"Hmm? The holiday hotel is moving? When will it happen?"

Chu Wanfu put down the documents in his hand.

"Yes, Lidai Island is in a mess now. Patients are discharged early and apply to join the base."

"Have you found out the reason why she moved?"

The subordinate thought for a moment, "The specific reason is unknown. I only know that she arranged for Manager Xiong to notify the whole building after returning to the hotel."

Chu Wanfu's index finger flicks lightly when thinking. This is his habitual action.

Seeing this, the subordinate prepared to leave quietly.

"Wait." He suddenly called a halt.

The subordinate turned around and saw Chu Wanfu's eyes were like torches and his spirits were high.

"You go and organize an all-around squadron and arrange to stay in the hotel as soon as possible!"

"What do you mean?"

Chu Wanfu folded his hands and shook them lightly, "Wherever the hotel goes, they will follow."


The door closed softly, and Chu Wanfu looked at the window where the voice floated in. On the neat flat roof, the high-rise of the holiday hotel suddenly jumped out.

This matter is definitely related to Jing Wenbin, and he also wants to take the opportunity to infiltrate the enemy.


When Xia Yan arrived at the office, Dr. Sang was looking out the window and was distracted.

She knocked on the door.

"Dr. Sang, is the list of patients and medical staff ready?"

Dr. Sang turned around and said, "You are here, everything is ready, here is the list."

Xia Yan took it and flipped through it, then sat down to enable the point card transmission function for these people - if possible, she wanted to directly enable the function to go to Lidai Island on the point card.

But she couldn't.

Dr. Sang picked up a pen and recorded the work in the work log, occasionally looking up at her.

Until Xia Yan said: "Okay, you can go back and forth between the base and the hospital at any time in the future. As long as you don't go out of the hotel door randomly, you will be safe."

"So... do you really want to move?" Dr. Sang took a deep breath and asked from the bottom of her heart.

Like everyone else, she was afraid of moving from the bottom of her heart. Maybe everyone is the same. If you stay in a place for too long, you will feel rooted. Moving is tantamount to pulling out the roots.

Xia Yan nodded: "Well, we will move tomorrow. You will have one day to prepare today. In fact, don't you think that Lidai Island is like the company you used to work for? You come and go at a certain time. You should not have such a strong sense of belonging to the company, right?"

Dr. Sang choked and said hesitantly: "No one's company can be so big..."

Since it is a done deal, there is no need to worry about it. Dr. Sang sighed, opened the drawer and started to pack up the sundries.

Fortunately, Sang Zhengyi's house in the base is still preserved, so she doesn't have to rack her brains to apply for housing.

"You go ahead, I'll go out and take a look."

Xia Yan got up and walked out of the office. People came and went in the corridor. The nurses' station was crowded with patients going through discharge procedures. In the open ward, several figures were busy packing their bags, and the packaging bags lay on the ground with dry bags.

The elevator door was even more crowded with people. She turned and walked into the stairs.

After climbing up a few floors, the noisy and chaotic sounds gradually disappeared. There was silence all around, and the sound of soles stepping on the steps echoed in the space.

The eighth floor is coming.

She raised her head and saw Gan Zijing sitting on the steps, leaning his head against the wall, quietly looking at the blue sky and white clouds behind the window.

He was a little too fair.

It was a very fragile white that would break at the slightest touch.

He just sat there quietly, his eyes were loose, like a particularly realistic 1:1 life-size puppet.

Xia Yan looked down and saw an exposed needle hole on the back of his hand, a small bulge below, and red marks on the nearby skin due to violent pulling.

She guessed that Gan Zijing had sneaked out.

"Gan Zijing, what are you doing here?" She tried to relax her voice.

But Gan Zijing's eyes didn't move, and he seemed not to hear any sound, and he remained in his position.

Xia Yan walked over and was about to ask again when she heard Fan Shuyi shouting in fear in the corridor behind the door--

"Gan Zijing?!"

"Doctor! Doctor! Where is Gan Zijing? Why is he gone!"

Then many footsteps hurriedly came from far away, and then far away again.

The surprised voice of the young nurse came at the same time: "I have been in the nurse station, and I really didn't see him come out!"

Fan Shuyi collapsed in despair. It was hard to imagine that a living person could disappear under so many eyes. He was a seriously ill patient who couldn't get out of bed!

She suddenly thought of something and said in a panic: "Did you collude? Did you send him to the man surnamed Ji while I was away?!"

"Family members of the patient, calm down. We all have professional ethics and can't do such a thing..."

"Then tell me, where are he! Where is the laboratory of the man surnamed Ji?!"


The fierce argument passed through the door and drilled into Xia Yan's ears word for word.

She lowered her eyes and looked at Gan Zijing, who was still quiet. He was even weaker, his head almost tilted to his shoulders, breathing with his mouth open, and his lips were unusually red.

"Did you hear that? Fan Shuyi is looking for you."

Outside the door——"Gan Zijing! Gan Zijing!!"

She saw Gan Zijing's pupils shrink, and he seemed to finally come to his senses. His eyes moved inch by inch, first landing on her trouser legs, and then moving up little by little.

Gan Zijing seemed to be recognizing, and then his Adam's apple slid, and a few words came out of his throat: "Master...don't shake, I...will..."

Xia Yan didn't hear clearly, squatted down, and the smell of disinfectant hit her face.

"You have to go back, Fan Shuyi is very anxious."

He tried hard to focus his eyes, trying to see clearly who was in front of him, but that familiar name suddenly hit his ears.

"Fan...Shuyi, is she...looking for me?"

"Well, I've been looking for you, and she rescued you."

"...Find me..."

Gan Zijing just stared at her with blurred and unfocused eyes. Xia Yan knew that his spirit had collapsed during the endless and cruel body modifications.

She thought of something and asked more gently: "Do you still remember your name?"

Pain flashed deep in Gan Zijing's eyes, but it was very light and he uttered a fluent word.

"My name is Mr. Mermaid, Master."


His will was also transformed.

Gan Zijing's facial features began to change slightly, his brows stretched to the extreme, the tail of his eyes drooped with a look of being at the mercy of others, his lips were slightly open, and the tip of his tongue could be vaguely seen. When he raised his head, a white collarbone was revealed, and there was another one at the end of his sight. Enchanting red dots...

Xia Yan stood up immediately.

"They must be impatient. I'll ask Fan Shuyi to take you back."

She opened the door and took half a step forward to look over. At some point, Dr. Sang also came down. While ordering the nurse to find someone, she signaled Fan Shuyi to be silent.

"There are all seriously ill patients here. Please don't make a fuss. We have never taken them away. We will definitely find them for you."

Fan Shuyi's eyes were desperate and fierce, "If you hadn't lied to me -"

"Fan Shuyi, stop arguing, Gan Zijing is here."

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