Jing Wenbin really didn't brush his teeth.

Being beaten up in public, he felt that he couldn't keep it off his face.

"Are you still a woman? Why do you say everything?"

Xia Yan took out a single table and chair from the system grid, placed it near the protective cover, sat down comfortably, raised his eyelids and asked:

"Are you still a human being, sending your compatriots to the operating table for forced transformation?"


Xia Yan sneered, a blue menu that was folded into three folds appeared in his hand, and he picked up a pen to write and draw on it.

Jing Wenbin frowned with the word "Sichuan" between his eyebrows, his eyes dark and terrifying.

If possible, I really want to send her in right now...


The two groups of people with red eyes felt the vibration of the earth at the same time, as if something huge was rolling over and coming at a rapid speed. Even the tattered curtains in the opposite window swayed left and right.

Kang Langkang quickly remembered something, grabbed his confidant's arm and said urgently: "Cover me!"


After a few bang bangs, colorful smoke rose from the ground, covering their figures.

Jing Wenbin shouted: "Don't let them escape!"

Everyone chased after him.

"They jumped into the ditch and surrounded us from both sides!"

"Mr. Kang, you can't run away. Come up and admit your mistake. Bin will always be lenient."

Those who fart are all people who licked blood from the tip of a knife. Who doesn't know who? Kang Langkang cursed in his heart, and while running along the ravine, he turned back to observe the distance between them.


The henchman suddenly threw out a shuttle, and the supernatural bullet penetrated into the body of the person whose back was turned to him and began to explode.

"**, kill all your own people." The man chasing behind cursed, no longer showing mercy, he picked up the superpower gun and burst into chaos.

The time has come!

Kang Langkang's eyes lit up, and he pulled his men to block the supernatural bullets. At the same time, he dragged his confidant straight into the wall of the pit. The rich smell of fresh earth approached, and the passive supernatural power was triggered.


The few people who arrived late jumped into the pit and stabbed the place where the two disappeared with their supernatural guns. It was very hard to the touch, leaving only two shallow pits.

"It's solid soil. Send someone back to report to Mr. Bin."


Jing Wenbin was caught off guard and swallowed the mouthwash, "Gu - you said someone got into the soil and ran away?"


"Hiss." When he inhaled, the cool feeling caused by the mint was cold from his teeth to his stomach.

When did Kang Langkang have his second power? ! Why didn't he hear any news?

"Send more people to investigate, and we must not let him escape from the base."

Just let her watch the fun...

Jing Wenbin moved his eyes slightly back, Xia Yan reached out and pulled out his hand in the air, and brought out a plate of pink things that looked like shells.

Taking a closer look, it was a plate of steaming shrimp dumplings.

Then he stretched out his hand again and brought out another plate of steamed chicken feet with black bean sauce, satay money tripe, steamed pork ribs with taro...

Jing Wenbin:?

"Gudu——" The bodyguard couldn't help swallowing, feeling that his stomach was twisting together.

Seeing Jing Wenbin looking over unhappily, he quickly shifted his gaze and focused on his feet, feeling the growing pain in his feet.

"Mr. Bin, they are coming."

As soon as he finished speaking, dozens of high-precision armored vehicles appeared in sight, speeding along the ground.

Jing Wenbin felt stable and confident.

He faced the protective shield and said to Xia Yan, who was still taking out things inside: "Stop busying yourself now and let's solve the problem of compensation for road damage."

Xia Yan:?

"What does it have to do with me? I didn't dig it with a shovel in the middle of the night. Mr. Bin, you are not very kind. How can you force dirty water on an innocent person?"

She stuffed a crystal clear shrimp dumpling into her mouth. The skin was chewy and the shrimp meat was plump and tender. It was delicious. Seeing Jing Wenbin still standing outside, she remembered that the protective barrier had not been lifted yet.

Jing Wenbin found that the protective shield disappeared and felt that the resort hotel was one step closer.

Just listen to her say: "Mr. Bin, don't be so polite, come in and talk."

Jing Wenbin:?

It's easier to deal with it by tricking him in, right?

"If I guess correctly, your powers can only be used within the scope of the hotel." Jing Wenbin squinted his eyes and looked at her carefully, not missing a single change in his expression.

This conclusion was reached after he and the madmen in the laboratory studied for a long time. People always have weaknesses. They boldly guessed that the resort hotel was the scope of her powers, and here, she was the king.

If you want to find a loophole, the first step is to trick her out of the hotel.

But the emotion Jing Wenbin wanted to see did not appear. Instead, Xia Yan nodded generously, "I think you are right. If I were you, I would consider it this way."

Jing Wenbin was confused instead.

Is there anything else they haven't guessed?

Dozens of armored vehicles were parked not far away. As soon as the doors opened, a group of high-level supernatural beings jumped out. They were wearing bulletproof vests and holding the most sophisticated supernatural weapons in their hands. They were walking towards here in a hurry.

The leader of the team walked to Jing Wenbin and said, "Mr. Bin, everyone is here!"

Jing Wenbin put away the clutter, now is not the time to think about this.

"Where's the one named Ming? Why didn't you see him?"

"In the middle of the trip, he said he was going to perform other tasks and let him go."

Nodding, his eyes shifted to Xia Yan again.

After organizing some words, he said in a low voice with a final warning: "Boss Xia, I don't want to conflict with you, but you have also seen that the ground, the building, and even the outer walls of the base were all destroyed by energy.

"This kind of energy is not something my people can do, and the starting point is right at the entrance of your hotel. You can't escape responsibility, whether inside or outside."

He said this very impolitely.

Xia Yan's hand holding the chopsticks stopped in mid-air, and kept this action to look up at him.

"First, if you want to have a conflict, I, Xia Yan, will never back down and accompany you to the end. Second, the protective shield will rebound with the same energy after being attacked. Do you know what this means?"

She looked into his eyes and said word by word: "It was your people who started it first, and I was forced to fight back. If you want to force this matter on me, I don't mind doing something that will make you regret more, and I hope that Mr. Bin can bear the final result."

The two looked at each other for a long time.

Jing Wenbin could never figure out her details. This person is a mystery. It seems that he has found a thread, and he pulled it hard, and his palm hurts to death. He opened his hand and found that the thread had turned into a barbed steel bar that had pierced into the flesh.

Seeing this, the team leader came close to him and whispered something, and Jing Wenbin nodded almost inaudibly.

The captain waved his hand, with a cruel smile on his face, "Everyone, surround this place! Anyone who dares to go in or out will be shot directly!"

The high-level superpowers scattered around the hotel, some on high ground, some hiding behind cover, with their guns pointed at the door of the hotel, ready to shoot at any time.

Jing Wenbin spread his palms and acted helpless: "Boss Xia, can't we talk it over? Things have come to this point, and I have no choice."

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