"Boss Xia...is this really okay?" Fan Shuyi frowned, her eyes unbearable, "Will he be suffocated to death?"


Mr. Mermaid's overly white face has empty eyes, and his pink lips open and close, revealing his neat white teeth and soft tongue, trying to bite them outside. His hands are clenched into fists, and he is dominated by instinct and beats them fiercely. on a transparent barrier.

Every time he punched, the chain around his wrist shook, making a series of metallic clanking sounds.

Jing Wenbin was afraid that he would be injured when he struggled, so he wrapped anything close to his skin with cotton cloth. The look... tsk.

Xia Yan slowly admired it with interest.

Mr. Mermaid is completely white and flawless, with no scars visible to the naked eye. He wears a "fig leaf" around his waist, and a small rope is wrapped loosely around his waist three times to cover it up.

But as long as he moves slightly, the gauze will flutter lightly——

Xia Yan coughed lightly and rubbed his itchy nose.

The first release of this book provides you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

Ma De, no wonder Jing Wenbin regarded him as the second treasure of the finale.

I wonder if he has received the news now. Hehe, under strict guard, Mr. Mermaid was stolen by an unknown person. He should be fuming now, right?

Kind of cool.

At this moment, Fan Shuyi appeared in front of her, with her arms spread wide and her eyes complicated, "I just asked you if he would suffocate to death in there?"

Xia Yan glanced at her sideways: "Why, I'm worried about your little boyfriend."

Fan Shuyi's face turned red, "...What, we are not..."

Xia Yan didn't say anything, but his eyes were full of resentment that said, "If it's not the case, why are you in the way?"


"We are all sisters. We must know how to share. We are just men. We will look at them twice."


"Okay, I'll leave it to you. We've paid for everything. But you have to bear the rent yourself. You only have 60 points left in your card. Once the points are cleared, I will kick you out mercilessly."

"...If I didn't give you all the crystal cores, how could there be any points?"

Xia Yan bared his big white teeth and said, "For the sake of Mr. Mermaid's good looks, I will give you one hundred points for free."

"Thank you." Fan Shuyi smiled, "But his name is not Mr. Mermaid, he has a name, Gan Zijing."

It seemed that she hadn't called him by his original name for a long time. Those three words rolled around on the tip of her tongue several times, feeling unfamiliar yet familiar.

Fan Shuyi looked at him who was losing his mind in the cube with a lonely expression, stretched out her hand and overlapped his, and held each other through the transparent barrier.

Her face should have been as cold as the thousand-year-old snow on the top of the mountain. She was an independent woman who could make decisive decisions and shoot the head with a very accurate shot. However, when she saw Gan Zijing who had lost his mind, she took off her disguise.

"If it hadn't been for the sudden outbreak of the zombie virus, we might have hung out after work. After all, we had a crush on each other at that time." She murmured, "Maybe we could be closer. Fans all hope that we are Really together..."

"Everything is fate." Fan Shuyi labeled this experience.

She pulled off the white sheets, covered them on the three-dimensional body, and hid her beloved man underneath. Then she raised her head and asked, "Are you going back to the cruise ship? If you are going, take me with you. He needs an injection to restore his sanity." "

Xia Yan: "They must be looking for you. If you go there, you won't be able to come back."

"I can't just watch him look like a madman or a fool. He didn't have to be like this."

"Is it a special medicine?"

"I don't know, he has been in the laboratory all the time, and he only came down in the past two days. I only saw a doctor coming with a medical kit at 12 o'clock every day, and I don't know any other information..."

"Where are you going to look for?"

"...Go back to the exhibition hall to try my luck. If the doctor is also there, I can only try to grab it."

Fan Shuyi pretended to be calm, but they all knew that a dragnet had been set up in the exhibition hall, waiting for her, the criminal suspect, to return to the scene.

Xia Yan frowned. "It's too risky for you to go back. In this case, you can go to the hospital on Lidai Island and ask the doctor. The hospital is General Chu's property. It's safe and trustworthy. Maybe you can take good care of it."

After listening to Xia Yan's words, Fan Shuyi raised her head with a hint of joy and confusion.

"Ridai Island is..."

"Have you seen the portal on the first floor?"


"Go through that door, and behind it is Lidai Island. After entering, you can see the hospital's large logo at a glance, and then it will be the normal process, registration and so on." As she said this, she reached out and patted Fan Shuyi on the shoulder, "Attention Don’t break the rules. From now on, play nice with me, I am the owner of the island.”

Fan Shuyi stared at her, as if she heard something very confusing.

Did she understand that the island owner?

"Put this clothes on for him. It will damage your image if you don't wear it. I am running a business." Xia Yan took out a set of the cheapest I-shaped vest and enlarged pants and threw it to her.

"I'll control him, you move faster. Don't worry, I promise not to close your eyes."

The cube disappeared in an instant, and Gan Zijing fell on the bed. The white sheets fell from the sky like a waterfall, covering the body that easily made people think about it.

But the next second, Gan Zijing roared from his chest under the sheets, arched his back and was about to jump up and attack.

"If he disobeys, catch him."

As soon as Xia Yan finished speaking, four small cubes imprisoned his limbs, and also wrapped up the iron chain on his wrists, and quickly wore away.

When Fan Shuyi helped him put on his clothes, the shackles disappeared. When Xia Yan put away the cubes, Gan Zijing was about to struggle again. Fan Shuyi looked stern, and directly pressed him down, lifted the hem of his shirt and tore it into long strips with his teeth, and tied him up with his hands behind his back.

"Be patient and wait, I will take you to see a doctor."

Seeing that it was almost done, Xia Yan said goodbye. "You take him to the hospital, I have to go back to watch the fun."



Knock knock knock.

Knock knock knock!

As soon as he appeared in the cruise room, Xia Yan heard the door being violently knocked.

"Is there anyone inside?"

"I'll count to three, and if you don't open the door, I'll force my way in!"

"What are you talking about, just go in!"

"No, Mr. Bin said to count. Three--!"

The door of the room was suddenly pulled open from the inside.

The bodyguard, unable to stop his momentum, rushed in with his legs straight.

Xia Yan dodged sideways, then raised his leg and kicked him hard in the chest, sending him flying.

"Are you looking for death?"

The bodyguard who was kicked backed all the way until he hit the railing and stopped.

He covered his chest and breathed heavily, his face suffocating into the color of pig liver.

There were more than a dozen bodyguards standing at the door, with different expressions at this moment. Some seemed quiet as if they were shocked by her, but in fact they clenched their fists, their noses flared greatly, and even sweat beads oozed from the tip of their noses.

"Since Boss Xia is in the room, why don't you open the door?" said one of the bodyguards.

Xia Yan looked over in the direction of the voice, his face grim: "You disturbed my rest, and now you come to ask? I want to know how you dared to make trouble in front of my door."

"Misunderstanding, we are here to count the number of people."

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