When Xia Yan rushed to the only restaurant open to guests on the cruise ship, the whole room was filled with dissatisfaction with the cheap dinner.

She found a table and sat down. She wanted to order food but was told that there was only sweet potato soup tonight.


Free food, what's the point of a bicycle? As long as it can fill your stomach, you can have more food later.

The first release of this book 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar provides you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

Halfway through the meal, the waiter went from table to table to inform that the auction would be held in advance.

"Customers and friends who have finished their meals, please go to the exhibition hall immediately and wait. President Bin is already waiting for everyone there."

The sound of chairs moving one after another was heard in the restaurant. Guests walked out of the door in twos and threes. The hot sweet potato soup on the table was collected by the waiter and poured back into the iron bucket to seal it.

Xia Yan drank the last sip, wiped the corners of his mouth, and stood up to leave.

The exhibition hall was brightly lit. The second floor was closed and there were no VIP seats. There were only armchairs in the lobby, and a red carpet was symbolically laid below.

The staff at the door handed her a number plate and led her to the corresponding position.

The number of people in the exhibition hall gradually increased. There were densely packed heads in front, behind, left and right. It was impossible to find Chu Wanfu and Jing Yimai. In addition, after the auctioneer came on stage, the brightest lights all went out.

After the auctioneer said a few official words, he invited the first exhibit to be presented, which was an umbrella that could block acid rain and hail in all directions. The price was low and used to warm up the venue.

The whole audience rushed to bid, and the atmosphere was instantly set off. Then the auctioneer struck while the iron was hot and took out the next exhibit.

Including laboratory-modified living utensils, special armored vehicles, high-precision supernatural guns, and even rare crystal cores, crop cooperation coupons and other things.

Until the second half when everyone was a little tired, Jing Wenbin came on stage, holding a silver-white medical code box in his right hand, and the thin chain at the handle was tied to his wrist.

He put his suitcase on the C booth, and after a look, a large curtain fell behind him. All the lights in the venue went out, and a faint light came out from the projector, projecting a video.

"This is a great innovation."

Voices came from all directions, and a researcher in a white coat appeared in the picture. His face could not be seen clearly, but his tone was very excited.

He carefully held a golden liquid and showed it in front of the camera, his eyes full of enthusiasm.

"The latest discovery is that as long as you take enough doses of superpower blood and there is no rejection phenomenon at all, there will be an 80% high probability of stimulating the second superpower! The second superpower can also be upgraded, and the two superpowers exist in the body at the same time!"

The scene was in an uproar!

It can stimulate the second superpower! What a heaven-defying research result!

In the video, the white coat put down the liquid, picked up a pile of information and pictures, and introduced the different changes in the bodies of superpowers who took different concentrations.

"According to the conclusion of the experimental research, when the concentration is greater than 5%, the absorption effect of the fourth-level psychic is the best. When the concentration is greater than 10%, the psychic above the fifth level will have a 40% chance of successfully stimulating the second superpower!"

In the picture, the low-level experimenter who used the liquid had a hideous face and died tragically, while the worst of the high-level psychic was carbonization of legs, and the lightest was just redness and allergies after peeling.

Then there was another video. The psychic with red body was lying on the bed. At the request of the background sound, he first waved a stream of clear water, then he stretched out his left hand, licked his index finger and thumb, and as if he was not used to it, a small flame drilled out from the tip of his index finger.

"Did you see it, everyone in front of the camera?! He got the second superpower! This proves that our experimental direction is correct! All the sacrifices are worth it!"

The picture shook violently, and all the researchers cheered in unison.

This sound came from all directions, and there was a weird feeling at the auction site. Of course, this was just Xia Yan's feeling.

At this moment, the scene changed, and the person holding the camera appeared in front of the camera. He was wrapped tightly, and only a pair of light brown eyes could be seen. He tried his best to suppress his excitement.

"The concentration of the drug we gave him was only 11%. The plan after that is to use low concentration to help him get through the adaptation period and completely consolidate his foundation! Observe the duration of the second superpower. Today's record ends here, time--"

The video screen was cut off, the curtain was retracted, and all the sounds disappeared without a trace.

The spotlights cast a beam of light, all gathered in the center of the booth, illuminating Jing Wenbin and the box he held tightly in his hands at any time.

He untied the bracelet, laid the password box flat, and after entering the password, the lid of the box opened automatically, emitting a light blue light.

Everyone knew what was inside.

The people in the front row couldn't help but stand up and look inside. The customers behind them immediately cursed and stood up. Gradually, everyone stood up.

Jing Wenbin glanced at everyone one by one, raised the corner of his mouth, and took out the sealed tube inside very lightly and showed it in front of him.

It was a particularly beautiful golden blood potion.

"This is what the video just introduced!"

"I bought special cigarettes, and I heard that this stuff was added to them! It is indeed good for superpowers, and it is addictive."

"I heard that the darker the color, the stronger the effect. Does anyone who has bought it know? Come out and tell us."

In the noisy voices, Xia Yan suddenly remembered the light pink injection that Jing Wenbin sent before. She didn't use it and put it in the system grid.

It seems to be a blood potion diluted countless times.

"Everyone, be quiet. Please sit back down." Jing Wenbin held the microphone and his voice amplified several times.

He said: "It seems that everyone has guessed that cigarettes are also a new product developed by our laboratory, just to give everyone an experience process."

"Actually, this blood agent, no, should be called a potion. The video does not introduce it in detail. I will add a few words. When the concentration is greater than 2%, it can enhance the antiviral effect by 5%. If it can be taken for a long time, it will or Completely immune!”

There was fierce applause.

The people who can sit here have all consumed money on the black market, and they bought and tried cigarettes as soon as possible, a precious thing that has a price but no market.

To put it more clearly, the ultimate goal for them to sit here is blood potion!

If you can really get the second power, wouldn't you be able to walk sideways in the apocalypse? ! Everyone only has one superpower, right? But people who have been transformed are different. They can wave a superpower with their left hand, and when the opponent relaxes their vigilance, they can also wave another with their right hand!

Dominating the world will no longer be a dream.

"I need to tell you something." Jing Wenbin cleared his throat and put on a regretful expression, "The potion auctioned tonight will be the last one in the world."

He found Jing Yimai in the crowd and said sarcastically:

"So, the second highlight of this auction is the experimental object that provides the blood agent - Chen Juqing. The great man is about to contribute his life to experimental research. As for how much blood can be drawn in the end, I will not do it. Guaranteed, it all depends on personal luck.

Bidders, please choose wisely. "

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