
They resisted the shivering and walked forward in order.

In the corner of the transformation room, there was a large bucket filled with water. The water was turbid, with floating lint on the surface and dark brown unknown residue at the bottom. It was obvious that it was brought back from the river in the city.

You should know that this river is their mobile garbage disposal. Domestic waste, excrement, experimental wastewater and other things are all thrown into it. This water is a bacterial culture dish!

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The stainless steel basin was buried in the bucket, disturbing the water surface that had just calmed down, and the slowly sinking residue was scooped out. Then, they walked to the torture instrument.

Ming Ge made a casual gesture-pour slowly.

"I know, Ming Ge."

The basin tilted, and a thin stream of water flowed out, silently splashing on the wet towel. The person lying on it was shocked and struggled desperately. The sound of clang, clang, clang collided and swirled in the closed room.

It was the prelude to death.

Mingge sat on a chair and smoked, the scarlet light flickering between his lips, and his face could not be seen clearly.

He did not speak, and no one dared to stop.

These people ran several times in a circle, beads of sweat oozed from their foreheads, and a fierce light gradually appeared in their eyes. The water column that had originally poured on their foreheads began to flow downward, and the angle of inclination was also increasing.

They were trembling all over, staring at the body with wide eyes, watching him struggle to the climax and then fall down with a bang, sweat sliding into the eyeballs, and the stinging was like gravel drowning in the neurons that transmitted huge amounts of information.

The transformation room was as quiet as a ghost.

The eardrums were swollen, and all the blood in the body rushed to the top of the head, as if it was about to break through the head. They could not move, and their consciousness became hazy.

It seemed that more than one person was punished.


The stainless steel basin fell from his hands, bounced several times on the ground, rolled all the way, and finally hit the chair leg and was stepped on by someone.

The red light lit up for the last time, and then extinguished in the basin.

Ming Ge raised his eyelids in the dim light, "What, are you scared?"

His consciousness returned instantly, his back straightened involuntarily, his legs kept shaking in his trouser legs, but his voice replied:

"Ming Ge, no!"

A sneer sounded, Ming Ge stood up, and patted the non-existent cigarette ash in his hand.

He walked to the door and said leisurely: "Throw him into the river."

"Got it!"


Compared with the double blow of water torture to the body and mind, being beaten with a cane can only be regarded as a flesh wound, which means lying on the bed and unable to turn over. Half a month later, he will be a brave man again.

What is light and what is heavy, anyone can tell.

While Ming Ge has not changed his mind, several people walked out of the door with their heads down.


Fear flashed in their eyes, and they turned back and lowered their heads, "Ming Ge, you say."

Ming Ge opened his arms, and a beautiful and plump woman was tying her belt in a gentle manner.

His eyes moved over, "You guys fight first, no mercy, hit him in the face."


Several people didn't dare to resist, their eyes moved left and right, and the next second they punched the face of the person next to them.

A fight began.

The white tiles were soon stained with red.

Brother Ming lowered his head with satisfaction and touched the back of the woman's neck, "Clean up in a while, you know, I don't like the smell of blood."

The woman nodded respectfully.

"Okay, stop."

The people who were fighting took a step back unwillingly, staring at each other hostilely, with new and old hatreds added together, wishing to kill each other directly!

Damn, the attack was too cruel!

Brother Ming walked through them as if nothing had happened.

"Let's go and meet the superpower you mentioned."

More than a dozen top off-road vehicles shook and roared in the dark night, and all lit up dazzling headlights, as if lighting up the entire night sky.



The surrounding scenes passed through the car window like afterimages.

"Brother Ming, it's the building in front! That person didn't run away!" The subordinate stretched out his hand and said in an excited voice.


The long and sharp brake sound suddenly tore through the night sky and spread throughout the street.

This sound can easily wake up every sleeping person, but every building and every window around is quiet, as if it is an empty room that has been idle for a long time.

The sound of opening the door and jumping out of the car rang out one after another, and a group of people with bad intentions surrounded the building, weighing the equipment in their hands and staring at it.

Brother Ming stood in the middle of the crowd, looking at the building in front of him inch by inch.

It was unexpectedly realistic.

The wall was solid and heavy, and the frame of the door seemed to be made of high-purity copper. Like the previous door, glass was installed in the door frame.

He smiled.

This is considered to be a bug. Glass can't resist the tide of zombies at all. Even without waiting for the zombies to surround it, anyone can smash it.

Brother Ming already believed the illusion told by his subordinates.

He continued to look inside - thanks to the glass.

The hall was brightly lit and looked very spacious, larger than the interior of the main building, and the decoration was very gorgeous. He thought it was inspired by a five-star hotel.

From where he was, he could just see two elevators flashing red lights, leading to the upper floors?

His eyes began to move upward along the outer wall, and when he raised his neck to the limit, he saw the huge sign on the top.

"Resort Hotel."

The subordinates followed his movements and looked up, reading out the words word by word, and immediately began to complain.

"What? Vacation? You are so arrogant!"

"Are you dreaming? That is a really bold dream! I have never enjoyed a vacation before. Can you give me an illusion to feel it?"

"Hahaha - hiss, the face is swollen, the attack is really vicious."

"You are not bad either."

Ming Ge turned a deaf ear and turned his sight to the equally bright area next to the door.

Close to the window is a row of tables covered with hollow tablecloths. He squinted his eyes. That is - dinner plates?

He is crazy about eating.

Over the dining table, he saw a rectangular dining table from a distance. The inverted round lamp cast a soft light, illuminating the things in the tray. Further down, there were more than 20 incubators with lids opened, neatly arranged.

The transparent double-handled soup plate opposite was filled with food, which was higher than the dinner plate.

Ming Ge squinted and took a closer look. It was actually a vegetable salad.

He breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously. How could fresh vegetables survive a night in this era? This was the second bug he found.

"It's quite realistic." He said.

After hearing this, his subordinate turned around and flattered: "So we concluded that she is a high-level psychic. This building looks so real!"

"Then you can conclude again, and tell me where she is hiding now?" The man next to him, who was covering his cheek, said in a yin-yang tone.


"Wait, you are talking about... Isn't that the person?"

Ming Ge looked in the direction of his finger. Behind the dining table, a "person" with only a smooth head exposed was moving slowly.

"Damn, he's actually bald."

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