I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 494: Don’t Take the Blame

"Can this be called a woman?"

There was a round of boos at the scene, and they looked at the few people who discovered the situation with sarcasm.

If I'm not mistaken, that person is less than 1.5 meters tall? !

That's it? !

A few men can't beat a dwarf? !

"***! If this gets out, others will laugh at us to death."

"Being beaten back by a bald woman, the biggest joke today!"

I was sleeping well, and I was so angry when I was pulled out of the bed. If there was really a difficult problem, it would be fine, but the result was taking off my pants and farting!

"Brother Ming, we can't keep anyone in this team, it will make people laugh!"

Feeling the malice, several people hurriedly explained: "This is not that woman at all! She is tall! If you don't believe me, ask him!"

They pointed at the man hanging in the air motionless.

In fact, everyone had seen him a long time ago, but no one tried to save him.

"Is this brother dead or alive?"

"Is he alive? I see his eyeballs are still moving."

Ming Ge also looked over, his eyes locked on his limbs. There was nothing, but he just couldn't move.

Something was wrong.

Ming Ge looked down at the front and the ground under his feet. There were two completely different floor tiles. Could this represent the range of her superpowers?

His sight went far along the marble. It turned out to be a high-level superpower user with strong strength.

Estimating the time, a shrewd look flashed in his eyes.

At the moment when he was caught by the other party, regardless of life or death, he was already a discarded pawn in his heart. If the discarded pawn could make a contribution in the end, he would feel very good.

Behind the dining table, a head that was so smooth that it reflected light spots was about to appear at the corner. Ming Ge watched with interest.

"Don't make noise."

I don't know who observed the expression and shouted, and the noisy movement disappeared immediately, and everyone stared at the restaurant.

The head continued to move forward, still unhurried, and even the frequency did not change.

Everyone slowed down their breathing.

After the head went to the fake vegetation, the vision was blocked for a moment, but the next second, "she" appeared completely!

"Why is it a robot?!"

"..." A group of people were dumbfounded.

Ming Ge's face was also shocked.

Could it be... the third bug?

However, the scene in front of him made him extremely doubt his judgment!

The robot picked up the clamp accurately and piled the food on the plate neatly, then took the rag and wiped the traces on the outside smoothly!

There was even insufficient food in some plates, and it returned to bring a plate to make up for it!

Ming Ge looked at the room where it took the food. The nameplate on it had two words written on it - kitchen.

This, when there are too many fake places, it becomes real.

His tongue couldn't help but read again, "Holiday Hotel..."

There is no memory of its existence, and I have never heard anyone talk about it. If it is true, how could President Bin let her exist?

But she appeared suddenly. Could it be... President Bin deliberately invited her?

If so, she actually dared to come?

Is it confidence? Or are they confident?

A storm surged in Brother Ming's mind, and he seemed to feel that an unprecedented crisis was about to hit...

He raised his head.

It was late at night, and the sky was dark and terrifying, and the coolness was even more chilly than long clothes and long pants.


The silent street suddenly heard a roar like an explosion, approaching rapidly.

Brother Ming, who was sitting in the car, opened his eyes, and they were coming.

The emerald green light stopped beside his car, and then the dark car window rolled down, revealing a round face with light eyebrows.

"Hey, isn't this Brother Ming? Why are you on duty today?"

He hid the calculation in his eyes and smiled foolishly: "Something went wrong, so I had to come over to watch, but fortunately it was controlled in time."

The woman's eyes lit up, and she said curiously: "You mean you haven't dealt with it yet? Tell me quickly."

Brother Ming pushed the door open and got out of the car, motioning for her to come out.

"Connie, far away in the horizon, right in front of us."

Connie muttered in a low voice, why is it so easy to talk today, and walked out and asked: "Where is it?"

Ming Ge put his arm around her shoulders, walked around the tall SUV, and put his chin forward a little.


Connie looked in the direction, stunned, why didn't she notice this building just now!

"When did it happen?!"


"Who is it? Is it real or fake?! Have you caught the person? Bring him up and let me see!"

Ming Ge ignored her bullet-like questions, but waved to his men.

"Come here."

When these people approached, the blue and purple scars on their faces were obvious, and even their eyes were swollen like panda eyes.

"This..." Connie turned her head away in disdain.

Ming Ge avoided the main point and said: "This superpower is a bit strong. My men reported that he might be an illusion superpower."

"You mean, this is all an illusion?!"

Connie swallowed her saliva and shook her head left and right. Why didn't she think it was?

Asking is intuition, a woman's sixth sense.

Ming Ge has been secretly observing her expression. His thoughts turned and he smiled bitterly:

"This building is too real. I really can't see it. You know, I used to be a country bumpkin with a very poor pocket. In a high-end hotel like this, I was driven away by the security guards before I could get close."

Everyone knows Ming Ge's shameful past, and everyone knows that Connie comes from a wealthy family. She loves to make fun of him about this matter on weekdays.

But today, why did Ming Ge bring it up on his own initiative? Wouldn't she be even more proud?

Just as the subordinate thought so, Connie's undisguised laughter came to his ears.

"Hehe, that's true. My daily consumption back then might be your annual food expenses. What's the saying? Oh, this person's fate is really destined by heaven!"

Connie smiled and looked at his face. When she saw the expression she wanted, her smile deepened.

In a very happy mood, she waved her hand and said in an order: "Okay, you go back, leave the next thing to me, I am very familiar with this kind of place!"

Ming Ge's face was filled with worry. He looked at the people she brought and shook his head.

"I'm afraid not. This woman is a high-level psychic. She can beat my men like this by herself. The people you brought-"

"What do you mean?!" Connie screamed, pointing her finger at his face, "You said my people are worse than yours?!"

"No, you misunderstood," Ming Ge explained slowly, "I have said many times that the other party has strong psychic powers. I am just worried that you are not a match. We can observe it again. If we can't handle it, report it directly to President Bin."

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! I, Connie, have never seen anyone who can defeat my two generals!"

Two not-so-strong psychics came forward behind Connie. They were right in front of her, but it was easy for people to ignore their existence after a second.

Ming Ge knew very well that the strength of these two people was more than that.

Connie scratched her hair in annoyance and drove them away, "Why don't you leave quickly?!"

The conflict between the two sides seemed to be on the verge of breaking out.

Sensing the impulse of his men, Ming Ge stretched out his hand to block them.

His face turned cold, "In that case, I won't accompany you, but let me be frank, if something goes wrong, I won't take the blame."

"No need for you! I'll take it myself!"

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