Brother Ming was overjoyed, Mr. Bin was the most advantageous knife!

Men, you must hold on for as long as possible!

"Mr. Bin, maybe she... left for something, and she should be back soon."

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"Are you making excuses for her?" Jing Wenbin immediately understood who that person was.

In daily life, he had heard more or less rumors about her arrogance. Considering that her father had a good relationship with him, he turned a blind eye, but now...

Brother Ming lowered his head and said as calmly as possible, "Mr. Bin, I don't dare."

Jing Wenbin is very aware of the twists and turns inside, but he has no intention to deal with them now. If his tone is a little complaining, the fire he can't suppress will burst out in an instant.

His city wall was broken, zombies crawled out of the holes, half-finished products fled all over the city, and even resort hotels dared to move directly in front of him to provoke him. Which of these buildings and pieces was not more serious than their intrigues? !

My eyes were dazzled by the dazzling headlights, and another car suddenly stopped.

A man who looked exactly like Connie was very aggressive. He rushed over and grabbed Ming Ge's collar, got close to his face and roared: "You want to die, don't you? How dare you pour dirty water on my girl?!"

Brother Ming closed his eyes, his face felt like rain, and his eardrums were ringing.

After the "thunderstorm" passed, he wiped his face, looked directly at Kang Langkang and said, "Mr. Kang, this matter has nothing to do with me."

Hearing this, Kang Langkang tightened his hands, and a new wave of saliva flew out: "How could it have nothing to do with you? Do you think I don't know that you are on duty in the middle of the night?!"

"No, I'm on midnight duty today, and Connie strongly requested to switch shifts with me."


"Bas will be on stage tonight."

"..." Kang Langkang stared and couldn't say a word.

Bas is a stage name, and he is male. I heard that there is a couple of times that no matter how heavy the person is, he can easily knock him up when he stands up. Recently, Connie has been talking about it, and she always wants to experience it for herself.

If it was just a shift change as he said, it was indeed Connie's style.

"Old Kang, put him down." Jing Wenbin spoke slowly.

Kang Langkang pretended to have just noticed that he was around, "Mr. Bin, why are you here? I heard that the east wall collapsed. How about it? Have all the zombies been dealt with?"

He let go of his hand, Ming Ge held his neck and coughed heartbreakingly, but he was shocked in his heart - it turned out that the roar he just heard was real! Zombies really broke in.

Jing Wenbin asked, "Where's Connie? Such a big thing happened, is it useful to hide her?"

Kang Langkang moved his eyes to the side, and had no choice but to laugh and tease her: "That girl is so lustful, she might still be asleep in the bed now. Don't worry, Mr. Bin, I have sent someone to call her. She will be here soon. She will be here soon." !”

This passage was too familiar. Jing Wenbin listened to the roaring sound of guns and artillery in the distance, and looked at the messy light of the flashlight scanning every corner of the base - the experimenters ran out, and his anger became clear. Swelling straight up.

"Go, tie Kang Langkang up for me, and let him go when Connie shows up!"

In full view of everyone, Kang Langkang actually dared to smile playfully with him?

Maybe he felt that Jing Wenbin wouldn't do anything to him, so Kang Langkang only shouted twice, stopped his men, and took the initiative to hand over his hands.

"It's okay, Bin is always angry for a while, just wait a while."

Brother Ming touched his sore throat and lowered his eyes. Mr. Bin still took care of his face and did not kill him. If this continued, Connie would have once again succeeded in taking the blame away from her.

Thinking of this, he clenched his hands behind his back into fists.

"Mr. Bin, all the protective railings in the east area have been raised, and the fire will be completely controlled in three minutes."

Listening to the report from his subordinates, Jing Wenbin finally showed his first happy smile tonight.

But Brother Ming felt nervous.

He couldn't help but look at Kang Langkang who was tied up next to the car. Could it be that their lives were always this good? ! Can you get away with such a big disaster? !

Really unconvinced!

At the end of the rear of the car, several familiar faces appeared there. Brother Ming, who was caught in a whirlpool of emotions, didn't notice them at all, but their actions were too conspicuous, and his eyes looked over unconsciously.

Then, weren’t you the men you sent out to catch Connie?

Finally home.

Ming Ge was overjoyed, but in the blink of an eye he saw the guilty conscience on his men's faces and their healthy limbs, and his good mood disappeared very quickly.

what happened? Where is she? Don't tell him he didn't find it.

The four eyes looked at each other, and the men saw that they couldn't hide it. Brother Ming's eyes were fierce and he wanted to run back all the way.

"I asked you to invite someone, why did you come back?" Brother Ming smiled reluctantly, the kind of smile where his molars were clenched together.

The men lined up in a row and whispered: "Brother Ming, she is not here."

"Look for her favorite places, and where they live. Have you seen them?"

If Jing Wenbin hadn't been watching from behind, he would have jumped right in.

"Brother Ming, we've found them all. We even broke in and took off the bed. There are three women in Bas's arms, and none of them are Connie."

"What if it's in the bathroom?"

"No, it's not behind the curtains, under the bed, in the cupboard, in the lampshade, or in the vase."

Opposite Kang Langkang listened with fear, and couldn't help laughing. He seemed like a straightforward girl, but she never let her guard down at critical moments!

Good! It's good that we can't find them, but we have to hide them well. When General Bin calms down, he will send some crystal cores, supplies, and experimental products back, and this matter will be over!

When Ming Ge heard his undisguised laughter, he felt that his internal organs were bubbling with acid.

These two bastards!

At this time, his men muttered another sentence, and the situation turned around instantly-

"Don't even mention Connie, even her group of men didn't see a hair."


The wind seemed to be quiet.

Kang Langkang's laughter stopped abruptly, and he was worried.

"General Kang!" It was the men he sent out to find people who came back.

Kang Langkang eagerly looked over and saw that there was nothing behind them, and his heart sank.

"What's wrong?"

The subordinate looked around at the people who were staring at him. Although he didn't know what happened specifically, he knew that it was related to Connie. He hesitated and said implicitly:

"Boss Kang, breakfast has been delivered to the eldest lady's room as you requested."

"Well, what did she say?"

"The eldest lady is busy with work and hasn't returned home yet."

Kang Langkang was shocked and asked with his eyes, but what he got was a slight shake of his head. His head banged, as if he was hit by a hammer and felt dizzy.

It's okay, the matter has not been finalized yet. Maybe she just ran to a place that no one expected to hide. It must be nothing else!


A small sound came from the hotel behind, and everyone turned around.

I saw a bear as tall as a person unlocking the door, pushing open the two glass doors, and standing at the door with his arms wide open, as if embracing the beauty of the morning-

"Ah, why is the sky bright red here."

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