I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 489: Crazy snatching

"...More serious than this." Xia Yan was embarrassed.

Doctor Sang hurriedly tugged at his sleeve, indicating that he could not ask any more questions.

Dean Ji understood and understood why Fan Shuyi changed her mind.

He took the opportunity to say: "It seems that Gan Zijing should hurry up and move to the villa. The earlier he receives treatment, the sooner he can be completely free."

Fan Shuyi thought so and said: "...Okay, then today?"

"Doctor Sang! Hurry up and start the discharge procedures!" Dean Ji was overjoyed.

While they were busy packing up, Xia Yan left quietly.

After leaving the hospital, she chose to teleport directly to the residential area.

After identifying her identity at the access control, Xia Yan followed the path inward, turned through the lush vegetation, and just met Jing Yimai who was about to go out.

The first release of this book provides you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no disordered chapters.

"It's just right. I have something to talk to you about."

"Wait a minute." Jing Yimai turned around and said to the person whose figure was blocked by the vegetation, "I'll go over later."


A man walked out from behind him, nodded to Xia Yan and left.

Xia Yan recognized that this was Chu Wanfu's subordinate.

"Is it convenient to talk here?" Jing Yimai asked.

Today's residential area is not as empty as before. People come in and out of the houses arranged vertically and horizontally from time to time, and people on the small road come and go in an endless stream.

If you want to talk about something, it's not very convenient here.

Xia Yan waved his hand, not caring whether there were ears through the grass.

"Just one sentence, no need to go too far - Jing Wenbin said that if he takes you there, he will give me a 1 ml injection. I remember you said you wanted revenge before, and I agreed with the idea of ​​taking advantage of you."

"That's what you were talking about at the time?"

"Well, as compensation, I will give you a privilege."

"What special--"

Jing Yimai stopped talking, and a yellow-haired man with a bulging shoulder bag hurriedly ran past them, and the bag made a squeaking sound of food packaging being squeezed.

Suddenly, with a sizzling sound, the zipper was squeezed open, and the things inside were thrown out with his large movements, and fell to the ground with a crackling sound.

All of them were long-lasting fast food, and the familiar outer packaging was from the same place at a glance-the exclusive supermarket of the resort hotel.

"Ancestors!" The yellow-haired man wailed in a low voice, his eyes rolling around the surrounding vegetation, picking up things quickly, fearing that a few people would suddenly appear to snatch them.

At this time, a slender white hand appeared in the corner of the package.

He immediately got anxious: "Put it down for me - Boss Xia?"

"Why are you so anxious?" Xia Yan handed over the bread he had picked up.

The yellow-haired man stuffed it into his bag while complaining: "I have to be anxious. I don't know what happened. The crowd in the supermarket went crazy for it. I stole it from someone else's shopping cart - Boss, please don't blame me. He hasn't checked out yet. Who knows if he still wants it..."

Jing Yimai had been watching coldly from the side, and suddenly said: "Going crazy? What do you mean?"

"This..." The yellow-haired man choked, "These three words are not that difficult to understand... There are just a lot of people, and they are going crazy for it."

He picked up the last bag, zipped it up and left.

After his back went away, Xia Yan said: "It should be the residents of the base and the customers who haven't checked out."

Jing Yimai didn't know what he was thinking, and looked up at her after a long time.

"I want to go to the supermarket. Boss Xia, do you have anything else to do?"

Xia Yan:...

"Nothing else, go ahead."


The transparent glass door sensed the arrival of the person and slid silently to both sides. More than ten self-service cash registers made chaotic beeping sounds and rushed towards us.

The place where the shopping carts were originally placed was now empty, and even the shopping baskets were gone. Many people with empty hands were anxiously looking around and waiting at the exit to try to find a bargain.

"Is the cart still in use?"


"Brother, can't you use the basket?"

"Someone has already reserved it. Go ask someone else!"

A silent anxiety gathered above the supermarket. This scene had appeared in the early days of the apocalypse when everyone was scrambling for supplies. Now they just grab whatever they can buy.

Jing Yimai followed the crowd and squeezed into the entrance. He only walked ten meters forward and stopped as if he was stuck in a quagmire.

Everyone immediately sighed and whispered in dissatisfaction.

"It's over, we're late. Look, the shelves of toiletries are almost empty, and there's probably nothing in the front."

"Don't worry, it's different here. The products will be automatically put on the shelves after a while, and you'll definitely be able to buy them."

"...But people don't move forward. Even if there are a hundred items, we can't get them. I'm so anxious!"

The two aunts stood on tiptoe and looked far away with their chins raised. Unfortunately, they could only see the backs of black heads. At this time, they saw the tall and strong Jing Yimai and pulled his sleeve.

"Young man, help your aunt see what's going on in front?"

Jing Yimai didn't say anything, but looked forward.

He planned to buy some supplies to send to Uncle Liu.

From his perspective, he didn't see the back of the head, but the top of the head. He could see at a glance whether each person had signs of baldness.

He ignored some slippery reflective points and scanned along the shelves. Finally, he stopped at the place with the most women, which was also the most congested place.

"Did you see it?" The aunt was anxious.

"Well," Jing Yimai said expressionlessly, "young girls are buying daily necessities."

"What the hell—?"

Auntie didn't understand, but her partner did. She pulled her sleeve and whispered in her ear.

"Oh, that, you have to buy more."

At this time, people finally started to move forward. When passing by the nursing area, the group of girls really went crazy. The sanitary napkins that had just been put on the shelf were carried away by people without even opening the seal.

Some people simply tore T-shirts into small strips, stacked two large boxes together and tied them up, and then held them high up, squeezing flexibly in the crowd.

"Jing Yimai!"

He suddenly heard his name in the noise.

"Brother Yimai, I'm here!"

He found that the voice came from the nursing area. He stopped and saw a dark arm jumping up and down, and then Uncle Liu's daughter, the face of Little Black Potato, appeared in the gap.

Jing Yimai was about to approach when she called him to stop.

"Don't come in! Otherwise, you won't be able to get out soon. Just help me get my stuff, brother!"


He stopped as he was told, and saw Black Potato jump high again, throwing the huge cardboard box in his hand to him, and he caught it steadily.

"I need to buy some more! Brother, just wait for me there."

Black Potato disappeared in the crowd again.

Jing Yimai tried to get as close to the edge as possible, but the box in his arms was a nuisance, and people passing by would always bump into it. Just as he was about to change his posture, he heard a word "brother" in his ear.

He turned his head to see that the person who spoke was holding a box of similar size to his on his head, holding the edge with one hand to keep balance. After looking at him, he smiled with a small tiger tooth and said, "Brother, this method saves effort, everyone does this."

Then he turned sideways, revealing a row of "fellow laborers" behind him.

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