I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 504: Receive with receipt

No, more than one pair.

Brother Ming's eyes moved little by little. On the straight trouser legs were several completely unfamiliar but upright faces.

It was just the look in the other person's eyes that made him feel uncomfortable. It was like looking at a shady bug in the gutter. He wanted to vomit and run away.


What the other party took out from behind his waist appeared on his wrist in the blink of an eye.


Brother Ming lowered his head and looked at the silver handcuffs he had seen in TV series, feeling that he was dreaming.

Since when has there been a police officer in the city?


Someone pushed him on his shoulder, and as soon as he took a step, he felt dizzy and fainted.

"What happened to him?"

"Excessive ischemia, shock."

"...No wonder he reacted so slowly. He thought it was the first time he had a knife. He was stressed."

"How is it possible? He didn't avoid the tree, and he still passed by it. Don't worry, there are no good people in this base. Everything is done according to General Chu's orders."

These three people were one of the teams that came out of the hotel to fight back, and they had their own independent mission.

In the chaos, they touched the off-road vehicle parked outside. Based on the residual aura in the passenger seat of the vehicle, the soldiers with retroactive powers could only obtain vague information.

"One of the parties involved, can you locate his current location? Can you chase him?"


They arrived a step too late and only saw the last scene. Fortunately, the man was still alive.

"Come take a walk with us."


Xia Yan parked the car in front of the building door.

From the outside, there is nothing special about the shape of this building. It is boxy and has two unit doors, and it is still the same style as before. It looks like it was pried from somewhere else.

The only strange thing is that there are no windows on this wall of the building.

The windows are all on the street side, and each window is sealed with anti-theft windows. Xia Yan doesn't believe there are thieves here. The function should be to prevent people in the house from escaping.

She jumped out of the car, walked over and knocked on the door.


"Is anyone there? Who was scaring me from behind last night? Come out and apologize quickly."

Xia Yan's voice was fierce, trying to sound like an unreasonable person. In this place, politeness and civilization were absolutely impossible.

But no one responded.

She knocked a few more times, and this time she leaned against the door and listened carefully, but the door was too thick, or the people inside moved slowly, so she didn't hear anything.

Not far away, someone sent by Jing Wenbin was hiding behind a tree trunk, peeking out furtively.

Xia Yan took out the flyers, took one out and stuffed it along the crack of the door.

"The restaurant is opening with a big reward. We'll see you there at twelve o'clock noon."

In the same way, the door of the other unit was not missed either.

“Remember, we’ll see you there or not.”

Then she jumped into the RV and drove out. When she passed by the tree, she stepped on the brake, picked up a flyer and handed it out, "Everyone has it, but you can't take it down. With this order, you can get a free meatball. Take it quickly." "

The trunk is slender and bald, as bare as a rotten tree. It can only hide a person's face, and the shoulders and limbs are exposed and dangling. It is pure self-deception.

Xia Yan shook the flyer and said, "It's made of pure pork stuffing. Don't want to eat it? Forget it. My boss doesn't like forcing things on others."

The flyer was taken away from her fingers with a swish, and the man looked troubled, unable to say those two words.

At this time, the RV roared past.

The man had no choice but to step forward and catch up, folding the flyer and stuffing it into his collar.

A meatball, hehe.

The closer you get to the east of the city, the clearer the roars of the zombies are, and the more superpowers are gathering on the roadside.

"Boss, take a closer look. The group at the front didn't even think about patching up the hole. They deliberately let the zombies in for us to rush in, and they secretly pried the crystal core themselves."


"Use us as a source of resentment."

"Stop, everyone, go to the back and rest! Are you treating me like fools? Let them play by themselves."

The team cursed and backed away, sitting on the flattest gravel, taking off the water bottle from their waists, and sipping to quench their thirst.

"It's strange, why haven't you seen Mr. Bin coming?"

The team member scratched his itchy scalp and took out the black mud from his fingernails with two pops.

Another team member pointed behind him: "Did you see that building? I heard it was a person with hallucination powers. Mr. Bin went to deal with it and didn't have time to come over."

"I*, when did you show up?"

Everyone turned around and looked at the building that was far taller than all the buildings in the base, comparable to a "galleon", and cast "admiring" glances.

"Is that person stupid? He made it so conspicuous because he was afraid that he wouldn't be noticed? There is no writing on it. Who can read?"

"Vacation hotel."

Everyone was stunned, then laughed.

"Holiday?! What a literate name! If you still think about having fun in this world, your brain must have been kicked by a donkey."

"No, now even the donkeys are alive and turned into bones. They must be scared to death by the zombies!"

A group of people laughed and fell forward and backward, and their fists hammered on the backs of the people next to them.

At this time——

"Do you guys have any different opinions on the name of my hotel?"

A crisp female voice sounded, and an RV parked silently in front of them. The girl sitting in the driver's seat was leaning on her arm, with a smile on her fair face, looking sideways at them.


These people immediately jumped up from the ground and entered a state of alert. They gathered together and watched her warily.

"Me? I'm the boss of the holiday hotel you mentioned. People usually call me Boss Xia." Xia Yan smiled and held out a few flyers.

"The restaurant is open to the public at noon. I hope everyone can go and support us. In addition, each person can get a free meatball with this flyer."

The other party's eyes were still alert, and it was impossible for him to accept this flyer!

What a joke, a restaurant, and meatballs, they are tired of using food as a hook.

This method is simply playing... playing with a big knife in front of Lu Ban!

After Xia Yan counted down to three, she took the flyer back.

She released the brakes and continued to drive forward in the direction of the cave, leaving the team looking at each other in confusion.

"She just left like that? And that direction... Did she run the wrong way?"

"Who just said that President Bin would deal with her? Why did she run here?"

Everyone looked back again, and the building with the name on it was still strong, shining in the morning light, and there was no sign of it falling down at all.

No one at the scene knew the answer.

The woman who claimed to be the owner of the resort hotel had already passed through the crowd and drove the car to the hole where zombies kept coming out.

I don't know what she did, the zombies seemed to be blocked by a transparent barrier, waving their fangs and claws, but they just couldn't break through.

Then, she opened the car door and jumped out, looking around and raised a very standard smile.

"Excuse me for a moment, I'm here to make a GG - the restaurant under the name of the resort hotel will open at noon, and the food provided includes braised pork, big bones, noodles, rice, big steamed buns, and iced beer... the price is affordable for everyone."

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