Xia Yan didn't know how many times the supermarket had been emptied.

Xiong Xiong and she sat in the leisure area of ​​the lobby, watching waves of customers carrying and carrying oversized packaging bags, going back and forth to the holiday gate several times.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96𝙨𝙝π™ͺ.π™£π™šπ™©

Even though they could put them in the storage compartments, they still carried large and small bags home, as if they couldn't feel at ease without looking up at the food.

"Boss, today's performance is absolutely super high." Xiong Xiong said.

Xia Yan agreed.

When it was late at night, close to 11 o'clock, this intensive rush to buy gradually subsided.

"Boss Xia."

Several women holding clean cloth bags moved in from outside the door.

Xia Yan stood up and said with a smile: "Are you still not asleep so late? Are you going to take a day off tomorrow?"

All work in the base has rest days, not many, eight days, which is the same as in peacetime.

The women shook their heads. Under the warm yellow light, all the lines were soft, and even their hearts were sore and soft.

Their eyes fell on her, on Xiongxiong, and then on the spotless hall, where the holiday door quietly rotated against the wall.

Every corner here was familiar, and they couldn't help but show sadness and reluctance.

"You are leaving tonight, and we don't have anything good to give you, so we made some homemade sweet cookies. I hope you don't dislike them. Then, we hope that the hotel will get better and better, and you, Boss Xia, should be healthy."

As he said, he handed over the clean cloth bag.

Xia Yan lowered her eyes.

White cloth, rough hands, sweet cookies, slightly red eyes, and the breath of sadness filled the air.

She blinked her dry eyes, and suddenly her throat felt like she had swallowed sandpaper.

She took it with both hands, her voice a little hoarse, "Thank you." Then she added, "You should also stay healthy, and you will get better and better in the future."

The voice that responded to her was a suppressed tremor, "Yeah, I know."

At this time, another person came up and handed over a warm cloth bag, choking and saying the same words, and then one after another, the cloth bag was warm and heavy, Xia Yan hugged it full, and her heart was gradually filled with sweetness.

The women turned and left, Xia Yan watched them go, and when she saw the outside clearly, her body was shocked - the safe area was full of customers who came to see them off.


Her heart beat suddenly, pounding on her eardrums.

"Boss Xia, we will take you to move tonight."

"If it's too dangerous over there, come back, we will always be waiting for you with open arms!"

"I hope you are safe and safe for the rest of your life!"

Looking at the bright eyes full of sincerity, watching the sunken cheeks fill up because of her presence, and the hunched shoulders straighten up again, Xia Yan suddenly felt very proud.

There is nothing more fulfilling than raising a skinny person to be plump, and Xia Yan has raised thousands of people!

Give yourself a big thumbs up!

"Sister Xia!"

Suddenly, a small figure broke free from her hand, ran all the way and threw himself into her arms, holding her waist tightly, and said in a childish voice:

"Can you please not leave? I can't bear to leave you."

Xia Yan stopped the mother who was trying to pull the child with her eyes, and gently stroked her hair.

"I can't bear to leave you either, but I have my own things to do, just like you have to go to school and I have to go to work."

The little head shook, expressing his disagreement with his gesture.

"Sister Xia likes good children, are you good?"

The little head nodded and said sullenly: "Good."

Xia Yan smiled, "Then sister will give you a set of exercises, you must finish it obediently."


Xia Yan stuffed a very heavy gift box of exercises into her arms, and laughed really happily.

Then she looked around, "Come on, Sister Xia, be impartial, all the children come and get a set!"

Other children: ...Thank you, you conspicuous bag.


Xia Yan put everything neatly into the system grid, sat on the sofa and listened to the strong beating in her chest.

She pressed her right hand on it, felt it patiently for a while, and said to herself: "This feeling...seems very good..."

Since ancient times, sincerity has always touched people's hearts the most.

After calming down, she understood the good intentions of the system's low pricing.

"Boss, the time is about to come." Xiongxiong said, "The customers are still awake, will it affect us?"

Xia Yan came back to her senses and looked out along his gaze, "Nothing."

At 23:50, the customers waiting outside suddenly felt an extreme sense of sleepiness, and their upper eyelids seemed to be weighed down by a ten-pound weight, and they closed their eyes uncontrollably.

At this time, several old customers who moved out of the hotel wailed with deep fatigue.

"It still doesn't work. I'm dying of sleep."

"My heart is so uncomfortable. I'm starting to have tinnitus. I have to go back to sleep. This is a sign of sudden death..."

So they stood up, their eyes dazed, and unconsciously walked towards their room with strong steps.

At the same time, in the room upstairs, the new guests who moved in today were sitting upright, only one-third of the way up the chair, patiently waiting for the changes that would happen next.

Suddenly, they all pressed their hearts in unison, frowning.

Do you still need to block customers when moving?

There's nothing shameful about this - um, why does my heart hurt even more.

Dong -

[Customers are all in a deep sleep]

[Do you want to start the moving function]

Xia Yan raised her eyes in the orange light, "Yeah."

[Randomly generating the venue...]

Xia Yan interrupted, "No, we have a destination this time."

She said the address left by Jing Wenbin.

[Address search...]


[The passage is open]

The bear stuck on the glass looked back excitedly, "Boss, the door has appeared!"

Xia Yan stood up, "Let's go."

Outside the protective cover of the safe zone, there was a door engraved with a passage, and the white light spots gathered and flashed continuously.

The bear had to take care of the rest.

It turned off the lights in the hall, locked the glass door, and then accurately pulled out the special valve for the bear on the outer wall.

It pulled hard, and puffed.

A long sound like deflation sounded, and the whole building gradually tilted and shrank, and fell towards the bear.

In the blink of an eye, the 30-story building became a mini toy. The bear bent down to pick it up, put it in his pocket, and zipped it up to prevent it from running away.

"Boss, it's done."

It walked to Xia Yan's side, nervously looking at the light spots with abnormal flashing frequency. It still remembered that a bunch of butt hair was bitten off last time...

Woo woo, Xiong Xiong has no privacy.

Xia Yan also saw it, and she held one of Xiong Xiong's paws tightly.

"I'll count to three, and then we'll rush in together!"


"Three! Go!"


Xiong Xiong screamed and was dragged away by Xia Yan, and stepped into the flashing door with a bang.

The long-awaited light spots quickly gathered together, pretending to give them the most intimate back-pushing experience.

Xiong Xiong was led by Xia Yan with one paw, and covered her butt with the other paw, and ran with a burning feeling.

The passage quickly darkened, and the light close behind her was blindingly blinding.

Seeing that they were gathering under her feet again, Xia Yan's scalp was numb - it felt like she hadn't forgotten this trick.

"Bear! Charge!"

Xia Yan threw Xiong Xiong out with all his strength, and then he jumped out himself, rolled over to relieve the force, and looked back.

The door disappeared in an instant.

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