I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 485 Reject Everything

Fan Shuyi closed her eyes in despair. When she opened them again, the flashing light was the determination that Xia Yan had seen on the deck.

"He just woke up and was confused. Maybe he thought he was in the original laboratory. In any case, when he is unconscious, I can refuse all unreasonable requests for him."

Xia Yan looked at her and was surprised: "Then why are you looking for me? Why don't you just reject Dean Ji?"

Fan Shuyi's eyelashes flashed and she looked away unnaturally.

"He said that the only experimental subject in his laboratory was also given by you... I thought it was also yours..."

Xia Yan understood, "Don't get me wrong, I don't have any of these properties in my name. If I had this intention, there would be experimental subjects everywhere and no one could escape."

Using delicious food as bait and being lured to a small square in the hotel area to serve you directly, who can refuse?

Fan Shuyi said that she knew, but the back of her departure was still filled with depression, as if she was bearing an invisible huge pressure, and her shoulders and back, as straight as a gun barrel, sloped downward in a slump.

Xiong Xiong put down the things in his hands and waited until she walked into the vacation door before saying:

"Boss, she missed the point."

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"When Dr. Sang came here last time, she and I had a casual chat. She said that Gan Zijing's physical function was not optimistic. Maybe he once had supernatural powers, but for some unknown reason, he eventually became sluggish.

Moreover, his body is highly resistant to chemotherapy, and the effect of chemotherapy brought by ordinary doses is significantly reduced. "

Xiong Xiong recalled for a while and imitated Dr. Sang's tone and said: "Gan Zijing has taken a large number of medicines for many years and has developed poisoning reactions, such as slowness, abnormal fatigue, unsteady walking, and sometimes epilepsy.

According to the report of the examination project, his kidney function has been seriously affected. It can be said that this young man's body has been completely treated by inhumane people. It is really pitiful and regrettable. "

Gan Zijing's extremely beautiful face appeared in front of Xia Yan's eyes. At this moment, in her heart, Gan Zijing was an artificial doll that was about to be broken.

"Dr. Sang said that she supports Dean Ji's idea. The man named Lao San has special powers. If it can be transplanted to him, whether it is to obtain wood transformation or self-repair, it will be better than gradually withering away. "

Xiong Xiong had never met Gan Zijing, but from other people's words, he gradually sketched out the miserable half-life of a beautiful man.

Xia Yan also felt that he was miserable. His plight was indescribable, and some mistakes he simply couldn't afford to make.


"Xiong Xiong, help me inform the residents upstairs that the resort hotel will be moved to a new and very dangerous place. It is surrounded by top villains who do all kinds of evil. It is basically impossible to go out for hunting. If any customers want to check out and leave, Please help with it."

Xia Yan's second principle is to always put your own affairs first. If you want to eat something, wait a moment.

Xiong Xiong: "Ah, good boss, I understand~"

Taking advantage of this time, she opened the backend and gave the customer loyalty cards for renting Lidai Island stalls and shops a new function - within the filled-in business hours, users can be teleported back to their own location at any time.

In this way, no matter where the resort hotel is, it will not affect customers' business.

The second thing is to open the school's portal restrictions. In the past, because the base was close, the system was closed by default, but now it is different.

The third thing is to add the storage locker option in the points card and enable the online pickup business.

Isn't this equivalent to having one more space ability for each person? And the monthly rent is so cheap... Xia Yan felt very sad when she saw it, but she felt relieved when she thought that the food inside was all bought from the supermarket.

Anyway, the points were going around, and they would eventually end up in her pocket. It was just a matter of time.

Make things convenient for others and make things convenient for yourself...

After doing this, Xia Yan stretched and stood up. The fourth thing he had to do was go to the central square of Lidai Island to announce the upcoming move, and then he was ready to go and eat melon online.

Since the hospital was built not far from the central square, people walk around in the square every day, bask in the sun, play chess, poker, and compete in martial arts.

There are also a group of "good friends" who stay under the large screen, recalling the new faces, and talk to the old sisters about those who "didn't make the list", and then follow the very few relatives who appear. A scene of hugging one's head and crying, and a series of tears fell.


"When you get older, you can't bear to see this kind of scene."

"It's nice to finally have a family together again."

Just as the uncles and aunts were wiping the corners of their eyes by pulling on the corners of their clothes, they suddenly discovered that the missing person notice scrolling at any time on the screen had shrunk to one-third of its original size, and the remaining two-thirds were occupied by a line of large characters.

Someone read aloud: "Dear customers, please note that the resort hotel will be moved tomorrow!"

After a while, the uncles and aunts swallowed back their tears. They stood up and threw themselves at the bottom of the screen with their eyes wide open, staring at the large red characters scrolling slowly above.

After confirming that this news was true, the scene immediately became excited.


"The resort hotel is moving?!"

"Does Ridaishima have to follow suit?"

"Where are you going, Boss Xia? Isn't it good to stay here?"

"I will be discharged from the hospital in a few days. Director Sankey has already sent me an offer. Wouldn't it be better to wait another two days?"


The chessboard fell apart and the playing cards fell from my sore fingers.

People sitting and sunbathing pulled off their clothes, and a group of people crowded close to the screen, wailing one after another.

I thought that I could finally live comfortably in the second half of my life and start a new life, but unexpectedly, the storm started again!

"Where is Boss Xia?"

"Let's go talk to Boss Xia and see if we can avoid moving. After all, we are used to living here, and it's rare to settle down."

"Yeah, isn't it good to live a good life? Why do we have to move?"

"Wait - don't talk, there is new information on the screen again!"

The tall man took advantage of his height, looked at the new information that was scrolling faster, opened his mouth and said loudly word by word: "The resort hotel will never settle in a certain place, separation and reunion will eventually come, and Boss Xia also has his own mission."

The voice fell like a giant axe, and the scene was instantly silent.

They were used to the smell of the salty seaside, the sound of the waves gently hitting the beach, and fell asleep peacefully every quiet and peaceful night. Suddenly, everything was about to change. Fear and fear were like wildly spreading hyphae, drilling out from the soles of the feet, crawling all the way to the heart, and deeply embedded along the cracks of every muscle.

It was the confinement and suffocation that could be felt with every breath.

There was a faint sob at the scene, sadness was blown everywhere by the wind, and every pair of eyes was red like rippling water.

Xia Yan couldn't help but sigh.

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