Fan Shuyi turned around sharply.

She saw Xia Yan waving to her at the door of the stairs. She ran away before she could think about it. In almost the blink of an eye, she rushed to the stairs.

๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Barโ†’๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ”๐ฌ๐ก๐ฎ.๐ง๐ž๐ญ

When she saw Gan Zijing sitting quietly on the steps, she breathed heavily from her nose and burst into tears.

It was a strong sense of happiness from hell to heaven.

She almost lost Gan Zijing again.

Fan Shuyi's eyes eagerly looked at him from head to toe, and every exposed skin was carefully inspected by her. When she saw the red marks and bulges on the back of her hands, her nose was sore.

She wiped away her tears roughly, her nose was red, took a deep breath, patted her face, raised a smile at the corner of her mouth, walked carefully to him and knelt down next to him.

"Zijing, why are you here? Can you call me next time? I'm really worried that I can't find you."

Gan Zijing looked at her for a long time and said slowly: "...Don't cry."

"Okay, okay, I won't cry."

Fan Shuyi smiled and wiped her eyes again, "You saw that my eyes are red, right? You care about me, right? I'm so happy, Zijing, we will get better and better."

At this time, Dr. Sang also came over with a nurse and a wheelchair.

"Go back to the ward first."

Gan Zijing obeyed and stood up, but when he stood up, his legs became weak and he was about to fall to the ground.

Fortunately, the nurses rushed over quickly and helped him sit up in the wheelchair.

A group of people were getting ready to go out.

Gan Zijing half-squinted his eyes, his face showing fatigue, and Fan Shuyi held his shoulders to prevent him from leaning to one side.

Just as he was passing by Xia Yan, he suddenly raised his head and said in a very clear voice:

"Master, I'm just tired. I should just take a nap. Don't send me back."

Xia Yan:?

Fan Shuyi:? !

Doctor Sang and nurse:! ! !

"Gan Zijing, please don't talk nonsense just because your brain is weak." Xia Yanhen gritted his teeth secretly.

What does it make others think.

Doesnโ€™t she want to be vivid? This happened at a critical time when she was about to move? !

Fan Shuyi's face turned pale and she whispered: "Boss Xia, please come over too. Maybe I need your help."

Xia Yan: "Okay." She also had to explain.

Gan Zijing's body was indeed weak. He couldn't hold on for such a short journey and fell completely into a coma.

In the ward, the nurse sister skillfully slapped his wrist, aimed at the clear blood vessels and inserted the needle, and then, a bulge appeared.

"It's weird, why is there a bulge? Why is he so nervous?"

The nurse lady looked at Gan Zijing in confusion as he fell asleep, but still broke out in a cold sweat and his body was trembling slightly.

When I took hold of his fingers, I found that they were extremely cold.

"Give him a thin quilt, he seems to be very cold."


Fan Shuyi looked at the scene inside in silence.

Xia Yan decided to take the initiative to break the silence, "I found him sitting there when I went upstairs, and I just asked him why he was sitting there. As for why he called me that, I really don't know."

It's so embarrassing, especially knowing that both of them are the one and only.

This feeling is like the extreme embarrassment of being in the same room with her boyfriend when your best friend is not there.

Fan Shuyi pursed her lips, "I don't blame you, and I know it has nothing to do with you. It was the dean named Ji who told me last time when he came here to observe him."

She turned to look at Xia Yan and said, "He said that Gan Zijing needs to see a psychiatrist because he has been severely brainwashed. I originally thought that Dean Ji was deliberately lying to me, but just now, I realized that what he said was true. of."

"Not only was Gan Zijing's body transformed, but his mind was also transformed into a merman who needed to recognize his master."

The little nurse finally succeeded in inserting the needle into the blood vessel. She adjusted the flow rate and walked out gently holding the medical tray.

Hearing the click of the door, Xia Yan seemed to come back to his senses.

"I got it."

She was curious about something.

"At that time in the stairwell, I heard you and Dr. Sang talking about lies. Can you please tell me?"

Fan Shuyi turned to look at the nurse's station. Dr. Sang, who was wearing a white coat, shouldn't be working on this floor, but things are different now. Every doctor must be able to do the decathlon. The complicated ones can be mastered, but the simple ones must be mastered.

"Do you remember what I told you last time, that Gan Zijing's physical condition is very good?" Fan Shuyi's voice was light and airy.


โ€œData deceives doctors.โ€


"It is short-term and only exists on the surface. It is similar to a stimulant. It can make people excited and tireless for a period of time. Gan Zijing should have been injected with similar drugs. In fact, he should have been injected again before going on stage. One shot, but we brought him back."

Fan Shuyi smiled bitterly.

"The system examination prescribed by the doctor only found that certain indicators were extremely high and the organs were more or less inflamed. Everyone here had similar problems, so the doctor relaxed his vigilance. Until the effect of the medicine wore off and his body showed symptoms Strangely, the truth emerges.โ€

Xia Yan understood.

Jing Wenbin's laboratory conducts experiments without any bottom line or humanity, no matter how miserable it is. Those researchers have safe housing and sufficient food, and spend all their time in the laboratory.

It is obviously easier to mess up than to try to be good.

Fan Shuyi looked at Gan Zijing on the hospital bed for a long time.

When she heard him suddenly say that sentence clearly just now, she felt like she was hit on the head, and at the same time she felt very unfamiliar. There was no part of Gan Zijing's body that was similar to her cherished memory.

Gan Zijing had become a person she didn't recognize, both in appearance and thinking.

The source of all this was to save her, so he became what he is now after suffering.

She was right, but he was also wrong.

"What do you want me to help you with?" Xia Yan asked.

Fan Shuyi's ears were still ringing and resounding with Gan Zijing's words, "You must try to live, nothing is more important than living."

"He told me that he wanted to live, not in his current form, but to live well."

She looked at Xia Yan, but through Xia Yan, she looked into the void - Gan Zijing, who was completely awake at a certain moment, grabbed her hand and said with begging eyes: "Shuyi, help me... I want to run in the sun... I want to live well... as a person."

But what did she say at the time?

"We will be discharged after the doctor cures your illness. There is the sea, the beach, and the big sun you like here! Let's start a new life!"

"Shuyi, you..."

Gan Zijing opened his mouth several times on the bed, and the light in his eyes gradually became exhausted and empty.

Fan Shuyi didn't wait for a complete sentence, but now she understood that he only wanted to say two words.

Youโ€”โ€”don't understand.

The little shame left under his rationality made him unable to speak, and he might not even know what he would show in the end.

Fan Shuyi swallowed his saliva, not knowing whether his decision was right or wrong.

"I want you to help meโ€”โ€”"

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