
The person came very quickly. Almost as soon as she turned her head, her collar was grabbed tightly, and a sharp sound of wind could be heard in her ears.


Her face turned sideways uncontrollably.


Turn to the left again.


She heard the screams of her companions, and at the same time, her cheeks felt burning and numb.

"Who dares to hit me?! Do you want to die?!" She heard her hysterical roar like a broken gong.

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Stars appeared in front of her eyes when she was slapped, and she felt like the whole building was shaking. She felt like she was about to fall out of the high guardrail, and she didn't even have time to open her eyes to see who had hit her.

Suddenly, force came from her collar, and she was pulled staggering.

"...What are you going to do?!"

In panic, her waving right hand hit the railing, and she clutched it as if grasping a life-saving straw, while shouting for help.

"Help! It's Amomum villosum! Mr. Bin, come and save me!"

Then she suddenly remembered that Mr. Bin was still on the boat and could not be heard from such a distance. She called for help to her companions, but still received no response. Her heart skipped a beat and she panicked.

She knew her eyes were swollen like walnuts. She tried her best to open them a crack, and vaguely saw a very condensed face.

"Get away, or I'll break your hand off." The man's voice was so calm that it was unbelievable.

"Xia, Boss Xia, give me a break."

"I'll count to three—"

"No, no, I let go Wuwu."

Xia Yan looked expressionlessly at the messy room and her companions standing among the scattered misshapen pearls.

"You come down too."

The companion's voice trembled, "I know..."

The stairs were built high and steep, and the iron sheets on each step were corroded and rusty, making a creaking sound when walking.

Xia Yan held her hand tightly, pulled Shengsheng down, and then pushed her hard.

"Give me back all the strands of hair you threw away just now. If there is one missing, I will use your hair as a substitute. You too."

A woman with a swollen pig's head lay lying in a puddle and cried bitterly.

"Pick up hair?! How can you pick them all back up! Why do you stand up for such a person? Just let me go and I will give you the crystal core! I will give you supplies! I will give you everything!!"

Xia Yan pursed her lips and looked very impatient. He grabbed her hair and forced her to raise her head. His other hand rubbed her neck little by little, as if looking for the best place to twist it off.

"Because I don't treat you as a human being."

"Go pick it up."

"Wang Ying, stop making trouble. Boss Xia asked us to pick it up, so just pick it up." Her companion observed Xia Yan's face fearfully.

Just like they don't take other people's lives seriously, there will be people who don't take their lives seriously. Don't make things worse...

Wang Ying moved her pig-headed face, and two lines of tears fell from her eyes.

"...Give me a hand, I can't stand up anymore."

Her companion helped her up, and the two of them walked downstairs step by step, looking for hair strands that might have fallen in the cracks in the rocks and in the rust.

The island is not big, and anything strange will spread to every corner in an instant.

In addition to the guests who came to watch the excitement, there were also local residents who seemed to be wearing the same mask. One of them stood on the dry land, and the other stood in the gradually cooling sea water.

The furthest distance a wave can reach is the dividing line between them.

Pat pat pat——

The stuttering resident held the upper body of the doll in his hand, staring at the plastic legs rolled up by the sea water with his gray eyes, stepping on the splash and rushing over desperately.

She chased it far away, and the seawater reached her chest. She then grabbed the leg that was drifting with the wave. She put the leg back and held it close to her chest for a long time, as if it were lost and found again. She was stunned when she touched something with her carefully caressing hand.

She held the worn-out doll in front of her eyes, her stiff body just standing in the rough waves of the sea.

Xia Yan only felt sad. She looked away and forced herself not to look again.

After a long time, Wang Ying and her companions held a few strands of hair in their hands and approached shiveringly, "We only found these few. The hair was so thin that we didn't know where it fell when it was blown by the wind. "

Seeing that Xia Yan's expression was not as cold as before, his companion suggested: "Let's do this, Boss Xia. Let's get together after we go back and prepare more good toys to send to her as an apology. We will also find ways to prepare dolls. You Do you think it will work?”

"I, I don't want it."

A stuttering resident who came ashore at an unknown time came limping over. In her arms lay a doll, with a lot of paint on its eyes and mouth falling off. The plastic shell was yellow and stiff, and the homemade skirt had become tattered. .

Wang Ying looked back and saw her. She thought that her current misery was all because of her. She was laughed at by all the guests, and she became angry in her heart, "What else do you want?! I said I would pay you for the toy, but it's just the broken one in your hand." No one wants the doll if you throw it away, don’t be too greedy!”

The companion was also a little dissatisfied, "That's enough, we are giving Boss Xia face, otherwise who would care about you? It's really hard to tell the difference between the big and the small."

The stuttering resident shrank, his gray-black eyes stared at his hair blown by the wind, and he stretched out his rough hand.

"Head, give me your hair."

"What are you-"

"Give her your hair." Xia Yan suddenly said.

The two of them didn't dare to speak. They held the top of their hair with their fingers and stretched out their arms. "Here, take it, don't touch my hand."

The stuttering resident took it, also covered his chest, fell on the stairs, and tried to put his hair back.

"Boss Xia, is this all right? Can we leave now?" Wang Ying didn't dare to touch her swollen face, but the strange eyes of others could almost kill her. She couldn't wait to leave this place where she was thrown into the face.

"Did you bring the crystal core? Take them all out."

Xia Yan would not naively believe their lies that they would send them after collecting the toys. This place is located in the deep sea, who would go to the trouble to run here? This is just an excuse they made up.

"...Brought it."

The two people's faces were stiff, and they pulled out a small bag from their inner pockets. It was not bulging, but they were reluctant to give it.

Xia Yan spread out her palms, and her eyes could not be refused.

After getting the small bag, Xia Yan untied the drawstring, which was full of level 5 crystal cores. It was roughly estimated that there were about 30 or 40 of them, enough for her to live for a long time.

"Very good, these crystal cores are my apology, you can go now."

"Thank you Xia——um——" Wang Ying, who had just smiled, suddenly looked painful, and turned around stiffly.

Behind her, the stuttering resident's pupils trembled, and he looked like a madman. He suddenly pulled out the sharp knife he used to dig out oysters and stabbed it again.

"Go, go, die, I want you to die!"

Puff, bright red liquid gushed out from the wound, and a few drops of it splashed on his companion's face.

"Ah! Amomum villosum!"

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