walls. It is empty all around. Except for a white bucket on the right hand side and a towel hanging on it, the only thing left empty is the locked and glaring " Mr. Mermaid”.

"Mr. Mermaid" is a human being in the true sense of the word - he has a proud androgynous appearance, his skin is almost transparent white, and the glaze color faintly flashes when his limbs sway, like a mermaid's beautiful fish tail covered with scales.

Xia Yan admitted that the first time she saw him, she was attracted by his emerald green eyes, which seemed to contain the unique quiet sea water of Lidai Island.

But there was no human emotion floating in the gloomy and violent eyes at this moment.

He seemed to have lost his mind and struggled desperately, and the fine iron chains locked on his limbs, neck, waist and abdomen rattled.

When he saw them, he rushed towards them like a wild animal. The chain quickly slid and stretched behind him until the veins in his neck popped out. His hands were still trying to catch them, and his head shook, the emerald green The pupils were staring at them with inorganic texture, and the upper and lower jaws were clenching and clenching hard.

Xia Yan suddenly felt that this action looked familiar.


The sound of knocking on the iron fence was heard, and the guard with wild eyebrows said dissatisfiedly and lazily: "Don't just stand still, do you need me to remind you what to do?"

You have to get the water, wet the towel, and wipe him clean bit by bit. You can’t let him go anywhere. Do you understand? "

Xia Yan turned his head.

Fan Shuyi's face was pale, her lips were trembling slightly, and her eyes were full of pain. The guard's joking voice squeezed into her eardrums bit by bit, and every word was like a grinning bastard little devil, surrounding her while laughing maliciously and using sharp tools. The trident stabbed the soft heart hard.

She felt that there was an uncontrollable resentment and hatred surging deep in her heart that was about to burst out. At the moment when she was approaching the critical point, a hand put on her shoulder and squeezed hard.

"We're about to succeed, hold on."

The voice was light and airy, but it made her wake up instantly.

It was Boss Xia. Her fair face was full of calmness and composure. It seemed that as long as she was around, everything would be successful.

"Okay." Fan Shuyi responded angrily.

Seeing that the two of them finally moved to throw wet towels, the guard with wild eyebrows felt that it was boring to watch alone. Someone had to witness it, and it would be honorable for him to win.

"Those two buddies in front of me, no one is coming anyway. You guys should come and see the excitement up close. Tomorrow, we three brothers will be separated, and we will have no chance to get together and chat again!"

"That makes sense. As long as the door is locked, there won't be any big problems."

"When I think about being separated, I still feel a little reluctant to let you go."

Guard No. 2 heard the sound of opening the door, and stepped closer. Two stools clattered to the ground in front of the fence. The three guards moved in unison, leaning on the backs of their chairs, crossing their legs, and looking at the two young men who were cleaning the "mermaid" inside. Beautiful cleaner.

"It's a bit pretty, but it's a pity."

"If it were any other day, maybe he could... Unfortunately, today is special, this guy has to go."

"Well, maybe he will come back after a while, he can't live without stabilizers."

"How can Mr. Mermaid be so close to zombies, but never become a zombie?"

The guard with messy eyebrows laughed: "It's easy for you to say that. Go and see how many people are taken out of the laboratory every day, and how many survive and live long-"

"Stop, you really dare to say anything!" Guard No. 2 was frightened and sweating, and kept looking back, "It's not allowed to talk nonsense about what happened there, change the subject quickly."

"What are you afraid of, there are no outsiders here, the two cleaners will die soon, and the mermaid has no reason..."

"Why are you still excited, the three of us have been planted with something in our bodies, if it can be monitored or monitored, our lives will be gone!" No. 2 looked extremely ugly, and he stood up on the spot, moved the stool and was about to leave.

The guard with messy eyebrows was not convinced, and his eyes rolled around the quiet No. 1, "What do you think, No. 1."

Guard No. 1 laughed: "Finally I got to walk the bird, damn, the little bird turned into a big eagle!"

"A bunch of idiots." No. 2 walked back angrily, they didn't know what it meant to be cautious.

After walking a few steps, they heard a loud thump as someone suddenly stood up and a stool fell to the ground.

No. 1's voice was sharp and fearful--

"They are gone!!!"

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