What Jing Wenbin said was very interesting, and it made Xia Yan look at him again.

"You've noticed all this, you've made a lot of progress~"

Jing Wenbin:...

He rolled his eyes at the sky, stepped into the boat and said fiercely: "Let's go!"

Xia Yan laughed silently, stepped into the boat, found a seat, and looked back at the island that was about to be submerged.

"Is there anyone else?" asked the waiter in charge of the paddle.


Chu Wanfu didn't know where he had been since just now, and now he couldn't even see anyone.

They waited patiently for a while, but what they waited for was the sound of them standing on the deck holding food and throwing it into the sea after boarding the ship.

"Come and pick it up! Only the fastest swimmer can get the freshly baked bread!"


"I threw the sausage down. There is meat in it. Don't you want to eat the meat?"

"Hurry and grab it, we'll be leaving soon."


The local residents stared at the delicious food rising and falling on the sea with their eyes wide open. They jumped into the water one after another and swam forward like a group of thugs.

There was a burst of laughter on the deck.

The arm that was throwing things into the sea was rounded and swung hard, and a white-faced steamed bun fell from the sky and hit the swimmer's head.

The man raised his head from under the sea, his nostrils twitching very quickly, he brushed up the water droplets with his hand, and looked around. He soon saw the steamed bun popping out, and when he was about to reach out to get it, he saw several people rushing over. past...

"Hurry and grab it, those who can't grab it will go hungry!"

"Whoever grabs it, I'll give him a piece of steak!"

The spectators on the deck urged without any bottom line. After hearing this, the people in the water started to grab more fiercely, almost in a desperate posture. After a few times, they started punching and kicking, and the water splash was getting higher every time.


"Hit him! Hammer him to death!"


"What happened?" Chu Wanfu stepped onto the boat and sat opposite Xia Yan.

But in fact, she doesn't need any answer, anyone can understand it at a glance.

Xia Yan subconsciously looked at his hand and found that he didn't take anything, so he asked, "Where have you been?"

"Wander around as you like." It seemed that he didn't want to answer in detail.

Xia Yan didn't force himself and signaled to the waiter that they were ready to go.

The boat deliberately avoided them and drew the famous inverted C arc to approach the cruise ship.

The hysterical snatching battle is almost reaching its climax - the amount of food thrown on the deck is getting smaller and smaller, and the competition is getting more intense. The first thing they do when they get the food is to mix it with sea water and stuff it into their mouths, mashing their mouths with both hands to keep the food in their mouths. Prevent others from digging it out.

At this time, they saw a small boat approaching the cruise ship and looked at the three people sitting on it.

"It's over, they discovered it." The waiter muttered and increased the speed of the paddle. "I will stop them in a while. You two distinguished guests, please feel free to get on the boat."

He used his peripheral vision to observe the people rushing towards him, and tried his best to get closer to the hanging ladder.

"Old, boss, give me someone who stutters..."

The water surface broke, and an old-fashioned baby face poked his head out from the side of the boat.

The waiter was shocked, "Why are you here begging for food? Keep your eyes peeled, they have nothing in their hands, and they can get food from the wrong person!"

His voice was instantly buried in the sound of water breaking, and heads emerged from the seabed one after another, with water marks on their faces, staring eagerly.

"Give it to the one who stutters."

"Please, kind soul."

"You took away all the food and we have to starve again..."

They put their hands on the edge of the boat, making the already rocking hull even more unstable and threatening to capsize at any time.

Upon closer inspection, some people's faces were bruised and bruised, the corners of their mouths were cracked, and some of their teeth were knocked out, and they ran away when they spoke.

"Let go, you should go back." Chu Wanfu said in a calm voice.

He looked at the distance, then at the invisible bottom of the cruise ship, and gradually frowned.

"Just a bite to eat, anything you want!"

They refused to let go. After all, the chance of seeing visitors again next time was very slim. Only by ordering more food this time could they survive until the next harvest.

Xia Yan's sleeves were gently pulled down, and he lowered his eyes to see the baby-faced woman.

"I have nothing to eat, please help me..."

Xia Yan looked up at the cruise ship. The people on the deck were having fun as if they were watching a show. She lowered her head and said softly:

"Don't stay here, zombies will appear at any time. Go back to that room, I left something. Remember, pearls can also be exchanged for points."

She opened her palm, and a strange-shaped pearl lay on it.

The baby-faced woman's whitened and wrinkled fingers tightened.

"The zombies are coming." The waiter suddenly stood up and looked at the zombies pouring out of the sea like white maggots, his face turning pale.

"Hurry up and wait patiently for rescue." Chu Wanfu shouted.

A perverted cheer suddenly sounded on the deckβ€”β€”

"The zombies are finally here, will they be caught up?"

"Hey, the island is flooded. It's so dark. Where can they escape?"

"Where else can we go? Let's hide in the house."

"The zombies in the sea are rather stupid and not as agile as the zombies on land. If they want to bite someone, they have to be pushed away by the waves~"

"So, as a last resort, I choose to be bitten by zombies on land~"

The local residents who were guarding the boat finally let go. As fast as they came, they will return even faster.

"Hurry up, you two, the zombies are coming." The waiter was so scared that his teeth were chattering, and he couldn't help but urge.

"You go up first." Chu Wanfu handed the ladder to Xia Yan.

She climbed up in a few steps without being pretentious. After stepping on the hard deck, Xia Yan leaned on the railing and looked down.

On the boat, the limited vision made it feel nothing. Now standing on the high ground and looking down, the dark water was full of zombie heads. The empty eye sockets were more disgusting than the compound eyes of flies. They rushed straight to the island with the waves.

The local residents climbed up the stilt house just before the zombie tide came, and they also removed the ladder and threw it down with the rope tied to it.

When the propeller of the ferry started to work, a lot of mud on the seabed was rolled up. They heard the movement, stopped their work, raised their heads, and watched the cruise ship leave in a calm and sad posture.

The woman with the baby face waited until the cruise ship became very small in her sight, then she stood up and climbed the pipe to crawl to her neighbor's house.

The rustling noise attracted the restlessness of the zombies in the water. They raised their heads, and the two black holes on their faces that looked like steamed buns soaked in water were very conspicuous. They followed her movements.

We've arrived.

She let go and jumped down, but her feet suddenly slipped and she fell. She felt a pain on her back and the back of her head. She reached out and touched it, and it turned out to be scattered pearls.

She got up with pain and began to search in the room by moonlight.

What on earth did the boss talk about?

She lifted the mattress and found a flyer underneath.

She felt her heart pounding.

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