Xia Yan listened attentively.

Fan Shuyi looked at Dr. Sang who was busy in the nurse station and said with determination: "I think maybe Dean Ji's idea is right."

"Do you mean to send Gan Zijing to the laboratory?"

"...Yes." Fan Shuyi raised the corners of her mouth stiffly and looked at Xia Yan and said, "There is an old saying that you should fight poison with poison."

Although it is not appropriate to use it here, it is essentially the same to change from one laboratory to another, right?

If Gan Zijing wants to move forward, going to Dean Ji's laboratory to accept new changes may really have good results, and he should be more able to accept the needle inserted into the body and the strange liquid flowing in the blood vessels.

He volunteered.

Xia Yan respects everyone's choice, "I wish you success. You don't need my help with this matter. You can go directly to Dr. Sang to express your attitude, and she will tell Dean Ji."

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"There is one thing only you can help me with." Fan Shuyi said, "I want you to be a witness."

Xia Yan frowned slightly.

She just pretended not to see it and continued to say the following words: "I agree that Zijing will join the experimental project, but he must be relatively free. When he is not needed, or while waiting for the results, I will take him outside to see the sea and blow the wind."

The eighth floor of the inpatient department is the quietest floor. The sound of the elevator opening and closing at the end of the corridor bounced off the four walls.

Dr. Sang patted the little nurse's shoulder, glanced at the two people outside, and estimated the time.

Fan Shuyi organized her words in silence and spoke after a long time.

"I have accepted the worst result. Gan Zijing can't lie in the laboratory day and night, with a cold ceiling when he opens his eyes and a dazzling shadowless lamp when he closes his eyes. He has to live every day seriously in the limited time.

Only if Dean Ji agrees to this, we will join. In order to prevent him from deceiving us, we need a witness. After thinking about it, only Boss Xia is the most suitable."

In fact, this decision is very impulsive and unreasonable.

The other party can refuse at all, and there is no reason to guarantee anyone.

She thought of countless ways, but none of them worked. She could only sit in the corner in despair and pull her hair hard.

It was a little nurse who couldn't bear it and said, "Try to ask Boss Xia for help? Sometimes it is difficult for us to go to heaven, but they can solve it with just one sentence."

She was stunned.

"Go ask, it doesn't matter if you fail, you won't lose anything."

The little nurse left in a hurry after saying this, and she was enlightened.

At this moment, she was waiting for an answer.

Xia Yan suddenly laughed, "If I had known this was a trap, maybe - forget it, I'll help you."

Even if it happened again, Xia Yan would choose to save people, mainly because those level 5 crystals were so delicious, she made a lot of money!

It's just an after-sales problem, no big deal.

Fan Shuyi's tense mood fell, "Then -"

"Boss Xia, although I think this approach is appropriate, as your old customer, this feeling of not being trusted is really heartbreaking."

An old but steady voice came from the end of the corridor.

Dr. Sang was overjoyed: "Old Ji, you are really on time!"

Xia Yan turned around, and it was Dean Ji who hurried over.

She smiled and said teasingly, "There's no way. As a boss, the after-sales service can't be bad. I'll ask Dean Ji to do it according to her request."

Dean Ji glanced at Fan Shuyi, who pursed her lips tightly and was obviously defensive in her eyes. He couldn't help but snorted proudly.

"Back then, this girl didn't even give me time to explain. When she heard the word 'laboratory', her face turned pale. Let's just say that this laboratory is not that laboratory, and the research purpose is completely different."

Dr. Sang hurried to smooth things over, "Stress reaction, understandable. Didn't I discuss it with you quietly? Why are you still arguing with a child?"

Dean Ji coughed lightly, "That's too serious. Let's get to the point. Little girl, I heard everything you said just now. I agree to all your requests, and even give you a free place to live in the villa, so that you can see Gan Zijing up close and at all times. You can see our research process at any time. How about it?"

This condition is very tempting. Even Fan Shuyi, a newcomer, knows that the 20 small islands surrounding Lidai Island are luxurious private islands with extremely high monthly rents, and all of them are inhabited by bigwigs. Outsiders can only envy them.

Now, she is allowed to live there for free?

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Fan Shuyi. No one spoke for her, and they were all patiently waiting for her final answer.

"...One more thing," Fan Shuyi was so nervous that sweat beads oozed from her nose, "If I find that the upcoming experiment is very unfavorable to Gan Zijing, I have the right to call a halt."

Dean Ji pondered for a moment and shook his head. "You are too broad. I don't know what your so-called standard is. I'm sorry I can't agree to it."

He secretly controlled his eyes not to drift into the ward. He was also nervous inside, fearing that this girl would not play by the rules. If she got angry, she would insist on it. If she didn't agree, it would be a disaster.

"Hehe, I see that you don't care about it. How about this," he had to give her a way out, "During the experiment, as long as you feel it's not working, you can call a halt at any time. Let's not make an absolute agreement now.

After all, there will be a lot of changes along the way, do you understand this? "

Fan Shuyi nodded grimly.

Very good, able to understand people's words. Dean Ji wiped his sweat. To be honest, meeting a difficult girl would be worse than meeting ten old men.

"And Boss Xia is still here. Even if you don't believe me, she was invited by you, so there should be no problem, right?"

Fan Shuyi made a sound in her throat.

"I agree."

Dean Ji and Dr. Sang breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, the matter was finally settled.

"I heard that Gan Zijing ran out on his own?" he asked.

Dr. Sang admitted that he was also puzzled at the same time, "There are so many people on duty at the nurse station, but they don't know how he walked out step by step without being discovered."

Dean Ji thought thoughtfully, "How long have you been awake?"

He needs to record all this information.

Doctor Sang and Fan Shuyi looked at Xia Yan. Only she knew about this.

Xia Yan recalled that experience and said with certainty: "If you count from the time I met him, it would be 0 minutes."

"This can't be—" Dean Ji wanted to retort, but Dr. Sang and Fan Shuyi's simultaneous silence made him realize that things were not as simple as he thought.

"Can you tell me what else happened in the middle?"

Xia Yan's complicated eyes told him, no.

The point is that Fan Shuyi actually turned her head to the side, not wanting to discuss this topic in depth.

He speculated for a moment and asked:

"Is he hallucinating?"

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