I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 490 Another Channel

"Everyone is waiting for their families here, are you too?"

Little Tiger Teeth probably felt bored, and he didn't get along with the others. It was a relief to see someone of the same age, so he started talking more.

Jing Yimai also put the box on his head and stood aside, and hummed coldly.

The first release of this book provides you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

Little Tiger Teeth glanced at him, touched his nose and dared not say a word.

At this time, a broadcast suddenly sounded above his head:

"The entire store will be refreshed after a five-second countdown. Customers and friends, please don't put your hands on the shelves and pay attention to safety."


Jing Yimai clearly felt that the people around him became excited.

"4, 3——"

Countless hands stretched out to the shelves, ready at all times.

"2, 1."

When the last number fell, all the empty shelves were instantly replenished, but the first second the goods appeared, the ready hands grabbed them.

"Mine! Mine!"

"Don't grab!"

"Leave one for me!!"

Such voices spread to every corner.

And in the aisle of the nursing area behind them...

"Sisters, who hasn't got it yet? I can give you half a box!"

"I'm tall, I'll help you get it. Is one box enough? Who hasn't got it yet?!"

The big boxes passed by like an assembly line, some went straight to the checkout counter, and the other part fell on the shoulders of the men waiting outside.

Jing Yimai carried two large boxes on his shoulders, followed by Heituo.

None of the women who have survived to this day are weak. They used to feel dizzy when they stood up from the toilet, but they have long been trained to the point where they can run while carrying large boxes.

The two of them didn't care about buying other things, and Jing Yimai was going to send her to the checkout counter to line up first.

Heituo stopped him, and said with dark eyes: "Brother, we have a special checkout counter, you come with me."

She led the way in front and stopped at another passage that she had never noticed.

She smiled embarrassedly, "You can't go in, this is for girls only."

Jing Yimai didn't think there was anything worth distinguishing about a checkout counter, but Boss Xia must have her reasons for arranging it this way.

He put down the boxes, "Can you take it in?"

Three boxes, still a bit heavy.

Black Potato has his own way.

"I won't carry it, push it in, then take a rest inside, drink some water and sit for a while. Brother Yimai, you've worked hard, I'll treat you to dinner tonight."

Jing Yimai seemed to have heard something strange, "You mean, rest?"

"Yes, the rest area inside also provides hot water and hot packs, and there are clean toilets. Sometimes I see young ladies who have nowhere to go and spend the night there. Anyway, it's nice."

"That's impossible. Boss Xia won't take in people who don't have points on their cards to spend the night here. At least I've never seen it." Jing Yimai shook his head.

Black Potato blinked, "I actually asked about this. Only girls who don't have enough points on their cards to pay for one night's accommodation will not be kicked out. As for what you said about taking them in, no, I didn't say that."

"What about you just now?"

"The supermarket didn't kick them out, so they can stay overnight."

Jing Yimai looked at the inconspicuous passage again. Could it be blocking boys? He had been back and forth so many times, but he had never found it. If she hadn't taken the initiative to bring him here, he might never have known.

"I'll go in first."

Black Potato pushed the stacked boxes into the passage. Jing Yimai kept watching. Suddenly, his eyes blurred and the entrance to the passage disappeared, replaced by an ordinary wall.

He widened his eyes, "It really is."

What's more interesting is that the people in the supermarket are crowded like sardines in a can, but everyone will avoid this wall, just like northerners will never step on the manhole cover, and naturally avoid it.

Jing Yimai took a last look, ready to grab the goods, and took the initiative to avoid the oncoming girl.

He had to ensure that Uncle Liu and the others did not go out, and there was enough food in the house to eat for three months.

However, the shelves of biscuits and bread were all empty, the shelves of instant noodles were all empty, the pickled cabbage was sold out, and the rest of the dry goods were left with only empty shelves. On the vegetable stall, there were a few leaves full of fingerprints, and there was not even a scrap of meat on the meat stall...

Even so, there was a long queue at each empty space, each holding five or six plastic bags, just waiting for the next wave of refreshes and shelves.

Jing Yimai silently pulled down a stack of plastic bags and lined up at the end of the queue.


Xia Yan was shocked by the camouflage uniforms in front of her as soon as she stepped out of the holiday gate.

Aren't these all Chu Wanfu's people? What are they doing here.

It was not until she walked to the front desk that she saw Xiongxiong was so happy that his teeth were not visible, and his little paws pushed the card machine forward again.

"Just put the crystal core in there~"

"I should still have points in my card, right? Do I need to top it up now?"

Xiong Xiong narrowed his eyes and said, "We are moving to a dangerous place this time. I don't think you want to check out halfway. If the lease is not renewed and someone else buys the room, you will have to risk going out?"

"That's right, let's do as you wish."

Four crystal cores were sent into the card machine. Xiong Xiong grinned even more when he heard the sound of Ding Ding falling.

"Thank you for your patronage~ This is your room card. Since you are all together, I will try my best to arrange everyone on the same floor~"

Xia Yan understood that this was someone Chu Wanfu took the opportunity to arrange to come in and leave with the hotel.

He was smart.

The elevator reached the first floor, and the customers inside pulled their suitcases to the front desk to check out. Seeing that the people checking out had already formed a line, Xia Yan walked quickly to the front desk and started working.

"Xia, Boss Xia?"

The customer didn't expect that the person checking out was the boss, and felt embarrassed for a moment.

Usually, he sheltered everyone from the wind and rain and provided cheap food. When the hotel was about to encounter trouble, he was the first to pack up and leave.

This feeling of guilty conscience made them unable to raise their heads...

Xia Yan did not ignore the embarrassment on their faces, and explained considerately: "Don't feel psychologically burdened, you are also helping me. Have you seen the latest notice?

After moving, I will raise the price of all items, so take this time to go to the supermarket to buy what you need."

"What about takeout? Will the price also increase?" The customer asked anxiously.

"No, it will remain the current price, but the card recommendation function will be discontinued."

The second person asked, "So will everything in the supermarket be very expensive in the future?"

Xia Yan thought for a while, "If you buy in bulk, it will remain the current price, but if you sell it retail, the price will double."

The customers looked at each other and murmured, "That means if General Chu buys in bulk, it will remain the original price, and it doesn't seem to make any difference. Anyway, General Chu won't raise the price to sell it to us."

"That being said, there are so many people, so we still have to go to the supermarket to buy more things!"

Xia Yan completed the check-out steps in the background and watched them rush into the resort gate.

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