I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 481 It’s too late

Fortunately, the moonlight was bright tonight, so she took the flyer and put it under the moonlight——

Instructions for applying for a points card for a resort hotel.

There were pictures and text descriptions at the bottom, and the price was marked next to it.

The baby-faced woman didn't understand what points were at first, and only saw single-digit and double-digit numbers until she turned the page and saw the points redemption ratio.

The darkness couldn't hide her big white teeth when she opened her mouth.

Damn! ! !

What a discount!


"How do I get a card?"

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

She turned the flyer over and over, thinking that it was just a piece of paper.

What's the use of a piece of paper? You can't eat or drink, and just looking at the pictures on it doesn't make you hungry...

After coming to this conclusion, she sat on the ground decadently, listening to the zombies under the stilt house, hitting the pillars under the impact of the waves, and making muffled sounds.

"... I want to apply for a card..."

She wanted to eat, hot rice and noodles, milk, and buns. She wanted to eat everything. She was almost starving to death.

The last syllable came out of the dry throat, and the hand hanging by her side, holding the flyer, suddenly felt warm, and the cold moonlight in the room lit up with a strange light.

She looked down in surprise, and saw a goldfish swimming on the surface of the flyer, with a fluffy and colorful tail, and a mouth that spit out small bubbles, looking at her with only one eye.

It flicked its tail and splashed water droplets, which gathered into a line of words in the air: Please send the crystal core or equivalent to its mouth~

"But I don't have a crystal core... Can pearls be used?"

She suddenly remembered what the boss said.

The goldfish swam leisurely, spitting out useless bubbles from time to time, and a small pop sounded when it exploded~

She picked up a handful of pearls and tried to throw them over. The little fish jumped up, stretched its mouth to its maximum, and caught them steadily.

"Well, then what? Is it not enough?"

The baby-faced woman crawled on the ground, scratched the ground with both hands, and threw all the pearls she picked up into the goldfish's mouth. I don't know how long it took, and my wrist suddenly felt a slight tingling pain.

She suddenly froze, knowing that this was the points card.

She wiped her eyes hard, tapped her finger on it, and found the takeaway interface according to the instructions. She chose a braised pork rice bowl from the dazzling pictures.

At this time, the leaflet spontaneously combusted, without smoke or smell.

Before she could feel regret, the void in front of her eyes broke, and a big bubble with a bow fell from it.

She caught it with both hands in an almost pious posture, and the bubble cracked, and the overbearing aroma of braised pork came to her face, red and shiny, and the chopsticks trembled when they poked it.

She hadn't eaten a proper meal for a long time. At this moment, her eyes were green and she directly picked up the rice into her mouth like a hungry wolf.

When she chewed it with her teeth, the fat burst out with a charming aroma of oil, fat but not greasy, sweet in the mouth, and the rice absorbed enough soup, with a rich taste. Every bite was a top-notch tongue satisfaction!

"Haha, Mr. Bin guessed right."

A man who had been peeping for who knows how long flew in from the window, his wings folded behind him, and a cruel smile on his lips.

He looked at the remaining rice in the woman's hand, waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "I knew that person would leave something. Eat, eat well so you can go on the road."

"I..." The woman's cheeks were bulging, and fragments of rice and meat could be seen between her lips and teeth, but she had a desperate expression.

The man played with a sharp dagger, the smooth blade reflected a terrifying light, and he blocked the door.

But in fact, he didn't need to block the door. He was facing ordinary people who had been hungry for a long time and had little strength, and had no resistance.

"Want to wait until tomorrow for the promotional portal of the high-end restaurant, and then escape from here? Forget it. No one who goes against President Bin will have a good ending."

"I noticed you when you climbed out of the roof. You will die today, so don't struggle. Maybe I will be kind enough to let you suffer less."

The man said a lot of things in a vain manner. Seeing that she was stunned and didn't eat, he frowned and shouted: "Eat quickly!"

President Bin had explained that there was a protective shield during meal time. How could she do it herself if she didn't finish eating?

Under his repeated urging, the baby-faced woman completely forgot this rule. She sobbed and stuffed rice into her mouth. She didn't care to chew it carefully. Her throat was blocked and she swallowed it with effort.

The little goldfish swallowed the bowl and chopsticks into its stomach, flicked its tail and disappeared, and the protection mechanism was no longer effective.

The man's face looked better.

"Come on, stretch your neck over here obediently, don't waste my time."

Her eyes were empty and she was surrounded by death.

He raised his hand and swung the knife. The cold light flashed on the blade and quickly flowed across the wall, as if it was carrying a shadow and dragging a long tail.

The cold blade approached the neck, causing the skin to tremble, and then it stuck and scratched, the flesh and blood were instantly peeled off, and blood spurted out.

It was not her.

The baby-faced woman widened her eyes——

Behind the birdman, there was a camouflaged and fully armed person.

An unknown gurgling sound came out of the man's throat. He turned back stiffly to see who the yellow bird was, but he didn't want the wound to be pulled open. He fell to the ground with limbs twitching, and his eyes were black and deeply sleepy due to lack of blood.

"Are you okay?" The man raised his head and said solemnly, "We are late."

He had a special familiar badge on his chest. He was tall and full of security. The bloody sharp knife was on his back, not ready to go, but the tip of the knife was never facing his own people.

"No..." The baby-faced woman trembled all over, with the joy and excitement of being rescued.

She simply couldn't imagine that there were people who would cross the vast ocean and spend manpower and material resources just to save them.

There was a whistling sound of wings flapping and rushing past outside the window, followed by the sound of the supernatural gun, dragging a colorful long tail in the dark night, leaving a residual image on the retina.

The soldier immediately grabbed her and hid in a safe place, carefully explored outside, and whispered after confirming safety: "I will transfer you to a safe place first, don't make a sound."

The baby-faced woman nodded absentmindedly.

When the birdman flew over, the soldier squatted down and carried her out of the gate directly.

At this time, the baby-faced woman saw a scene that she would never forget - under the bleak moonlight, a portal stood between heaven and earth, and all the residents were supported and protected by the soldiers, and walked into the portal step by step from the house where they were imprisoned.

In mid-air, the birdman not only did not dare to descend, but was also chased by the soldiers and fled.

The nightmare of the past was finally broken.

The baby-faced woman got off the broad and powerful shoulders, looked at the soldier in front of her with night vision goggles and asked devoutly:

"I want to know your name, I want to pray for you every night."

The soldier turned his head and said, "It doesn't matter what my name is, if you are willing, please pray for General Chu Wanfu."

"I know, I will."

The baby-faced woman felt that her stomach and heart were satisfied.

The last soldier ventured into the water, found the locator in a hidden corner, put it close to his body, and got in at the moment when the portal was about to disappear.

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