"First, let's auction the first final item, a potion with a concentration of 20%."

Jing Wenbin waved his hand, and the climax of the auction came.

In the crowd, Jing Yimai clenched his fists and his eyes were so cold that he could freeze someone to death.

The bidders sitting on his left and right sides suddenly felt a chill on their backs and couldn't help but move back.

Weird, I didn’t turn on the air conditioner, so my neck was freezing...

Everyone participated in the quotation, and the voices became louder and louder, almost making the roof collapse. The bodyguards who were squatting outside and responsible for security stared at the zombies rising up from the bottom of the sea and gathering around the cruise ship, dumbfounded.

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"No one can sleep tonight, wake them up quickly to defend!"

"If you mess up Mr. Bin's affairs, your heads will be at risk!"

The tense atmosphere rushed from one side of the deck to the other, and the sound of footsteps going up and down the stairs was endless.

What Xia Yan didn't expect was that even Chu Wanfu participated in the bidding.

Her heart turned red as she heard the prices being shouted higher and higher. She would look where the prices were shouted, secretly exclaiming that these people were too low-key. They were all so powerful, why couldn't she earn some? !

Finally, the potion was bought by a woman with silver-white hair for 80,000 level-5 crystal nuclei.

"Congratulations to this lady, you have got the last potion in the world. Now please go and pay the balance with the staff. There will be scientific researchers to contact you later to assist you with the subsequent matters."

In the eyes of everyone with envy and hatred, the silver-haired woman was escorted away by a group of high-level bodyguards.

A high price means good follow-up service.

It is impossible to drink the medicine into your stomach. Professionals need to make reasonable plans and arrangements based on the physical fitness of the person involved. Without these, who would dare to spend a lot of money and be bored?

I'm afraid I won't die quickly enough.

After the woman left, the atmosphere at the scene was a bit low. Some people even got up from their seats and left. Taking the exhibits they had photographed, they hurried back to the base overnight to avoid being targeted by interested parties.

The auction went on normally. Two hours later, Jing Wenbin walked onto the stage again. Seeing that a large number of seats were empty, he said:

"Now the last auction item - the experimental product Chen Juqing. The starting price is three fourth-level crystal nuclei."

Everyone was in an uproar, never expecting that the starting price for the grand finale of the auction would be so low.

"At that time, Mr. Bin said that the other person was about to die, so there would be no value in taking pictures, right?"

"What if we can squeeze out a few more drops of blood? How about a living person? The concentration is higher than the potion just now, right?"

"There is a saying that goes well, what you buy is not as good as what you sell... If you can still squeeze out high-concentration products, Mr. Bin can't let go, right?"

Doubts rang out one after another. The main reason was that the goods were cheap but not good. In addition, the person had a special status. Unless the whole body's value was drained, how could it be so cheap?

Think about it, the potion just cost 50,000 crystal nuclei and now the starting price of the blood donor is only three crystal nuclei?

Everyone's confused brains suddenly woke up - this is a trap, no matter how cheap it is, you can't buy it. If there is any infectious disease or the like, buying it will lead to death.

Amidst the whispers of people's voices, Xia Yan suddenly received a long-lost message.

[Trigger a hidden mission - Help the Son of Destiny resurrect in the second parallel world]

[No punishment mechanism, if the mission is successful, you will be rewarded with a mountain bike]

[Note: Ignore the ups and downs of the terrain, super energy-saving, effortless climbing, no falling when going downhill, one-click shade can be used when the sun is shining, and an umbrella can be held up with one click during heavy rain, a must-have for travelers]

Xia Yan:?

Come live.

There is no punishment mechanism for her to do it.

"Four fourth-level crystal nuclei." She held up the sign.

Auctioneer: "No. 250 bids four crystal cores. Is there anyone else participating in the bid?"

Number two hundred and fifty? !

Xia Yan turned over the sign and rolled her eyes angrily. No wonder the staff had been looking for the sign for a long time and turned out to be waiting for her here.

"I'll give you six four crystals!"

Yo, is there anyone else rushing to bid?

Everyone's heads turned towards the source of the sound, including Xia Yan.

...Why is it Jing Yimai?

Jing Wenbin looked at Xia Yan and Jing Yimai, smiling with evil intentions.

Auctioneer: "Six four crystals, is there any higher?"

Xia Yan held up his sign: "One more than him."

Jing Yimai looked over and asked, "Why are you filming him?"

Xia Yan: You take care of me.

Auctioneer: "No. 250 bids 7 four-crystal crystals, but also——"

Jing Yimai gritted his teeth: "Two more than her, Boss Xia, don't compete with me."

Xia Yan is bound to win: "One more than him. Jing Yimai, don't compete with me."

Jing Yimai couldn't stand it anymore and ran over and whispered: "I know you want to shoot him back and make small cubes. Boss, please figure it out. It's not appropriate. In this case, I will give you seven four crystals. Don't compete with me." ,Okay?"

Xia Yan turned his head and raised the sign so that the 250 on it was facing him.

"I'm sorry that you guessed wrong. You don't understand the reason why I have to take pictures of him. Take the initiative to put down the sign so that I can save less money. Otherwise, be careful I go back and put on your shoes."

Jing Yimai looked in disbelief.

Auctioneer: "No. 250 bids ten four crystals. Is there anyone else——"

Listening to No. 250 being brought out alone over and over again, Xia Yan couldn't hold back her temper no matter how good she was. What's more, she was not a good-tempered person in the first place.

Xia Yan stood up and said to Jing Yimai seriously, "Don't bid anymore. You can't beat me."

Then Xia Yan took the number plate in his hand and walked directly to the stage to face Jing Wenbin.

She raised the sign in her left hand, "Does Mr. Bin recognize the number on it?"

Jing Wenbin:?

"No. 182."

"Yes." Then she raised the sign in her right hand, "What about this one?"

Jing Wenbin looked at her, "No. 250."

Xia Yan threw the two signs in front of the auctioneer and bombarded him unceremoniously, "Do you recognize the words that Mr. Bin recognizes? Everyone is bidding, but you are the only one who is talking about my number plate, right? You keep saying 250, are you here to cause trouble?"

The auctioneer's face turned pale, and he couldn't help but look at Jing Wenbin.

Unexpectedly, Xia Yan took a step to the side to block it.

What are you looking at? Who told you to look at it?

The auctioneer had to bow his head and admit his mistake, "Sorry, it's... this number is my best lucky number..."

"Oh~ So you are an idiot, so you always say it out loud, is that what you mean?" Xia Yan asked back with a smile.

The auctioneer murmured: "... If you understand it this way, it's not impossible."

"That's great." Xia Yan put down the sign.

She stretched out her hand and tore and pulled, and directly pulled down the number 250.

"I'll give it to you." She put the number on the auction hammer and waved it, "Doesn't it look much better like this?"


"Come on, knock the hammer, no one bids."



"Congratulations-Boss Xia successfully won the bid, please go-someone will contact you. This auction ends here, thank you everyone."

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