"Brother Ming!"

"What are you going to do?!"

A group of people jumped off their stools when they saw this, not understanding why he suddenly rushed out the door.

Brother Ming turned a deaf ear. There was already a storm in his heart, and he felt that he was gripped by an indescribable fear.

Things must not develop to that point, and there must be room for it!

Outside the door, he noticed something and raised his head, and was suddenly distracted by half of the sky mixed with red and white.


His subordinates followed closely behind and said anxiously without knowing why: "Brother Ming, what happened?!"

Brother Ming suddenly stopped, his whole body was shrouded in red light, his raised head and eyes were burning. They realized something and turned their heads.

That, that's...

"It's on fire!" The plump woman who came out to watch the excitement screamed, holding her cheeks in her hands.

I saw a raging fire burning in the east of the city, with thick smoke rising into the sky. The tall building let out its final moan and groan before falling down. The flames took the opportunity to lick the nearby buildings, climbing up with fierceness, and then grew stronger again in a few seconds.


The alarm sounded.

The window gradually lit up with scattered and small lights, converging in a vertical line and beginning to move downwards.


The roaring sound of hundreds of engines seemed to be exploding close to my ears, shaking my internal organs.

Brother Ming trembled all over.

"...Get in the car quickly! Go to the front of the hotel! Hurry!!"

“Everyone go!!”

The plump woman looked at the rear of the car that was traveling in a hurry and felt a sense of fear.

She stepped on her sore legs and stumbled back to the room to pack her luggage.

inside the car.

The accident must have happened from there. What did those idiots do? !

Ming Ge raised his fist and smashed it on the windshield.

The glass shook, and his unsightly face, which looked like he had eaten shit, was reflected without any damage under the fluorescent light on the dashboard. Looking back, through the shadow, the asphalt road was violently lifted up by the energy wave, cracking into pieces and scattered around. , and finally covered with moist soil.

The starting point of the ravine is the hotel in front of you.

Brother Ming jumped out of the car and glanced around with sharp eyes, but didn't see any shadow of any of them.

He roared angrily: "Connie! What the hell did your mother do?!

"Building No. 3 has collapsed, and the fire has reached the next door. Mr. Bin has gone over there now. If you don't want to die, get out of here!"

There was silence all around, except for the strange shadows drawn by the asphalt blocks that swayed slightly under the red light.

Could it be that she ran away out of fear?

Brother Ming was so angry that he yelled.

"Come here, go and bring back Connie, the big Buddha. You can use whatever method you want. Don't worry, I'll take care of it if anything happens."

Do you want him to take the blame again? She was having a big spring and autumn dream. Even if her father came and knelt down for him this time, it wouldn't work!

The subordinates exchanged glances and were very embarrassed, "Brother Ming, you also know that Connie has too many high-level superpowers. Before we even got close, the group of people beat us up and drove us away. They also said that we would come back next time. If you dare to commit any of the following offenses, we will be beaten to death..."

Brother Ming's eyes flashed with imperceptible ferocity, his tone became softer, he took out a small handful of level 4 crystal cores from his inner pocket and threw them over.

"Brothers, please bear with me a little harder this time. The trouble she got into this time is too great, and we must not bear it."

The men hesitated.

Brother Ming pretended not to notice, and waved to the two more people: "Go and call Connie's father, Kang Langkang, and tell him directly that what happened today was all the fault of his precious girl."

After the two left, Brother Ming forcefully thrust the crystal core into their hands.

"Take it, the recuperation fee. When this matter goes smoothly, I will not forget your efforts. I am here to make a promise in front of everyone. The welfare benefits of you guys will be doubled in the future! Moreover, every day Give me two death-free gold medals!”

The subordinate's eyes lit up, "Brother Ming, don't worry, we will definitely bring Connie back!"

"Go ahead." Brother Ming twisted his neck and whispered, "Tonight, we will definitely win or lose."

Connie, Connie, you personally gave me the opportunity, but you can’t blame others.

He chuckled softly, and suddenly saw the abandoned child staring at him from inside the protective shield, and his smile froze - why is he still alive? Doesn’t that mean he knows everything that happened before?

Witness. Brother Ming raised the corners of his mouth and approached with the sound of crunching gravel.

"Did Connie do this?"

He stared closely at the abandoned son's movements, becoming more and more disappointed as he watched, and finally lost his patience.

"If yes, just blink, if not, don't blink!"

The people inside seemed to be dead and motionless. Brother Ming backed away in disgust, "Hui - I will be like Ling Jueding."


Do you still have this memory in your head?

Before he could investigate further, a beam of bright light came from behind, crushing the rocks and taking off directly on the road.

He recognized the owner of the car and rushed over to greet him.

It's time to get to work - Connie lacks education, but that person can't be herself.

After a long braking sound, the car door suddenly opened and a person jumped out.

"Vacation hotel? Why does she appear here!!"

"Mr. Bin."

Jing Wenbin walked angrily, pushed away Brother Ming who was blocking the way, and stood in front of the protective shield. He raised his head, as if he didn't recognize the four words, turning it over and over to look at it.

Thoughts flashed in Brother Ming's eyes. From Mr. Bin's tone, it seemed that the female superpower was not invited here, but the two did know each other and were even hostile...

A thought suddenly flashed through his mind. Could it be that she came here to cause trouble? Move directly to the den of thieves? This is too bold...

Jing Wenbin turned his head, his eyes full of anger: "Are you on duty today? When did she show up?"

Brother Ming put away his thoughts and put on a respectful posture, "At about twelve o'clock in the morning."

"Did you see anyone coming out of it?"

"I didn't see any living people, I just found a smart robot serving food and cleaning up." He considered his words carefully.

"Ha." Jing Wenbin looked like he was going to explode with anger, and a raging breath came out of his nostrils.

Brother Ming thought something was going to happen to him, and his muscles all tensed up, but he just looked at the hotel fiercely for a while, then turned around and asked:

"Is this your person? Why is he in there?"

"Yes, in the last few minutes of the shift, my subordinates discovered that a suspicious female superpower suddenly appeared here, and wanted to arrest her. Unexpectedly... she was arrested instead."

Jing Wenbin was reminded, "What about the other group of people? How come they haven't seen anyone yet?!"

"I've sent someone to invite him. They should be here soon." Brother Ming's attitude was lower.

The smell of burning came with the first wind in the morning. Before the fish belly white appeared, the darkest color disappeared first.

Brother Ming seemed to hear the angry roar of zombies for a moment? But the next moment, his thoughts were interrupted by Jing Wenbin's words.

"Who has to invite him back after leaving his post without permission?"

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