Xiong Xiong Paji bent over, crying in his words:

"My boss saved my ass, and I will never forget it!"

Xia Yan's hand on the ground softened, and his face suddenly turned dark, "What do you mean fart hair?"

"It's the abbreviation for the hair on the butt~" Xiong Xiong's furry face showed intelligence, with an arrogant expression begging for praise.

Xia Yan didn't want to pay attention to it.

At this moment, they were at the outermost edge of the safe zone. If Xia Yan rolled a little more, he would definitely roll out of the protective shield and land on the brick ground outside.

Um? Marble tiles?

Xia Yan jumped up from the ground, and the resort hotel automatically landed at the location specified by the system and returned to its original height. Although the lights had not been turned on, her vision was very clear.

In front of the hotel is a wide, crisscrossing road. There are rows of seven-story dark buildings on the road. There is a plaque hanging between the first and second floors. She can't see the fonts clearly, even if she looks closely, she can. It was discovered that every window was covered with anti-theft windows.

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Looking farther away, she could only see a very abrupt tall building that looked like an upright sailboat. She could see the surrounding environment. On the one hand, it benefited from the bright moonlight here, and on the other hand, with the help of the high The roof lights shine in all directions.

At this time, a brighter light came from behind, which was the lights in the hall and the roof that were turned on.

Her lamp can illuminate a distance of two thousand meters.

Using the light, Xia Yan was about to take another look at the surrounding environment. Unexpectedly, when he turned his head, he suddenly got goosebumps——

In the lower right corner of the window of the building opposite, a pair of eyes were silently pasted, staring at her hollowly and eerily.

Even when illuminated by strong light, the eyeballs showed no sign of blinking. The cheekbones were high and the hair was as withered and yellow as hay. If Xia Yan hadn't seen the opening and closing of the nostrils, he would have thought that these people were mummies.

At 12 o'clock in the morning, being watched closely by "corpse" barriers throughout the building is an exciting feeling.


"Who is that person in front?!"

A sharp whistle pierced the night sky, and an off-road vehicle with flashing red lights sped along the road. Several men with equipment stuck their heads out of the car window and shouted at her fiercely.

Xia Yan glanced at them, and then found that all the eyes in the building had disappeared, and he closed the tattered curtains again.


When the car braked suddenly, the wheels of the car drew long black marks on the ground. Several men opened the door and jumped out, pushing the switch. The electric prods in their hands suddenly made an unpleasant sizzling sound.

"Who are you? How come I've never seen you before?"

They looked at the tall buildings that suddenly appeared and rubbed their eyes hard.

"Made, when did you show up?"

"I didn't see it when I was just spinning around. Could it be that this person has hallucinations?"

"Hallucination? Hey, no matter who she is, if she violates the rules, she will have to be sent to the reform room for rectification. If something goes wrong, who of you can afford it?"

At this time, a man with shaved eyebrows and big bumps on his face couldn't wait any longer. He raised his hand holding an electric baton and was about to stab the person's most vulnerable waist and ribs.

They have experience, and if you hit someone here, they will be powerless.

Xia Yan yawned as if he didn't see it, which successfully angered several people.

"Damn it, this bitch still dares to provoke me, just turn it up to the maximum power and fuck her to death!"

The bald-browed man's eyes flashed with viciousness. He pressed the button, and the electric baton suddenly emitted high-frequency sound waves.

"You'll die soon, even if you're a dragon here, you have to lie down for me."

Seeing him step into the safe zone, Xia Yan opened his lips and teeth lightly and uttered two words: "Capture."

In an instant, a transparent square invisible to the naked eye appeared out of thin air next to the bald-browed man. He suddenly felt a strong sense of stagnation, as if his limbs were stuck in cement, and then dried up, unable to struggle.

The high-voltage electric baton in his hand clicked several times and turned into powder.

Before his companion could light the cigarette in his hand, he turned around and ran away.

This is a hard knock!

Just because they can't deal with it at all, they have to report it to Mr. Bin!

With a bang, the off-road vehicle was ejected, the door slammed shut several times in the strong wind, and the red light on the roof shone like a cramp.

Xia Yan was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect them to retreat decisively.

She looked at the blushing face in the square, turned around and left without saying a word.

It was late at night, and she had to go back and have a good sleep. She would talk about anything tomorrow. As for this man, he just hung there as a warning.

"Xiong Xiong, you should go and have a rest. I have set a ban on movement in the background. People outside can't come in, and people inside can't get out."

She yawned again and returned to her room through the back door.


"What? Say it again!"

The middle-aged man with a shrewd face grabbed his pants and showed an expression of disbelief.

"Brother Ming, when we were patrolling the second circle just now, a building suddenly appeared near the water store!"

"Are you sure you read it correctly? Have you smoked today?" Brother Ming still didn't believe it.

It's not that they are arrogant, it's that they are too aware of their own virtues. This is a den of sin. Who would take the initiative to move here?

Is your brain flooded?

The men who came back from running for their lives took out the cigarettes in their pockets and said, "I didn't have time to smoke. That woman is not a good person. She is a high-level superpower. Her hallucinations are really real."

"You mean that building was a phantom?"

The brothers exchanged glances and affirmed: "Absolutely, if nothing else, it is a moving building. This kind of thing is impossible even if you think about it. Can the foundation be moved at will?! The house must not collapse."

Ming Ge also thought it made sense, but when he thought of her alone, he angrily shouted: "Even if she is a high-level superpower, what's the point of you running back? You embarrassed me, and she killed one person. I'll beat you with 15 strips each!"

"Ming Ge!"

The men turned pale and cried for mercy.

The strip he mentioned refers to the anti-vine strip made in the laboratory. The advantage is that it is very tough. There is a two-centimeter oblique spike every two fingers. It seems that there are only more than ten bleeding points when it hits the back, but in fact it causes serious internal injuries.

"What, or I change it to water torture for you?" Ming Ge's tone was full of threats.

"No, no, no!"

Water torture is more terrifying.

Once, a person who offended Ming Ge was punished with water torture, and they were arranged to watch on the side.

The guy was tied up in a posture where his feet were higher than his head, and his face was covered with a towel.

Ming Ge walked to them, suddenly grabbed a man by the collar and dragged him to the torture device, stuffed a basin of water into his hand, and signaled him to pour the water on the face of the offender.

The man did not dare to refute, and slowly poured the water as he was told. The towel was gradually soaked and stuck to the outline. The part of the towel near the nostrils was blown up and fell into the nostrils. The water inside rushed into the respiratory tract, and the buddy below immediately coughed uncomfortably.

But whether he used his nostrils or opened his mouth, the towel soaked with water tightly covered him. Looking at the painful struggle, even if they were just watching, they felt terrified.

But Brother Ming gave another order.

"Come here one by one."

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