Everyone present was stunned.

Where on earth did this person come from? What kind of fantasy is she talking about?

Meat? Bones? Taken from zombies? ! Can that be sold as a gimmick?

"Where is President Bin? What did you do to him?"

The voice came from nowhere, but it successfully caused an uproar at the scene-

"What happened to President Bin?"

"Is he dead?"

"Spread it down, President Bin died today for unknown reasons, and the successor has not been decided. Everyone can fight for the position!"

"Bullshit, I have President Bin's suicide note, which says that I will be the next city lord!"

A group of people ignored Xia Yan directly, and it only took a blink of an eye from the fierce quarrel to the fight.

In the chaos, many people took the opportunity to fish in troubled waters, sneaked onto the zombies' heads, and pried out the crystal cores inside.

Ever since the hole in the city wall was discovered, the smart people have been waiting here, killing zombies one by one. The hole is so big and thick that it will not collapse at all, but the zombies' brains are broken into pieces and lined up to die.

This is much less dangerous than leaving the city.

So this is the ultimate reason why the hole has not been blocked.

"Stop fighting! Stop fighting!!"

The person who had been following behind Xia Yan's car and inhaled a mouthful of exhaust gas hurried over. Seeing the internal fighting scene, he couldn't breathe and pulled this and that.

What if President Bin knew about it!

After not seeing him for a whole morning, he was labeled as dead and turned into bones.

At this time, someone finally recognized him as someone around President Bin and pulled him to the front: "Tell me, did President Bin leave a suicide note?!"


"Your President Bin is still alive." Xia Yan spoke again, and when everyone's eyes were focused here, she waved the flyer and repeated the words of receiving meatballs again.

Jing Wenbin will die one day, and what is more important now is that she is attracting customers.

"Is she telling the truth?"

The stalker nodded, and then threw out a heavy bullet: "Boss Bin has gone inside to eat."


"As long as you bring enough crystal cores, you can order whatever you want from me. There is no limit on bones, rice, and iced beer!"

The crystal core between Xia Yan's fingers flashed a rainbow light in the sunlight.

It was a level 5 crystal core.

She kicked the zombies that were obviously alive but unable to struggle under her feet, indicating to everyone that the crystal core was right in front of them. As long as they pried out one more, they could stuff more food into their stomachs.

This was a completely cost-free thing!

Xia Yan cut out the surveillance on the second floor of the store, found the picture containing Jing Wenbin, expanded her fingers, and chose to project it on the wall of the RV.

"There is no sound, everyone just make do with it, the picture is still very clear."

She stepped back a few steps.

Everyone knows the surveillance records, but it is very novel to see them in the end of the world, and the key point is that Jing Wenbin is in the picture.

The crowd gradually gathered. The people in the last row stepped on the gravel, tiptoed and raised their heads, looking over the heads of the crowd and falling on the table in front of Jing Wenbin.

"What are the dishes?"

"A plate of pork head meat, a plate of big elbow, a plate of three fresh vegetables, and two plates of dumplings."

"How do you see it clearly?"

"Oh, eat it."

While everyone was talking, President Bin finally stopped talking and returned to his original purpose.

He picked up the chopsticks and stretched them out--

"Eat the elbow! It's boiled soft and tender at first glance, and it's boneless when you lick it with your lips. In one word, it's delicious!"

"No, pick up the pork head meat! It's fragrant and crispy, and it's definitely a good dish to go with wine!"

"Wrong, wrong, it's more delicious than dumplings, with meat and noodles, I can eat 40 of them."

The spectators were arguing until their faces turned red, their fingers were spread out and pressed on others' faces, and their heads were leaning forward. Although they knew that Jing Wenbin couldn't hear, they also raised their voices to give advice.

As if the food they picked up could go into their mouths.

Bang bang—bind!

Xia Yan held the gong in her left hand and the stick in her right hand, and knocked on it three times, DuangDuang was deafening.

"Everyone, it's time to place your bets! Which dish will Mr. Bin choose in the end? The four dishes correspond to the four options ABCD respectively, and the minimum bet is four crystal cores, and the maximum is unlimited.

In addition, the biggest winner will get an extra braised fish provided by the resort hotel! It can be taken away or eaten in the restaurant!"

She prepared the props neatly and waved her hand to indicate that everyone should place bets.

"Is it the delicious braised pork elbow, the crispy pork head, the fresh stir-fried vegetables, or the dumplings with the taste of memory that will be picked up in the end?

"You don't need to bet your life, nor do you need to bet on the future, just four small crystal cores! It becomes a lot of crystal cores, enough for you to eat delicious food in the restaurant, eat a big elbow and throw one away! It doesn't matter if you lose, the zombies outside are ready-made ATMs!

"If you hesitate, you will lose. If you are decisive, you will lose! Come on, everyone line up in turn. That's right, throw it in like this."

The Ren and Du meridians were opened, and everyone said they had never been so clear-headed!

There is nothing wrong with it, and there is no cost at all. There are only four zombies. One hammer can kill seven or eight of them.

Throw it! Throw it now! Throw it right away!

Throwing less is a lack of trust in your own strength!

At worst, at worst, this hole can be blocked later!

Ding ding bang bang, dang dang dang.

This is the echo of wealth.

Xia Yan's eyes were curved with joy, and he swiped the registration information on the notebook.

The surveillance screen on the wall of the car lit up with a white triangle pointing to the right, and it zoomed in to a close-up of Jing Wenbin stretching out his chopsticks to pick up something.

What on earth would he pick up? !

The men who had placed their bets were reluctant to leave, staring at the screen with wide eyes.

Xia Yan waited until the last person had finished casting his bet and sealed the lid.

"Boss Bin's final choice is——"

The surveillance screen played normally, and Jing Wenbin stretched out his chopsticks and firmly picked up the potatoes of the three fresh dishes.

"Fuck! You're just eating chicken feather potatoes!"

"I was struggling between elbows and dumplings, and you finally picked up a potato?!"

"Every day it's either potato strips or potato shreds, either mashed potatoes or potato soup. Jing Wenbin, you must have been suffocated to death by potatoes on your face in your previous life? You must eat them all in this life for generations to come?!"

There was a wailing at the scene, and only the five people who did not take the usual path and chose the three fresh dishes cheered and knelt on the ground and cried loudly.

"I knew it! I knew it!"

"Boss Bin loves potatoes the most in his life. He has to hug a potato pillow when he sleeps!"

A goat-faced man with a mustache twisted his beard and concluded: "It turns out that this is a high-end game. It's about who knows Boss Bin better. I was careless."

"Congratulations to the final winner. You can choose one of the remaining three boxes. All the crystal cores inside belong to you. In addition, there are five braised fish redemption coupons provided by our store. Please keep them~"

While waiting for them to get the boxes without any hints, Xia Yan took out four new boxes with a smile and said to the unwilling people:

"Please think carefully this time. What dish will Boss Bin pick up with his second chopsticks?"

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