I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 501: Inadequate Discipline

"We have no choice?" Xia Yan put down the chopsticks in his hand, "Are you serious?"

Jing Wenbin didn't answer but asked: "Do you think I'm kidding?"

He opened his arms, palms up, and turned around, "Look, do you think they are joking with you? If you ask me, people should know what it means to be low-key. If you hide in there and don't come out, I will really take care of you. no way.

"But I think you must have a purpose in opening the hotel, and this purpose can only be achieved through customers checking in. Does Boss Xia think my speculation is accurate?"

Xia Yan raised his hands and clapped several times, "It's accurate, so what do you want to do?"

Jing Wenbin put his right hand on his left shoulder and bowed to express his gratitude like a gentleman.

"Boss Xia's sincerity surprised me, so my men plan to surround you like this."

His eyes moved up the floor and across the curtained glass.

"It doesn't matter if you can't get out, but what about the customers? Do you need crystal cores to stay in the hotel? Do you need crystal cores to eat and drink? Do they have enough money in their pockets? What will you do if there are no points in the card? ?”

He showed a successful smile that saw everything, "Now that Boss Xia is here, don't leave in a hurry. Being dingy is not a suitable description for a beautiful woman."

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Xia Yan took a long breath and looked at the sky sadly.

"It's too difficult. You guessed everything. Even I won't accept customers who don't have points."

Jing Wenbin laughed and said, "You don't have to be sad. I can't hurt you anyway. As long as you don't leave this turtle shell, who can do anything?! If I didn't have to, how could I set my sights on you?" On the guests who check in.”

Xia Yan's eyes wandered to Xiong Xiong.

"Xiong Xiong, the sun has risen so high, why haven't the customers gotten up yet?"

Xiong Xiong folded his hands and said in a well-behaved manner, "Do you need to wake up the customer?"

Xia Yan nodded.

Bear is ready to go upstairs.

"Wait a minute," Xia Yan took out the trumpet he had just ordered, "No need to go to so much trouble, just sing the morning number and get twice the result with half the effort."

Xiong Xiong took it, walked downstairs, pinched his waist with one hand, puffed his chest, and a loud voice suddenly came out.


Jing Wenbin's expression was like a beeping dog.

Before the song was finished, hurried footsteps came from the hall, and figures in military uniforms ran quickly, gathering and lining up in front of the door, their movements uniform and well-trained.

They discovered the enemy hiding behind the bunker almost immediately. With a shake of their arms, they removed the double-barreled superpower gun from behind, and put their finger on the trigger to aim at the opponent.

The enemy did not expect this to happen. The moment he was pointed directly at the mouth of the black hole, the feeling of near-death fear quickly climbed up his spine, his hair stood on end, and he hurriedly hid back in the bunker, his heartbeat racing.

The situation changes instantly.

Xia Yan slowly wiped his fingers with a tissue, stood up, passed through the protective shield, and stood in front of Jing Wenbin.

This time it was her turn to laugh.

"Then have you guessed that all the people living here are soldiers?"

Jing Wenbin, whose expression was expressionless, stared at her closely.

At this moment, there was a soft bang behind the bunker, followed by the sound of cold wind approaching.

Xia Yan remained motionless, and suddenly her hair swept forward and glanced at her eyes.

Jing Wenbin's pupils contracted and he looked at the high-speed rotating bullet that stopped at her temple.

How, how could--

"Ha." Xia Yan chuckled, stretched out his hand to grab the supernatural bomb, and tightened his fingers.


She spread her fingers, revealing her intact palms, and said in a pleasant voice, "You guessed wrong again. Even if I leave the hotel, it's completely impossible for you to hurt me."

Jing Wenbin's pupils were shaking and he was speechless for a long time.

At this time, gunshots rang out one after another, and countless supernatural bullets of different colors shot out from the muzzles, heading straight for the soldiers standing in the safe area.

If you can’t beat the boss, beat her residents! it's the same!

The men hiding behind the bunker were extremely excited, making monkey noises from their mouths, as if this declaration of war against the soldiers was very exciting to them.

The true nature that was once bound by the law was exposed at this moment.

There is no protective cover or bunker. No matter how fast they move, how can they compare with the speed of bullets? !

A man hiding behind the bunker shouted excitedly to Xia Yan: "Your protective shield was removed too early! They will all die!"

"Oh, really?"

Jing Wenbin frowned reflexively when he heard her smooth voice.

Before the result is finalized, no self-righteous thoughts can be entertained! otherwise--

When the dense supernatural bullets flew to a certain point, they suddenly rotated and stopped, with inwardly concave barriers blocking the front of the bullets, like fingers poking into white steamed buns.

The next moment, all the depressions rebounded strongly. No matter how fast the superpower bounced, the return trip would be even faster!


The dots of light in the sky lit up again and shot back to the starting point.

Several muffled groans rang out, and then the supernatural bombs began to explode one after another in the bunker and under the skin. Screams came one after another, and blood spattered everywhere.

At the same time, the soldiers in the safe area rushed out of the protective shield and went straight to each bunker to start a counterattack.

Jing Wenbin was just stunned for a moment, and the two sides began to fight.

It's like watching a 3D movie or a traditional gunfight movie, with long-tailed super bullets flying all over the sky, colliding in the air and exploding into smoke like fireworks.

All the energy bullets that hit the protective shield bounced back, deviated from the track in the middle, rushed to the building, and exploded on the anti-theft windows, on the tattered curtains, and on the inner walls of the room.

The energy ignited the cloth, and the red flames ignited. The people hiding in the dark screamed, hurriedly pulled down the burning curtains, and stepped on them desperately.

Some people rushed to the door, shouting "Ah, Ah, Eh", and punched continuously. The thumping sound was heard far away, and the zombies in the east of the city were keenly aware of it. They collectively fell into a frenzy, stepped on the corpses of their own kind, and tried their best to crawl in along the gap.

Who is this?

It was the person who hid behind the curtains and peeped last night and scared her.

Go over and take a look.

Jing Wenbin stretched out his hand to block her, with a forced smile on his face, "Boss Xia."


Jing Wenbin licked his dry lips and said carefully: "You said that this matter has completely exceeded my expectations... This is not my intention, it's all because of my subordinates' misunderstanding.

"Boss Xia, let's sit down and have a good talk. You just arrived last night, and as the host, I have to hold a banquet to welcome you. It's all my fault for not managing you well. "

When Jing Wenbin couldn't see the surprised, stunned, and puzzled eyes of his subordinates, he looked at the high-level psychics he was proud of being beaten and fled with heartache. Every corpse lying on the ground was his support.

Compared with the team that was eliminated in his memory, these soldiers are completely not at the same level. They cooperate more tacitly, move flexibly, act quickly, and strike more deadly!

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