Xia Yan thought of something and said with a smile: "Don't go in a hurry. I remember I said before that I would compensate you for the privileges, right?"


Xia Yan started to operate in the background. He first found Jing Yimai's name and gave him some abilities to use small squares in the permission options.

"You have worked hard these days to act as a hotel bodyguard. Especially today at noon is the first outdoor operation of the restaurant. There may be many people who come to make trouble. You are responsible for dealing with them."

Jing Wenbin felt that he understood, but he couldn't believe it.

"you said..."

Within the scope of the hotel, he had seen Xia Yan's control methods, that kind of...

It can't be true. He can also have this ability?

Xia Yan nodded: "Yes, it is the ability to make people into small cubes. You can try it."

Jing Yimai felt that his heart was beating very fast, could he still be used by others?

"How should I...use it, or does it have a name or something?"

Xia Yan: "I usually call capture, you should use it the same way."

Jing Yimai tried softly: "Capture."

Suddenly, the air in front of him condensed into a square solid shape. He knew that this was the small square that could confine all powers!

But, how come he doesn't have the feeling of energy flowing and converging in his body when using super powers?

Is this really a superpower?

Jing Yimai felt it was magical, but also had a creepy feeling. If this ability had no limit on the number of times it could be used, wouldn't it mean that it was truly invincible?

"Xiao Jing, you know the store rules very well. Only those who violate the store rules will be punished, and you only have the right to arrest them." Xia Yan suddenly looked at him and said seriously, "You can't take personal revenge, as long as Jing Wen Bin didn’t violate the store rules, otherwise you would be wiped out by me.”

Jing Yimai fell silent and nodded cautiously.

The atmosphere was not good. Xia Yan smiled and said, "But there are advantages. Although I only give you the permission for three days, you will be automatically classified under the employee list of the hotel main store during these three days. During this period, you will not be subject to any restrictions." Any damage, so enjoy your invincibility moment.”

At this time, Bear finally came out, wearing a chef's hat that he found somewhere.

Its bright black eyes flickered between the two of them, blinking and asking: "Boss, are you leaving?"

"Come on, Xiaojing, come and help." Xia Yan waved his hand.

In the safe area, she found the stainless steel table, chairs and bench at the bottom of the dust-sealed box from the system grid. Although it was covered with a thick layer of dust, the legs of the table were strong and she could be slapped continuously.

Wild boars can't eat fine chaff, so she feels bad for using good things for those people.

Xiong Xiong and Jing Yimai started busy setting the table. Seeing that there were not enough manpower, Xia Yan called down the waiters on each floor, filling them with water and washing rags.

The outdoor restaurant on the west side of the safety zone had not been visited for a long time. Xia Yan took this opportunity to ask his employees to dismantle it and put in stainless steel tables.

The flower pots and other items that were previously used to create landscaping and create atmosphere were all put into the system grid by her.

Then she stands in front of a clothing store, hardware store, etc. Does she need a lock? If you feel uneasy, at least arrange for employees to guard inside.

Xia Yan naturally didn't believe that those people could pay automatically or not cause sabotage.

After thinking deeply, she decided to move down a few employees upstairs.

When moving tables and placing stools, they would hit the marble and make a sharp squeaking sound. This sound was directly transmitted to the open windows upstairs, and some people dared to poke their heads out to take a look.

It turns out that the safe area was turned into a restaurant. Could it be that the second floor is closed?

With this terrifying thought, someone walked out of the room, took the elevator downstairs, and nudged closer to Xia Yan along the wall.

"Boss Xia, why are the second and third floors closed? Will you eat outside in the future?"

The voice was a bit aggrieved.

His eyes scanned the completely unfamiliar environment outside.

The building opposite looks eerie. I always feel like there are eyes hiding behind it, peeking in. There is black smoke not far away, and I can even hear the roar of zombies as they approach...

Screams of fighting and killing rang out from time to time, and superpowers could always be seen flying all over the sky.

Even now——

"Stop, you half-finished product. If I catch you, it won't be as simple as sending you to the laboratory. Stop it!"

A man wielding an iron rod ran through the street cursing and chasing a half-clothed man.

The man was clean all over and didn't seem to have a single hair on his body, but his face when he turned his head was terrifying.

They were a pair of blood-red eyeballs with small pupils only as big as fingernails. A transparent tube protruding from the nostrils hung from his mouth, swaying up and down as he ran.

His mouth was wide open, as if there was a fixator inside, and he was completely unable to close it on his own.

I saw him pulling on the hose in extreme discomfort, his body trembling several times visibly. At the same time, he exerted force on his hands and tilted his head back desperately, trying to pull the hose out.

But the next second, he suddenly retched in his throat, as if something was stuck at the top of his esophagus.

His legs gave way and he fell to his knees, his body arched into a shrimp shape.

The man caught up with him, stepped on his face and crushed him hard.

"Run, you fucking run for me! I chased you three streets!"

The more the man cursed, the angrier he became. When he got to the back, he simply raised the iron bar and hit it with all his strength...


The customer hid behind Xia Yan with a pale face, and the hand holding the corner of her clothes was shaking.

Hearing the cry, the man turned his head and looked over. His face was splattered with blood spots, sliding down.

He wiped it carelessly, stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked it into his mouth, and raised his eyebrows at Xia Yan provocatively.

Then he grabbed the corpse's feet, threw it on his back and walked back slowly.

The bald, light-bulb-like slippery head bounced on his hips, and the arms hanging beside him were soft like noodles, swinging back and forth.

"A life is gone just like that..." The customer looked at it and said in despair.

Xia Yan did not reply to him.

Life is inherently fragile, and the cruel reality will teach a person with bad roots to ignore life at the fastest speed. Such people have no conscience and normal people cannot understand.

Xia Yan turned around and answered his previous question: "The second and third floors are open for business as usual, but they are not open to the public. If you have nothing to do, try not to go out. You can see that it is extremely unsafe outside."

The customer was still uneasy about what he had just seen, and only now did he truly understand the reason Xia Yan had said before.

He thought it was too simple.

Looking at the customer's hurried escape and regretful back, Xia Yan was quite helpless. She had said it so clearly, why did it feel like he just understood it now?

Is this what you can learn after teaching someone once?

There is no worst person, only worse. Never try to challenge and influence others' superficial evil with your own simplicity, ignorance and stupidity.

Just when Xia Yan was distracted, someone approached.

"Do you need me to go out and deal with him?"

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