I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 496: Out of Control

After hearing the cold voice of the second general, these people came back to their senses.

Seeing that the protective shield was about to be sealed, they rushed in at the last checkpoint.

Connie stood in the middle of the crowd, with an independent protective shield covering her body.

They just took a look and turned their heads away.

The supernatural ball was infinitely close, and under the huge protective shield, it actually looked a little small...

At this time, it hit!

The light that was thousands of times more dazzling than before directly illuminated the entire sky, and it was as bright as day.

The thin eyelids were easily pierced, and the eyeballs suddenly felt sore and painful, and two lines of white tears shed involuntarily.


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Suddenly, a huge roar sounded in front, the night wind was biting, and something was whistling and approaching!


The two generals, Heng and Ha, shouted in fear, their scalps tingling and tightening, and they turned around to grab Connie to avoid them.

In Connie's wide-open eyes, the movements of the two top-level psychics were like slow motion, frame by frame, and the dazzling white light was blooming behind them and approaching. The next moment, they easily broke through the protective shield that they thought was solid. The moment their heads moved back, the terrifying energy rushed up and swallowed them, and the two of them evaporated and disappeared in an instant.

Until the protective shield in front of her was easily broken like tearing paper.

It's over.

This was the last thought that rose in her head.


The energy column rolled over, and the ground cracked into a long and deep gully, like a scar, following closely.

The whole building shook violently as if it had experienced an earthquake, and Jing Wenbin, who was sleeping soundly, sat up in shock.

"What happened?!"

This was the first sentence, and then the second sentence sounded in the room--

"I slept for so long? It's already dawn?!"

Instantly, he realized something was wrong, jumped off the Simmons mattress, stepped on the soft long-haired carpet, walked around the chaise longue, and threw himself at the window.

The curtains with strong light-blocking properties actually let out white light at this moment, and he suddenly had a strong bad premonition.


The curtains were pulled open by him.


A thick energy column, parallel to his line of sight, rushed past close to the ground, destroyed the road surface, swallowed up the vehicle, and directly pierced a big hole in the middle of the building.

In the reflection of his wide-eyed eyes, the building shook and fell down, and thick smoke was swirling.

"Who the hell did this!!! Where are the people!! "

Rage resounded through the room.

The subordinate finally pushed the door open with his loose trousers and rushed in, shouting: "Boss Bin! Something terrible is happening!"

Jing Wenbin turned around with bloodshot eyes and gritted his teeth and said: "I've seen it, you--"

At this time, a series of chaotic footsteps sounded in the corridor outside the door, as if stepping on dense and tense pre-war drum beats, and Jing Wenbin's temples throbbed.

Several panicked faces with black finger marks appeared crowded at the door.

"Boss Bin, the No. 3 laboratory building was attacked and bombed, and the semi-finished products ran out of the laboratory! Request support!!"

Jing Wenbin's hands on the window sill clenched into fists, and he couldn't say a word because the rumbling sound continued to rush forward.

He looked back out the window, and after seeing the direction of the energy column, he immediately held his breath in his throat.


Subordinate: What?

Jing Wenbin's voice trembled violently, and he screamed in a woman's voice: "Quickly notify everyone to defend the city!!!"

This moment should have been the darkest moment before dawn, but his vision was clear, watching the energy column that consumed two-thirds of it but was still bright, hitting the towering city wall!


A hole with irregular lines suddenly appeared on the three-meter-thick city wall.

The next moment, a group of zombies with flabby faces and stiff limbs appeared behind them, staggering in along the gap that was blown open.

Jing Wenbin's eyes went dark, and his voice sounded weak and powerless, as if he was possessed by a ghost. He ordered like a exhausted bystander: "The city wall has been hit out of a gap, notify everyone to go over and block the zombies, and raise the defensive guardrail in the main city area."

Subordinates: !!!

The wall was knocked down?

Boss, do you want to be so calm? !

Without hearing the sound of leaving, Jing Wenbin slowly turned his head. Against the background of the gradually darkening sky, his eyes were empty and gloomy, as if covered by a layer of frosted black cloth, hiding a strong desire for Amomum villosum.

"Yes!" The subordinate trembled all over and turned to leave.

Jing Wenbin was the only one left in the room. He followed the traces left by the energy column and tracked in the direction of the city.

If he found the culprit and didn't send him to the laboratory to experience all the experimental projects in turn, he would not be a human being.

His sight was blocked by the raised outer wall, and the traces were still extending. Looking at the wounds all over the ground, Jing Wenbin fiercely pushed his inner cheek with the tip of his tongue and turned to walk out.


The noise was really too loud.

When the sound came, Brother Ming was sitting in the room before departure with his men and resting with their eyes closed.

The plump woman saw him coming back, swaying and charmingly walked over, hooked her arms around his neck, and sat on his thighs.

The slender fingers painted with cardamom circled his shoulders, and her voice was extremely gentle.

"Brother Ming, I cleaned the floor according to your request~ and sprayed it with nice perfume~"

Ming Ge grabbed her little hand and held it in his palm to play with it. He sniffed and smelled a faint fruity fragrance.

He was too preoccupied just now and didn't notice it at all.

It shouldn't go wrong. Although Connie is stupid and has a bad temper, the two generals behind her are not simple-minded superpowers. Her father gave them to her, probably thinking that they could stop the situation in time when it developed to the worst.

He snorted coldly. Connie was a fool. Even if she was given more assistants, she couldn't change her arrogant and spoiled temperament.

One day, she will suffer a big loss.

Ming Ge let the plump woman say some sweet words in his ear, trying to ignore the uneasiness lingering in his heart.

But this feeling became stronger and stronger, and it was almost so strong that he couldn't sit still.

He suddenly realized that there might be a big problem.

"Brothers, send a few people to sneak over and take a look."

The subordinate put his head on the back of the chair, his face with yellow-brown potion facing up, snoring with his mouth wide open.

Ming Ge frowned, took off one of the woman's shoes, and threw it accurately, just landing in her mouth, "Didn't you hear what I said?!"

The woman looked at their stupid appearance of forcing the machine to turn on, and laughed so hard that her body shook.

Just then, a loud noise came from far away, shaking the ground, and the glass on the window was shaking and making a loud noise.

Ming Ge stood up suddenly, listening with his ears erect. The woman sitting on his lap was caught off guard and fell to the ground, covering her buttocks, looking at him with tears in her eyes, trying to get a look of pity, but to no avail.

This noise can only come from one place.

Ming Ge's face was very ugly.

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