I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 479 There will be omissions

The stuttering resident who was close by was inevitably sprayed all over his head and face.

Hearing the sharp cry, she turned her head with empty eyes, and the red liquid slowly slid down her face, and the whole person looked like a devil crawling out of the depths of hell.

"Don't come over, I didn't throw your toys! Ah——"

The last scene Wang Ying saw when she fell was her frantic rush towards her companion, and the sharp knife was buried in her companion's chest in the same posture.

In a shock of inhaling and exhaling, she looked at the turbid blue sky and twitched all over.

This book is first published on 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no disordered chapters.

"You all go to hell, my doll, doll..."

The stuttering resident trembled like a sieve, crying in a trance, "It was destroyed by you, that was my only thought, I--"

She took out the doll, and the fallen hair was placed horizontally on her head. The sea breeze that never stopped blew over, and it floated away lightly. The hair spun golden lines, flew into the mud, flew to the water, and disappeared into the dust with sporadic light spots.

The stuttering resident's eyes followed, full of confusion and death.

"It's gone..."

The hair that was picked up could not restore one-tenth of the original, nor could it be installed on the bald doll's head.

From the moment it was maliciously damaged, it could never be restored to its original state. At least, in the heart of the holder, it had been broken into pieces.

The person who damaged the toy broke not only the toy, but also a special memory carried on it.

She clenched her fingers, and the toy legs that had just been installed fell off with a click, sinking into a pool of blood. The old plastic surface cracked with dense spider patterns, and the red color climbed up and invaded along the patterns, which looked very shocking.

"What are you doing?!" Jing Wenbin came late, and his face changed drastically when he saw the guest lying on the ground, "Catch her for me!"

The stuttering resident's last string broke, and she ran back, using the momentum to suddenly hit the supporting column, and when she fell, a sharp knife was stuck in her chest.

In a blink of an eye, three bodies lay on the ground.

Jing Wenbin listened to the guests' descriptions one by one, and quickly figured out what happened.

He was furious: "Just for a doll? She is crazy! Where is the person in charge? Call her out."

The bodyguard ran to the central stilt building and took out a bald, skinny woman. Her cheeks were bulging, and she was busy chewing, then her neck stiffened and swallowed hard.

"Boss Bin, you're looking for me?"

Jing Wenbin's face was as black as charcoal.

"What happened? Oh, how come there are so many dead people! One, two, three, all three are gone?" The bald woman had an exaggerated expression and glanced at Jing Wenbin from time to time.

Xia Yan could see that this person didn't care about how many people fell.

Jing Wenbin asked: "Where were you when the conflict happened?"

"I was preparing food, um."

"And then it went into your mouth, right?!" Jing Wenbin said softly.

A group of guests around were watching the excitement and clamored for him to punish severely.

"Stealing food is not a small matter. If you dare to eat a bite today, you will dare to take five taels tomorrow, and you will have to move a bag the day after tomorrow?"

"It is said that people like this are the most annoying. They are given a bite to eat, but they still steal things. If you ask me, providing protection is enough, but they have to spend crystal cores to buy food."

"Well, look at these people who don't even have superpowers. They can't afford it."

"That's their business. We are not their parents. Mr. Bin, why do you keep them?"

The topic shifted to Jing Wenbin. He smiled helplessly and said, "Although they are ordinary people, it's good that I can collect pearls here. It's not a bad idea to grind them into powder and make facial masks to give to the ladies."

Everyone - especially the women who love beauty kept sighing.

"Boss Bin is a generous man, a good man!"

"He deserves to earn the crystal core!"

The bald woman was puzzled: "Didn't Boss Bin take our food this time? How did I steal his food?"


"If Boss Bin hadn't provided you with security protection, how could you have survived to this day with your ordinary identities? Be content."

The bald woman: "Why am I getting more confused the more I listen? Although there will be zombies on the island, when the sea level rises at night, what can't be taken away? What kind of protection is provided?"

Instead, he came to rob their food. This group of people really knows how to turn black and white...


Jing Wenbin gave the bodyguard a look.

"Manager, come here, talk over here." The bodyguard put his arm around her and walked to the side, "You sound a little dissatisfied? You'd better understand that sometimes protection means not attacking. Do you understand?"

Jing Wenbin looked at the "little sheep" who came back with satisfaction.

"Take the guest's body back, and give them an explanation for their base."

"What about the man who did it?"

"Don't worry about it."

Hearing the rustling sound coming from the stairs, Jing Wenbin looked over.

"Boss Xia is also interested in pearls?"

Xia Yan spread out her hands, and the pearls lying in the middle of her palms were really weird in shape.

"It's okay, keep it as a souvenir."

Jing Wenbin narrowed his eyes, "This kind of baroque pearl has no collection value. I will send someone to send you some deep-sea pearls later. It's quite interesting to wear."

After he said this, everyone was waiting to see her make a fool of herself.

"I'm afraid you don't know the value of it. You picked up this kind of scraps to wear a bracelet?"

"Haha, I thought Boss Xia was so knowledgeable, but I didn't expect... it's just this little!"

They were waiting to see Xia Yan get angry and retort, and only by following their words could they step on her.

Unexpectedly, Xia Yan smiled and seemed not to understand at all.

"Then I'll wait for Mr. Bin's deep-sea pearls, don't fool me with cultured freshwater pearls. I wonder how many strings Mr. Bin will give me?"

Jing Wenbin's smile faded, "Okay, I'll go back to the warehouse and take a look."

"Then I'll write it down first. If Mr. Bin forgets, I'll remind him." It's probably not that easy to deny it.

Even if this matter is over, Jing Wenbin asked everyone to get on the boat and prepare to attend the last auction after a short rest.

"Didn't you say there were three auctions before?"

"Are the two finales going to appear together tonight? That would be great."

Little did he know that these words were like a knife stabbing into his chest. Jing Wenbin choked and clenched his hands hanging by his side into fists.

"No, there is a temporary change. Mr. Mermaid will not be auctioned."


"What happened? Is there something wrong with him?"

"What a pity. I have prepared a lot of crystal cores, just waiting to see the beauty of Mr. Mermaid..."

Amid the noise, Jing Wenbin stopped and the sea water that was gradually swallowing the island slapped the upper of his shoes. When Xia Yan approached, he suddenly said:

"Boss Xia, I wonder if you have noticed-"



He decided to pretend that he didn't hear it.

"The world is too big. It is impossible to promote the resort hotel in every corner. There will always be places that are missed, just like this island."

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