I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 502 The Man Above All

At 7 o'clock in the morning, the smoke cleared and the sun was shining brightly.

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows at first, and the corners of his mouth gradually became full of apology, "I'm sorry, they are not my business, I have no right to stop them."

"But you just called them to get up!"

"Oh, this is just a wake-up service provided by the business. You should have experienced it before, right? As a boss, you naturally have to do your best to fulfill your duties in order to retain customers. As you said, without customers, how can I achieve my goal?"


Xia Yan held a professional smile and threw back his original words.

Jing Wenbin fully felt what it meant to shoot himself in the foot. Seeing more and more of his men being captured, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He said without thinking:

"At least our cooperation relationship has not been terminated, right? How can you watch them do evil here? These are the people you brought!"

Xia Yan pushed away the arm in front of her without politeness, "It's useless to argue with me. You'd better go and discuss with General Chu, who is their boss."

"Where is he?!"

"Of course he is in Newland Island."

She took out the RV, jumped into the cab, started the engine, and the RV's built-in obstacle removal function forcibly pushed Jing Wenbin and his men away.

Jing Wenbin felt a strong push from behind, and shame arose spontaneously.

He asked his subordinates in a stiff voice: "Which island is Newland Island?"

"...Maybe, if I remember correctly, it should be the island managed by Ru Yongnan?"


Jing Wenbin looked at the rear of the car that was riding away, and his breath was choked in his throat. He realized that he was being fooled and was so angry that he couldn't make a sound.

The subordinates looked at his face and said carefully: "Or, transfer some support from the team guarding the east of the city and the people chasing Kang Langkang?"

"Then why don't you go quickly! Are you still standing here waiting for me to kick you?!"


If it was a normal day, at this time, a whistling motorcycle flashed by on the road. If it was not a particularly urgent matter, no one would easily drive by. After all, the more the second-generation masters saw cars or people, the more excited they were.

If they were in a good mood, they would stop the car by force and order the people in the car to stand in a vertical line in the middle of the road. Then they would turn the accelerator to the limit until the jet tube emitted black smoke and the sound was deafening. Then they would release the brake and jump onto the springboard with a bang, flying over the heads of several people.

When passing by a bald tree trunk, Ming Ge's eyes glanced at the tree trunk.

There was a dried skull with a missing lid hanging there. A thin fishing line passed through the nostrils. When the wind blew, the collision made a dull, numbing sound.

Ming Ge couldn't help but curse.

I don't know which bastard came up with this dirty trick. When the wheels are lowered at the end of the flight, the wind will lift the hair. If the hair is long enough, it will be rolled into the wheels in the blink of an eye, and the scalp will be torn off...

And no one will investigate such behavior. Most of those who can make a living in this city are desperate and alone. Who cares if they die?

"I wish I could get to that point someday."

Ming Ge showed envy and quickened his pace to the west of the city.

"Since I don't have a background, I will rely on my strength. If I can have another superpower, everything will change. I will be a superior person in the future..."

He suddenly saw the off-road vehicle waiting at the corner of the west gate.

This is it!

The city guard seemed to know the driver. He was leaning against the car door with his back to him, smoking and chatting.

"Brother, how's it going over there?"

"Not so good, all the teams have gone to help, didn't you see that those young masters didn't come out today?"

"Banned? Haha, it's the end of the world, and they're still doing this."

"Well, it's because they're afraid that the young master will cause trouble at any time and anger Mr. Bin."

The city guard didn't say anything, took two puffs, looked at the driver and smiled meaningfully, "Then why are you running out of the city at this time?"

The driver understood immediately and laughed too, took out three boxes of brand new, unopened cigarettes from under the car seat and stuffed them into his arms.

The city guard quickly hid them, and then exhaled a thick smoke ring.

He said: "But I don't care about this. I will open the door to whoever has the documents to leave the city. The reason is not something we can control, don't you think?"

"Yeah, live one day at a time, brother, you are so clear!"


The two chatted about other things for a while, during which the driver kept looking at the rearview mirror, his expression vaguely anxious, and the city guards who got the benefits just pretended not to see it.

Three minutes later, a sneaky figure appeared and ran all the way.

The driver sighed and was full of joy. The city guards were about to make a few jokes, but suddenly saw something in his peripheral vision, straightened his back and walked to the city gate.

The driver opened the door and waited for them to get in the car. He couldn't help but complain in a low voice.

"Why are you so slow? I'm afraid this car will be exposed later!"

"You are so anxious, but we are not?" The man who rushed to the co-pilot and panted sharply was sweating and scolding.

The man sitting in the back seat also said, "Stop talking nonsense, we almost got buried alive."

The driver was starting the car, and when he heard that, he looked at them carefully. They were indeed covered in yellow mud, their fingers were bloody, and their nails were worn off.

"Don't blame me, Mr. Kang, I'm worried too."

Kang Langkang snorted coldly, "Drive quickly before they catch up."

He pulled out a tissue, twisted it into a thin strip and stuffed it into his nasal cavity. After turning it around, he took it out and looked at it again. It was full of mud residue.

"Fuck, the distance is too far. I ran out of power halfway through the journey. What a bad luck."

The moment the power disappeared, thousands of tons of land pressed down densely, and the ribs suddenly made a creaking squeeze sound. The pain rushed to the brain. For a moment, I couldn't tell where the pain came from.

What's more terrifying is that all the oxygen in the chest rushed out in an instant, and a strong sense of suffocation came. The nose subconsciously inhaled, and the mud rushed up.

The foreign body feeling, the suffocation feeling, the pain all over the body, at that moment it was really worse than death.

Kang Langkang couldn't help but resent his second power. Damn, he died in the soil and skipped the step of digging a pit.

He roared: "Drive!!"

The driver stepped heavily, and the car rushed out with a roar.

The city guard suddenly turned his head and took a look, and then walked quickly into the small house.

The driver felt strange, but Kang Langkang kept yelling and urging him like he was having a mental breakdown, so he had to ignore it. He had been restless today anyway.

He stepped on the accelerator harder to vent his emotions.

But the next moment, the front of the car suddenly lifted up, then sank in an instant, and the steering wheel lost control, and crashed into the city wall without control.

The three of them bumped left and right inside, and finally hit the front windshield, and their eyes went black.

In a daze, Kang Langkang felt that he was being pulled out by the back of his neck. In a light blue color, a strange face with several eyes and mouths appeared.

Countless lips swayed, and the sound came muffled as if through the thick soil.

"Where is the thing? Where did you hide it?!"

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