The auctioneer grabbed her hammer and ran away.

Xia Yan sneered, but he didn't dare to provoke him if he didn't have the ability.

Just as she was walking down the booth, Jing Wenbin, who had been silent all this time, suddenly called out to her.

Xia Yan turned around and asked, "Is something wrong?"

Jing Wenbin smiled again - Xia Yan felt like he was wearing a mask on his face at all times.

He said: "Boss Xia, we are old acquaintances. Let me explain to you here. Chen Juqing is on the verge of death.

The first release of this book provides you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

I want you to come over to my place if you can, our lab can help with anything you want, remember, anything, whether you want to try to squeeze a few more drops of blood or whatever, we can do it supply. "

There was an incessant sound of stools and chairs rubbing together in the exhibition hall. Jing Yimai stood in the backlight and couldn't see his facial expression clearly, but Xia Yan knew that he was looking at her.

Jing Wenbin is not someone who reminds others kindly.

She was keenly aware of the true meaning hidden by Jing Wenbin: "You mean, Chen Juqing will die immediately after leaving the laboratory?"

Jing Wenbin raised his eyelids and said, "You are very smart. He really couldn't hold on for a few seconds after leaving those medical devices."

He didn't even specify what kind of equipment it was.

At this time Xia Yan realized the urgency of the task.

"Leave me the address and I'll go as soon as I've packed up. Try to let him hold on until I get there."

"The cruise ship will sail back tomorrow morning. I have everything there. I'll send someone to deliver what you need." Jing Wenbin looked at her.

After he finished speaking, both of them were stunned.

"...Are you acting too eager?"

Jing Wenbin's expression remained unchanged, "The main reason is that I'm worried that he might fail at any time."

Xia Yan:...

"Give me the address." She didn't allow for negotiation.


Jing Wenbin comforted himself that she had to go back and settle down in the resort hotel and Lidai Island. It was impossible to leave such a big stall at the drop of a hat. It was normal to need time to arrange. Perhaps, he could be more generous——

"As long as there is a machine to extend his life, I don't think it will be a problem for him to last another ten days and a half."

"Didn't you say that there was no blood in his body?" Xia Yan was surprised.

Jing Wenbin shook his head and denied, "No, it refers to the supernatural blood that can be separated from his body, which is the golden liquid you see."

"Does that mean Chen Juqing is now an ordinary person with no powers at all?"

"If you look at it according to the standards of being a person with superpowers, it can be described like this."

"...How dare you sell an ordinary person ten level four crystal cores."

"Boss Xia, you misunderstood. The price is three pieces." Jing Wenbin stretched out three fingers and waved them in front of her eyes, "Also, if you can bring my cousin with you, I will give you an extra 1 ml bottle. High-purity medicine, does this seem appropriate?”

Jing Wenbin chuckled.

Xia Yan turned to look at the dim audience. Under the backs of the guests hurriedly leaving, Jing Yimai crossed his arms and looked at them with a cold expression. Seeing her looking over, his eyes only moved slightly.

"How?" Jing Wenbin asked.

Under the temptation of medicine, who can resist, even if this person has everything...

"no problem."

See, he knew it.

"Then I'll just wait for the good news." Jing Wenbin bowed artificially, watched her walk down the steps, and then looked at Jing Yimai.

At that moment, sparks flew and crackled, and the blank knife went in and the red knife came out with his eyes.

Jing Wenbin: Waiting for you~

Jing Yimai: Death.

Xia Yan: "Let's go, come back, or do you have other arrangements?"

"No." Jing Yimai looked away.

Outside the door, a group of guests who had not taken photos of anything were chatting and laughing around the person in the middle without any worries about their safety, as if they were reluctant to leave.

"Don't worry, everyone, as long as there are enough dried fruits and vegetables, I will take my people and deliver them to your base in person."

This voice——

Xia Yan was so familiar that he stopped.

Standing in the center of the crowd was Chu Wanfu.

"It's not just vegetables. If there are other things, such as equipment, manpower, etc., it would be great if we could provide them."

"The population of our base is too small. If it can be increased several times... General Chu, just tell me how many crystal cores are needed and I will figure it out."

Chu Wanfu's smile did not change and he agreed one by one.

"It's easy to say. Just ask for anything you need. As long as I have it, I will help you."

Even if Xia Yan was not inside, he could feel the tension suddenly reducing, and the group of people had real expressions on their faces.

"I thought General Chu would disagree. I was worried -"

"Why are you afraid that I won't agree?" Chu Wanfu asked with a smile.

"Well, um, you know, there are always some people who pretend to be educated people. After all, this is not a peaceful era. What matters is strength. We still think that everyone is equal. Wouldn't it be a pity for us who have worked so hard? An upgraded superpower?"

The person who spoke looked around and laughed, and the others also laughed knowingly. Everyone knew what it meant.

"It used to be money, but now it's crystal nuclei. They're all the same~"

After chatting here, they put down their guard and exchanged information about the location of their respective bases, planning to communicate frequently in the future to exchange materials they did not have.

Chu Wanfu shook the paper in his hand and said to the man: "I don't have your information yet, can you keep it?"

“Convenient and convenient, of course it’s convenient!”

"Okay, I'll be there as soon as possible."

Chu Wanfu smiled very big.

Seeing that he couldn't finish his work in a short time, Xia Yan prepared to go back first, as she still had a lot of things to arrange.


Xiong Xiong, who was standing behind the front desk calculating the occupancy rate, suddenly looked up, looked at the ripples in the air in front of him, and said to the customer who had been waiting for a long time but was still very anxious:

"The boss will be back soon, just tell her."

Fan Shuyi blinked hard to cheer herself up.

When Xia Yan appeared in the lobby, she took a deep breath and greeted him.

"Boss Xia, I have something to talk to you about."

"Please go ahead." Xia Yan smiled politely.

"Gan Zijing has woken up."


"Thank you." Fan Shuyi forced a smile, breathing heavily through her nose, "Do you know Dean Ji?"

"Yes, he is a customer living in Lidai Island."

Fan Shuyi's pupils suddenly contracted, and she said anxiously: "Then you also know that he is doing experiments, right?!"

Xia Yan noticed something, "He went to find you?"

"Not me, him," Fan Shuyi gritted her teeth, grief and anger overflowed from her eyes, "He actually wanted Gan Zijing to participate in his stupid, human body repair experiment!

"Boss Xia, you know, Gan Zijing just escaped from the laboratory, how could I agree to him lying in another laboratory? ! "

Her emotions began to collapse and lose control, but she was instantly frozen by Xia Yan's words--

"You mean, Dean Ji talked to Gan Zijing, but Gan Zijing agreed?"

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